President, don't be your woman

Chapter 148 Finale Love, Like Beginning 6

Chapter 148 Finale Love, Like Beginning 6
"Why is it bulging? Is there anything else?" Feng Qingyang looked at the envelope curiously.

Of course, Shen Yumo would not satisfy his curiosity, so he left the club with that letter.

In the car, he couldn't wait to get home, so he turned on the lights in the car and opened the letter.

At that moment, he held his breath, only looking at her flowing handwriting——

Yumo, I'm sorry, so many things have happened, I think we all need a long time to let go.

Don't look for me, just accompany grandpa well, if there is a destiny, I believe we will get together.Of course, if there is no fate, please don't be sad, life is just a drama, joys and sorrows, there is always a feast that ends.

No matter what, I hope you can let go of the past and find another happiness, and I will always bless you...

Shen Yumo took a long, long time to digest those few words.

Then, he took out another small thing from the envelope, which was a very small mini voice recorder. He immediately pressed the play button, wondering if she had any more words for him, but only heard a song from inside. The song is a song she recorded, a very quiet and very comfortable Buddhist song, and there is almost no high-pitched tune in the whole process.

He thought, did she know that he would suffer from insomnia, so she recorded this song for him?
Every day after that, whether in his car, in his room, or in his office, he could only hear this song.There was less contact between Feng Qingyang and the others, few people knew where he was, and no one saw a smile on his face.

Old Master Shen saw it, and thought that when Lian Xin left, he could still comfort this grandson, but Ruoxi's departure completely took away his heart and his life, so he Only one walking dead remains.

Until one day, he stopped looking, no longer looking for Ruoxi's whereabouts, because there was some crisis in the New York branch, and he needed to go there in person.

The moment he got on the plane, he was calm.

The whole world seemed to be peaceful.

Many people thought that he had accepted the fact that Ruoxi had left, but they didn't know that it was the song Ruoxi left for him. He played that song tirelessly and listened to her voice. For some reason, her The voice sang that song, and there was a kind of calming magical power, and it was in this power that he slowly calmed himself down.

It turned out that Ruoxi didn't keep that song to make him remember her, on the contrary, she just wanted him to forget her.

However, how can a person who has loved deeply forget it?
One day he was driving past the Empire State Building.

The car stopped under the traffic light at the intersection, he saw the majestic building at a glance, and looked up to the top, Ruoxi, without me by your side, will you take good care of yourself?
He didn't have an answer, and suddenly remembered a movie "Beijing Meets Seattle" that he had watched with her, in which the hero and heroine finally met on the top floor of the Empire State Building and drew a perfect ending.He will never forget that she was so moved in a mess at that time, but he still didn't know what she was moving?
Now he finally understood, but she had disappeared.

This evening, he resolved the company's crisis and booked a flight back home.

In the Shen family's old house, only the old man and Aunt Fang are left now, and it is deserted.

When he entered, the old man was watering the flowers.

In ordinary days, always find something fun for yourself.

Seeing him coming back, the old man put down the kettle in his hand, and looked at him in surprise: "Yu Mo, are you back?"

"Yeah!" He nodded lightly.

"How's your time going?" The old man asked with concern, but he actually wanted to ask Ruoxi, just to avoid hurting his wound, so he didn't dare to ask the name out of his mouth.

As for Shen Yumo, only when facing his grandfather would he show a slight smile and say, "Very well, please rest assured, Grandpa."

The old man looked at his calmness, and there was a smile on his old face.

"Grandpa, I have something to talk to you about!" Shen Yumo said again.

"Okay, let's go in and talk!"

"Also, there is one more thing——" Shen Yumo turned to Aunt Fang, "Aunt Fang, please call Shen Wenyang and ask him to come over."

Mr. Shen is even more strange. Over the years, Yu Mo has called his father by his name, never called his father, and never bothered to say a word to him. What happened today?

After returning to the house, the old man immediately asked, "Yu Mo, what's the matter? What happened?"

"Grandpa, I hope you can promise me one thing!" He knelt down in front of the old man.

"What's so serious? Get up first!"

"No!" He shook his head, "Grandpa, I'm going to find Ruoxi!"

"Haven't you been looking for it?" The old man asked strangely.

"She just doesn't want to be found by me, so she keeps changing her route. I don't think she will come back again, but I can't lose her like this. I want to find her, everywhere, everywhere!"

This sentence, he said with incomparable firmness!
Mr. Shen finally nodded: "Okay, I promise you!"

"Grandpa, please forgive my unfilial piety!" He kowtowed heavily.

The old man was also shocked by his feelings. After a long time, there were tears in his eyes, and he said: "Get up, my son, Grandpa is still in good health. There is nothing wrong. You can go to Ruoxi, and if you find her, take her away." Bring it back, Grandpa is still waiting to organize your wedding!"

"Thank you grandpa!"

Then Shen Wenyang came.

Shen Yumo didn't have too many emotions and expressions towards him, and his tone was as cold as ever: "Our whole family has paid the price for all your actions. Now, I don't ask you to bear the responsibility of being a father, but please Take on the responsibility of being a son of man, and take good care of grandpa and his elders during my absence. At the same time, I have also dealt with all the problems in the company, and I will leave it to you now. You are not required to make it stronger, as long as It’s enough to save Grandpa’s hard work, as for the rest, you can figure it out yourself!”

What you said is really contemptuous enough!

Shen Wenyang was not angry, but asked, "Why? What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to find Ruoxi!"

"Where did you find it?"

"Don't ask me this, just answer me, my business, can you agree?"

Anyone who dares to talk to the old man in this tone in the world, I am afraid that Shen Yumo will be No.1.

Shen Wenyang looked at the old man again, "Dad—"

The old man nodded to him wordlessly, meaning he agreed to Yu Mo's request.

Shen Wenyang was still very puzzled, and asked Yu Mo again: "Why, don't you blame me now, don't you hate me?"

"So what can I do if I hate you? As long as I can find Ruoxi, I will only be grateful to God, and I will not blame anyone else!" I will no longer blame Shen Wenyang, nor will I blame Ruan Suxin.

"Then when are you coming back?"

"I don't know either! I probably found her and will be back soon!"

"What if you can't find it?"

"I won't find her! I will definitely find her, whether she is alive or dead, I will definitely find her!"

He once said that in this life, he would never let her be alone again!No matter when he finds her, he will definitely find her!
Shen Wenyang was moved by his feelings, moved his face, and finally nodded, "I promise you, whether it is your grandfather or Shen, you can rest assured!"

Shen Yumo nodded to him when he heard this sentence: "Thank you!"

In the end, Shen Yumo kowtowed heavily to the old man three times, got up, and strode away from the house.

Life starts again from this moment, and it is a journey to find her——

He didn't know what kind of journey this was. He only had one belief in his heart, which was to find her!
This search took four years!

In the past four years, he has traveled all over the world, seen the sea of ​​lavender flowers in Provence, visited the Amalfi Coast in Italy, and passed through Barcelona, ​​the most beautiful city in the world. The perfect legend for a classic legend, without her, the legend is not a legend, perfect, never perfect.

He didn't stop at any one place for anyone, and continued to search.

Time goes by bit by bit, the vicissitudes of the years, the old age, only to find her faith, more and more firm!Yes, more and more determined: Ruoxi, regardless of life or death, the ends of the earth, I will never let you be alone again!

At the beginning, he was still anxious and uneasy, but as time passed bit by bit in his search, he was slowly relieved, no matter how long it took, he would definitely find her.

Another three months passed, and he walked into the south of the Yangtze River. In a dreamlike town in the south of the Yangtze River, he searched for her footprints.

Of course, he wasn't sure if she would be here, but as soon as he walked in, he felt that she would like this place, surrounded by mountains and rivers, quiet and elegant, and it should be a good choice to settle here after finding her.

Suddenly, he heard the music of pipa, and in this music, there was an inexplicable familiar feeling, which made him palpitate, and he couldn't help but walked along the sound of the music, and finally saw, beside a small stream, there was a group of The child was surrounded by a woman. It was a familiar figure from the back, with long hair like waves, and a beautiful figure in blue clothes. He had misidentified it countless times, but at this moment, he was finally sure that it was her, the one in his every dream!
She holds the pipa in her arms, and beautiful music flows between her fingers.

He suddenly lost his breath, but his heart was beating violently. He swore that this was the most beautiful picture he had ever seen. Everything was just like the first time he saw her. She was as beautiful as a dream!
He couldn't take his eyes off her anymore!

When the music stopped, her voice sounded, she smiled and said to the children beside her, "This is the end of today's concert, everyone is going home, okay?"

The children dispersed, and finally there was only one boy left. He was only about three or four years old. He stood up and said sweetly, "Mom, let me help you get the pipa!"

"No, the pipa is very heavy, mother just needs to hold it." She smiled gently and touched his little head.

At this time, the little boy turned his head and saw Shen Yumo at a glance.

Two people, one big and one small, stared at each other intently.

This is his son, Shen Yumo looked at the little face that resembled himself, and he was [-]% sure in his heart.

Unexpectedly, she had two miscarriages, and even Sangzi said that her chance of getting pregnant was only [-]%, and the chance of giving birth to a child was only [-]%. One percent, but God gave them this one-ten-thousandth miracle after giving them unbearable grief one after another.

Is this considered God's blessing to them?

Ruoxi seemed to feel his gaze, and turned around slowly——

Unexpectedly, after four years, he still found it!
The dusty smell and the vicissitudes of life between the brows are all the charms that make her heart beat. It turns out that no matter how many years have passed, she will still sink with just one glance!

She smiled slowly!
At this moment, everything in the world disappeared in their eyes, and in the end, only each other was left...

(End of the article)

(End of this chapter)

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