President, don't be your woman

Chapter 23 In fact, he already has a fiancee

Chapter 23 In fact, he already has a fiancee

It was as if this house isolated them from the world, and there were only two of them left in this world. They were as happy and happy as they wanted, and they forgot all the past, all the tragic and painful memories.

He also cooks for her himself and cooks for her.

"You don't look like someone lives here, how can there be something ready to eat?" She asked while eating.

"Yeah, I don't know how long ago the food was, it's probably going to be moldy." He deliberately scared her.

"I think it's because you made it unpalatable, so you're making excuses for yourself?"

"That's better than yours, do I need an excuse?" He snorted.In fact, he specially asked people to prepare these dishes in advance today, because he knew they would come, and because he knew she would be hungry.

"Yes, yes, your cooking is more delicious. From now on, you will be in charge of cooking. I don't care." She blurted out this sentence involuntarily.

Perhaps, it was because she mentioned two words, "later".

This is a very complicated word for them, and his smile faded a little.It's just that Ruoxi lowered her head to eat, and didn't notice his complicated expression.

I also have to admit that the dishes made by this guy are really delicious, and they are indeed better than hers.

She was still thinking that she would ask him how he can cook later, because she never knew he could cook before.However, before she could speak, a doorbell suddenly rang outside the door.

She looked at him strangely: "Did you invite other guests?"

He didn't answer, got up and went to open the door.

She looked over curiously, and there was a young man standing at the door. He handed him a rectangular gift box with a smile, and then left.

He walked in and handed the box to her.

"For me?" she asked in surprise.

"Open it and see if you like it."

This gift box is not small, and it is very heavy to hold. She didn't know what was in it, and she was afraid that something fragile might break it, so she sat on the sofa, untied the gift knot carefully, and carefully put the box open...

A guitar lay quietly inside.

"You actually gave me a guitar?" Her eyes suddenly lit up, and she picked up the guitar.

"Try it!"

"it is good!"

She loves music, and her biggest hobby is to try various musical instruments, like those expensive jewelry and brand-name clothing, not every woman loves it, but musical instruments, no matter what kind of musical instrument they are, she must like them.

She plucked the strings lightly, and a stream of euphemistic and beautiful music overflowed from her fingers.You don't need to ask, this guitar must be specially ordered by him.

This kindness moved her.Because he once said that he wants to give her the best and everything that is unique to her. He wants her to be the happiest woman in the world, happier than any other woman.

Now, is he fulfilling his promise?

A sweet smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he asked softly and gently, "What do you want to hear?"

"Whatever I want to hear, will you play it for me?"

"Yeah!" As long as it was what he wanted, she would give it to her.

He smiled again, brushed the hair from her ear, kissed her lightly on the cheek, and said, "As long as it's played by you or sung by you, I like it."

She couldn't help thinking about the past——

At that time, they often sat on the lawn, he listened to her play the guitar, she sang to him, every time they raised their eyes, they would bump into his gentle and affectionate eyes.Such a memory, to him, maybe she is still very young, but to her, it is the most beautiful and unforgettable memory.

But now, the song "Myth of the Stars and Moon" once again brought back their memories of the past.

He indulged in her singing countless times, because of what he once said, he wanted her to only play the piano for him and sing for him in her life, so after her father passed away, she devoted herself to the business world without hesitation, and Ruo Ruo Hang together to keep his father's hard work.She has never regretted that she did not stick to her music dream.

The fireworks outside the window lasted for a long time.

And this night, he set off fireworks all night for her, and she played the guitar all night for him.

In the end, I snuggled into his arms, quietly sending off the fireworks, and quietly ushering in the dawn.

She even imagined, if time freezes at this moment and happiness stops at this moment, how good it would be?However, time can never stop...

They stayed in this villa for two full days, she played the guitar to him, he cooked for her, they didn't mention all the past, and she couldn't remember the kind of harm he gave her. .

Everything seemed to have cleared up after the rain, they loved each other day and night, until the afternoon of the third day, they returned to the bustling city.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked after driving into the city.

"Well—" She thought for a while, then turned her head and looked at him seriously: "I want to go to pick up Xinxin after school."

She knew that she shouldn't mention Xinxin's name at this moment, but this was really the thing she wanted to do the most right now.Moreover, they can't escape forever. If they want to be together, he must accept Xinxin, and she can't let Xinxin go.

Seeing his silence, she cautiously asked again: "Is it okay?"

He didn't answer right away, and his deep face made it hard to see what he was thinking at the moment.

Shouldn't she be hasty?
When she hesitated again and again, and finally decided to forget it, he asked quietly at this moment: "Where is her kindergarten?"

"On XX Road." She reported the address.

"Okay, let's pick her up for dinner."

She quietly observed his reaction, has he let go of Xinxin?

She guessed, not sure.However, just as they turned a corner at an intersection, it didn't take long before a red sports car blocked in front of their car.

She didn't pay attention at first, and focused all her energy on him. When he braked suddenly, she was startled. After she stabilized her body, she realized that she was blocked by a red sports car in front of her.

A little familiar, but she couldn't remember who the owner of this sports car was.

Before she had time to ask him what was going on, the owner of the car opened the door and got out, and a figure with a touch of demon red appeared in front of them.

"Murphy?" She was taken aback.

This Murphy was the general manager of Mo's who broke the contract with Yunzhou, Murphy.

Why is she here?

She came over and patted on the car window: "Lan Ruoxi, come out for me!"

Ruoxi didn't know what to do for a while, she glanced at Shen Yumo, the warm atmosphere of talking and laughing in the car just now disappeared because of Mo Fei's appearance.

And he just glanced at Murphy outside the car window expressionlessly.

Ruoxi didn't know what this look represented, nor did she know if there was any relationship between the two of them, she finally opened the door and got out of the car, and before she could close the car door, Mo Fei slapped her face.

"Miss Mo..." Ruoxi covered her face, looking at her in disbelief, not knowing why she beat herself.

"You vixen, I just want to slap you!" As he said that, he wanted to give him a second slap.

Shen Yumo rushed over in time, grabbed her fallen arm forcefully, and said coldly: "Murphy, what are you messing around with?"

"I'm messing around? I hit her, Lan Ruoxi!" Murphy roared sharply.

"Enough!" He grabbed her arm and shook her vigorously, throwing her aside, "The dignified Miss Mo family, don't mess around on the street."

"My fiancé is about to be snatched away, and you still tell me not to be rude?"

Ruoxi was stunned, and looked at Shen Yumo in disbelief. What did Mo Fei say just now, that she was his fiancee?

Does he already have a fiancée?
So what did he say and do to himself?Are you just kidding with her?
Ruoxi was stabbed, everything that happened suddenly confused her, and she couldn't hear what they said later.

Mo Fei got up from the ground and rushed towards her again, "Lan Ruoxi, listen carefully, he, Shen Yumo, is my man, and we have been engaged for a long time, so don't try to get involved, he is mine." The man is mine, do you hear? Don’t lose control of your own company, just come and steal other people’s men, I tell you, you can’t take them away..."

"In this case, what are you afraid of?" Ruoxi didn't know why, at this moment, she was still so calm.Nor did she feel anything about Murphy shaking her from side to side.

Later, Shen Yumo pulled her away again.

Ruoxi felt that she had gained freedom, so she walked to Xinxin's kindergarten without saying a word.

"Ruoxi!" He chased after her and grabbed her arm, "I'll take you to the kindergarten."

"This is very close to the kindergarten, no need." She broke free from his arm indifferently.

Why don't you ask him, don't yell at him, don't scold him?

she does not know.

He followed her, trying to explain: "Listen to me Ruoxi, she was arranged for me by my grandfather, it's just a political marriage, you don't have to worry about her, I will break off the engagement with her..."

She was silent the whole time.

Although his explanations are powerful and sound, she is thinking that his grandfather made it for him. Since he doesn't like her, why is there such a marriage contract?

Didn't he acquiesce in the beginning?
What else to say, to marry her, in fact, he already has a fiancée.

"Ruoxi, say something!"

She didn't speak, but tears rolled down her cheeks.

Finally, the matter of Lianxin is over, and another one comes out, what is the self who is caught in the middle?
"Please, don't cry!" Regardless of everything, he held her in his arms on the side of the road, and said in her ear over and over again: "Tomorrow I will break off the engagement with her, or, you Want me to go now?"

"I don't want you to do anything." She pushed him hard, but she couldn't push him away. She suddenly felt that the sweetness in the past was a lie, and her tears couldn't stop falling: "Don't lie to me again." Okay? Three years ago there was Lianxin, I don’t know, three years later there is Mo Fei, I don’t know, you always don’t tell me anything, but I always trust you foolishly, now you don’t know anything Don't say any more, I won't believe you in anything anymore..."

(End of this chapter)

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