President, don't be your woman

Chapter 27 I Don't Believe You

Chapter 27 I Don't Believe You

"Wait a minute, I'm getting better soon." He said without looking up.

She just sat and waited.

For her, five or six hours of work is not enough for her. It only took him two hours to do it.

However, 10 minutes passed and he remained in his original position.She touched the soup bowl with her hand, and it was a little cold. In order to make it cool slowly, she picked it up and held it in her hand.

It's just that it doesn't matter if you don't hold it, you actually drank most of the soup into your stomach.

She had just taken her last sip when he looked up.He asked amusedly, "Where's my soup?"

"I'm done." Anyway, she had finished drinking, and she had to admit it if she didn't want to.

"Miss, I help you work, but you finished all my soup?"

"Who told you to dawdle all the time." She muttered.

"Who am I dawdling for?"

"Well, I've finished drinking, what do you want?" She looked desperate.

But he beckoned to her, "Come here!"

She didn't know what he was going to do, but she still walked over...

Now that she had eaten his soup, he wanted her to pay with her life.

She didn't reject him.

After the passion, she looked at the peaceful and harmless face of a baby under the moonlight. For some reason, she always looked at him like this, but she couldn't get enough of it?
Even, she couldn't ignore the uneasiness in her heart, a kind of uneasiness that had never been shown in front of him.

Yumo, can we still last forever?
She has no answer.

The next day, she didn't go to the company, but stayed at home to learn how to cook western food from Butler Wei, and asked Butler Wei not to tell him, because she wanted to surprise him on her birthday.

In the past year when they were in love, he never celebrated her birthday, and she didn't want to deliberately mention it. She just remembered that on the only birthday, she wanted to give him a surprise on that day, but he missed the appointment that day. He didn't appear in front of her until the next day, saying that he wanted to compensate her for a Valentine's Day.

She just smiled and didn't tell him that the seventh day of July was not only Valentine's Day, but also her birthday.

Soon, the seventh day of July will come again.

I don't know what happened to his company recently, he always goes to the company very early.

In fact, he is not a man who only hangs out on the bed, he has always done things properly.

On this day, she was at home all day, and she had already learned western food. The butler Wei taught her how to make fruit salad and some desserts and pastries.

She also specially went to queue for a long time and bought two movie tickets. "Beijing Meets Seattle" is a movie she has always wanted to watch, but she can't get tickets, especially today, Valentine's Day , The line was very long, she waited for nearly an hour.

Then, she stayed at home quietly, didn't call him to rush him, but just waited for him to come back.

She thought, he shouldn't forget, right?

In the morning, Ruohang called her and wished her a happy birthday. Not long after, A Zi also called her and wished her a happy birthday.

After noon, she went back home. Her mother prepared some pastries for afternoon tea, and even made a small birthday cake by herself, and took Xinxin home early.Xinxin walked up to her with the cake in her hands and said to her, "Mom, happy birthday to you!"

At this moment, she was so moved that she wanted to cry.

She is never alone, there are many people around her who really care about her.

Later, someone rang the doorbell and Xinxin went to open the door excitedly. A dark blue shadow with a camera on his back rushed in and hugged Xinxin, "Baby, do you miss Auntie? Auntie misses you so much!"

"Sangyu?" Blue Mother shouted in surprise.

"Sang Yu, didn't you travel to Europe? Why did you come back suddenly?" Ruoxi also asked.

"Of course, today is my sister's birthday, can I not come back?" Sang Yu walked into the living room with a grin.

Compared with Ruoxi, she is quite a young and cheerful girl.

Ruoxi grabbed her and walked around the living room several times, "Come and let my sister see, you girl, you have been gone for several months, you still have the same personality, you haven't changed at all."

"Of course, if it changes, it won't be the Sang Yu you know."

It is not an exaggeration to describe her with her personality. She is obviously a girl, but she never wears a skirt in summer. She is wearing a dark blue casual jumpsuit, cropped pants, a white vest inside, and white feet. sneakers.In addition to the camera on his back, he also carried a black zongzi-shaped backpack.

This backpack was given to her by her brother on her 21st birthday. He also said that when he saw this backpack, he thought it was tailor-made for his Sangyu, and no one was more suitable for it than her. up.

"Sang Yu, you're back this time, you can't run around anymore, stay at home well, your brother doesn't care about you in the hospital, so you just live here with your aunt, you know?" Mother Lan said.

"Yes, Auntie!" She saluted Mother Lan playfully.

"Auntie, Auntie," Xin Xin tugged at her bag, and kept shouting, "I want a gift, I want a gift..."

"Okay, your gift, Auntie has forgotten that no one can forget our heart!" Sang Yu pulled her to sit down on the sofa, opened her backpack, and took out the small gift prepared for her from it.

Then, she took out another delicate gift box and gave it to Ruoxi, "Here, this is for you, happy birthday!"

"Thank you!"

Ruoxi opened the gift, but unexpectedly, inside was a set of very see-through and very sexy underwear.

"You are not, Sang Yu!" Ruoxi was dumbfounded.

"What's wrong? I heard that you have found your Mr. Ruyi, and you are happy with the marriage. This is for you to increase the fun!"

"Okay, okay, thank you!" Ruoxi said angrily.

She and Sang Yu have played together since childhood, and their relationship with her is no less than that with Ruohang. Now that she is back, they played happily and chatted for a long time.

She didn't return to Shen Yumo's house until four o'clock in the afternoon.

He was due to leave work at five o'clock, and she started preparing their candlelight dinner.

Housekeeper Wei understood her intentions, so he was not prepared to help from the beginning.

Normally, he would arrive home around [-]:[-], but today he didn't come back until [-]:[-].

I don't know if something happened, she was worried about him, but she didn't dare to call, afraid that he was busy with a meeting or something.

Another half an hour passed, and while she was thinking wildly, the landline at home rang.

She was sitting next to her, and when she saw that it was his call, she picked it up, "Yu Mo, what's the matter? When are you coming back?"

"Ruoxi? I ​​still have something to do in the company right now. I have a meeting in 10 minutes. I left a document at home, can you deliver it for me?"

"Of course, you can tell me where it is, and I will send it to you right now."

"It's in the second drawer of the study. The key is in the first drawer. When you open it, you'll see a briefcase. That's it." He hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

She hurried to his room, found the key in the first drawer, and opened the second.

This drawer has always been locked, and only put some more important things in it.

However, she was stunned when she opened the drawer. There was a briefcase, but it was pressed on top, and there was a photo frame.She picked it up, and inside was a photo of him and Lian Xin, leaning on each other, smiling sweetly.

He should still care about Lianxin, and put her in the most important position.

Think about it too, how could I forget my first love so easily?
Ruoxi told herself not to think too much, put down the photos, picked up the documents he wanted, and hurried out of the house.

It's the rush hour now, and she doesn't dare to drive after get off work and school, because her driving skills are not very good, and she is afraid of delaying his meeting time.

He took a taxi from the door and went to his company.

"Master, can you hurry up? I'm in a hurry." Along the way, she has been urging for the tenth time.

"Miss, you can't go any faster. During peak hours, it would be great if there is no traffic jam."

She can't say anything.

I kept checking my watch over and over again, and it was still 5 minutes away. I don't know if it was the driver's crow's mouth. Not long after he finished speaking, they encountered a traffic jam.

"God!" She looked at the long queue in front of her, almost fainting.

The time also passed by every minute and every second, and there were only 3 minutes left, and she was so anxious that she didn't know what to do.

"Miss, I think you can't catch up. There are only three or four kilometers left to where you are going. Let's see what to do!" The driver kindly reminded.

Ruoxi thought for a while, there was no other way, there was a traffic jam here, and she couldn't get through for an hour, she hurriedly took out a hundred-yuan bill from her pocket and gave it to the driver, "You don't need to look for it, thank you."

She got out of the car and hurried to his company.

In a hurry, he didn't even have time to wait for the traffic lights, so he crossed directly on the roadway.It's not like she hasn't done this kind of thing before. She feels that she is very experienced. Who knows, just when she was about to cross the last road, a sports car rushed out of the corner, and she had no time to dodge...

Before she could dodge in time, the car bumped into her leg, stopped the car in time, and she fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"Miss, are you okay?" The other party got out of the car to check.

There was a familiar voice, she raised her head, and unexpectedly saw Feng Qingyang who had met once in the grandfather's hospital.

"Can't you drive more carefully?" She reprimanded.

"Miss, look clearly, it's a red light now, and you are the one who will die." Feng Qingyang said with a playful smile, "Get up, I'll take you to the hospital, but seeing that you can still swear, it shouldn't be a big deal hinder."

"Have you always been so unreasonable?" She glared at him, trying to get up from the ground.

It's running out of time, she has to send it to him quickly, so as not to delay his business.However, the pain between her legs made her fall down the moment she just got up.

Now, Feng Qingyang's face changed slightly, and he hurried to help her, "Is it serious? Let's go to the hospital."

"No, I have something else to do." She refused his offer.

"What else do you have? What can be more important than your life?"

"I have to deliver the documents for Yu Mo's meeting. It's too late." She supported his arm and barely stood up, but the severe pain in her ankle made her almost unable to walk.

"Give me the documents, and I'll send them for you." He said kindly.

"Thank you..." She was about to hand him the document.

Suddenly, it came to mind what Shen Yumo scolded her last time, that the confidential documents in the company cannot be read casually, it wasn't that she judged the heart of a gentleman with a villain's heart, it was because she didn't know the true identity of Feng Qingyang , she can't just give it to him.

(End of this chapter)

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