Chapter 46
What he said was straightforward.

An hour later, they were face to face at the coffee shop where they first spoke.

"Mo Ran, I know it's inconvenient to find you now, but I really can't help it." She was very embarrassed and didn't know how to talk to him.

"Can't see Ruohang?" Seeing that she couldn't ask, he simply helped her.


"It was an accident, no one wanted it to happen." Mo Ran didn't blame her.After pondering for a moment, he finally decided to tell her the truth: "Murphy hated you because of Yu Mo's relationship, and now with Xiaobei's matter, she hates you even more. So she put pressure on the police , and even prepared to bribe witnesses. Both my father and my mother were immersed in grief, and they only wanted Xiaobei to wake up, so they didn't care about her, which was tantamount to condoning her behavior."

"Bring witnesses?" Ruoxi was taken aback, "What kind of witnesses are you buying? Why are you buying witnesses?"

"She wants Ruohang to go to jail." He said frankly.

"Regardless of whether Ruohang is guilty or not, Ruohang must go to jail?" Ruoxi couldn't imagine that there are such unreasonable people in the world, so the volume suddenly increased, causing many people in the coffee shop to look at them .

"Calm down Ruoxi first. I can't tell you too much, but I'll focus on the key points. I'm Xiaobei's brother, and Xiaobei is my father's favorite son. I don't have the position to speak for you at home. Xi, listen to me—" At this point, he paused, and finally continued:
"There are only two people who can help you now, one is Feng Qingyang, and the other is Shen Yumo!"

There are only two people who can help you now, one is Feng Qingyang, and the other is Shen Yumo!
Mo Ran's words made Ruoxi's face turn pale.

Feng Qingyang is not related to her, so how could he help her with such a favor?As for Shen Yumo, let alone she has decided to be a stranger to him, even if she begs him, he will not help.

Mo Ran sighed and continued: "Now there are only the two of them who have the ability to temporarily suppress this matter. You can use this time to find out the truth of the matter quickly. In addition, I can also tell you, that The witness is a nurse from your hospital, see if you can find a way to get her to change her statement."

"Brother, why are you here?"

Just as Mo Ran finished speaking, another female voice sounded sharply.

The two of them looked over at the same time, and found that Mo Fei somehow came in front of them, she raised her hand to slap Ruoxi,

"You damned woman, what face do you have to show up here? You have the face to come to my elder brother after laying my brother in the hospital so badly?"

"Murphy, don't go crazy, I'm all looking at you!" Mo Ran hurriedly stopped her arm to prevent her from doing it.

"Brother, you have to figure out the situation. Where are you on? Isn't your brother lying in the hospital?" Murphy became even angrier when he stopped him like this.

"Murphy, go home if you have something to say, what does it look like here?"

Mo Ran had no choice but to wink at Ruoxi, signaling her to leave here first.

Ruoxi also knew that she was not Murphy's opponent, so she got up and was ready to leave.

Unable to stop her, Mo Fei yelled behind her loudly: "Lan Ruoxi, let me tell you, you'd better not appear in front of me. It's useless for you to ask anyone for help, because I only want a few million, It's easy to buy Lan Ruohang for a capital crime..."

This is what rich people do.

Ruoxi walked a long way, but Mo Fei's clamor still echoed in her ears.

Yes, just a few million can buy Ruohang's life.

She didn't have time to think about it. Between Shen Yumo and Feng Qingyang, she finally chose Feng Qingyang.

It's just that she didn't have Feng Qingyang's phone call, and she still vaguely remembers that rainy night when he led her to his house.

She had no other choice but to go to that place and wait.

And Feng Qingyang, a playboy, doesn't know where he has gone.

She waited from noon to afternoon, and from afternoon to night, her legs were sore from standing, and this guy hadn't shown up yet.

It was getting later and later, and her mother called her several times to urge her to go home, and she wanted to go back several times, but she was helpless when she thought of going home.I've been waiting for so long today, so wait a little longer!
Just wait!

This idea appeared in her mind many times, and she kept waiting.

Almost from one o'clock at noon to eleven o'clock at night, for ten or so hours, she was too tired to stand on her feet.Mom called her countless times to ask her to go back, she thought, let's go, go back and ask Sangzi if there is any way to contact this famous playboy.

However, just as she stepped out, she saw a familiar figure——

It's really him!

He is back!

It's just that this guy still has a hot beauty in his arms.

She didn't want to disturb other people's good deeds, but she had to go forward.

"Ruoxi?" Feng Qingyang saw her and let go of the beauty in his arms.

"Who is this?" His beauty looked at Ruoxi with disdain.

Why did Ruoxi come here to look for him? He didn't know the reason, and he didn't say much, he just said to the beauty: "Go back, I still have business to do."

"You brought him here, and you want him to go back?" the beauty complained unwillingly.

However, Feng Qingyang ignored her, and pulled Ruoxi's arm, "Come with me."

At this moment, Ruoxi is already in a mess, so she can only follow him.

And it wasn't the first time she had come to his home.

While taking the key to open the door, he said casually: "I thought you would go to Shen Yumo."

"I have nothing to do with him." She didn't want to mention that man.

"Then you have something to do with me?"

Feng Qingyang's voice sounded like a smile but not a smile.She froze for a moment, knowing that she was not the playboy's opponent, but for Ruohang, she couldn't back down.Followed him into his house, and asked straight to the point: "Feng Qingyang, you can help me, right?"

"I can help you! But for the sake of an irrelevant human life, it is not a small price to go against Mo's! Why do you think I should help you?" There seemed to be a hint of seriousness in his casual tone.

Ruoxi stood at the door, bit her lips hard, finally lowered her head, and her voice became softer: "I know, we don't have any friendship at all, you wouldn't take such a big risk to help me. But I really have no choice, I don't want to ask him, even if you have only a glimmer of hope here, I want to give it a try."

The 'he' she was talking about knew who she was referring to without asking.

Feng Qingyang remained silent for a long time, and she continued: "Can I ask you to help me? I have no other choice. Murphy said that he would spend millions to buy Ruohang's life. I don't ask for anything else. I hope you can help me save Ruohang's life for the time being, no matter how much money it costs, I will return it to you, okay?"

She asked with a last ounce of anticipation.

"I have plenty of money, but I don't need it." He shrugged indifferently, and said very flatly.

"Then what do you want?"

"I want—" He suddenly bullied her close, and whispered ambiguously in her ear: "I want you to make a promise with your body."

Promise yourself?

She looked up in astonishment, ignoring that his voice was close at hand, and almost bumped into his face, she took two steps back in fright.

"Is my Feng Qingyang so unsightly?" He said words that were neither painful nor itchy.

This man is sometimes serious and sometimes joking, she doesn't even know how to believe his words.

Come to think of it, this man is not an easy character to deal with, she is too naive!

She can't afford a rich man's game!Especially Feng Qingyang, who is full of danger, she can't afford to provoke her!
She smiled at him forcefully, "Sorry for interrupting your time!"

She turned around slowly, ready to leave.

However, just as she was about to open the door, his voice sounded from behind again:

"I didn't say I wouldn't help you, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

"But your price, I can't afford it!"

"Just kidding, I don't have any sense of humor!" He complained, "Okay, come and sit! Are you tired after standing outside for so long?!"

Ruoxi's brain couldn't keep up with his rhythm in an instant, and saw his elder simply sitting on the sofa, and said very flatly: "I'm hungry! You go cook me a meal first, I can't discuss anything even if I'm hungry."

"Then, how do you want me to pay you back?" She had to ask this question.

"Repay what? You have to pay it back before you start helping?" He glanced at her vigilant expression, and snorted angrily, "Don't treat me like a pervert who takes advantage of others, I have never Stronger than any woman, hurry up and cook, I'm starving to death!"

She had no choice but to cook obediently and cook for him.

When he finally had a full meal, he spoke again: "Speak, and explain the matter clearly to me from beginning to end."

She didn't hide anything, and told him the exact situation of Mo Bei.

Then, she asked expectantly, "Is there a way?"

"Of course! Your brother hasn't committed a crime, so what are you afraid of?"

"Then what did Mo Ran say about buying witnesses?" Before she had time to ask in detail, Murphy appeared.

"I'm not Murphy, how do I know?"


"Don't worry, I will help you if I say I will help you. It's getting late, and I'll take you back."

After he reminded her, she realized that it was really late.Mom couldn't find her, she must have been worried to death, she got up in a hurry, "Then I'm leaving, you don't need to see her off, I'll just take a taxi back."

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll take you back!" He didn't forget what it was like to see her outside his house last time.

Ruoxi could no longer refuse his kindness, and went downstairs with him.

When sending her home, he suddenly said, "Give me your mobile phone!"

She didn't know what he was going to do, but still gave her the phone.

He quickly and clearly entered a number on her mobile phone and saved it, "Call me in the future, stand outside alone, like a fool, what if I don't go back?"

The man had nothing good to say, but every sentence was heart-warming.

Ruoxi nodded gratefully, "Thank you!"

"It's too early for you to thank me! Hurry up and go back, remember, come to me tomorrow morning and make me lunch!" Before she got out of the car, he said this again, and he didn't think there was anything wrong at all.

How dare he treat her as his mother?

She didn't think there was anything, and smiled at him: "Okay!"

It was just cooking a meal. After several negotiations, she was completely convinced of his gentlemanly demeanor.

After watching his car leave, she returned home.

Sure enough, the house was still brightly lit.

Blue Mother, Grandpa, Sangzi, and Sangyu are all there.

Ruoxi understood something immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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