President, don't be your woman

Chapter 52 Completely imprisoning her 1

Chapter 52 Completely imprisoning her 1
He firmly shackled her, and she couldn't break free. A bloody smell quickly spread between their lips, but he still didn't stop.

"Who told you? Is the wind clear?" He asked coldly.

"You've already done it, why don't you... ah..." She was in so much pain that she couldn't utter a complete sentence.

Shen Yumo, he turned out to be such a despicable villain.

Her eyes were wide open, crystal clear teardrops swirled in her eyes, and her lips were bitten tightly, no matter how painful it was, she was unwilling to cry out that humiliating voice.

He stared at those hateful eyes, and the red light flashed in his eyes: "I only promised you to save his life, but I didn't promise you to release him!"

"You mean..."

"Am I mean?"

Because of her scolding, he released all his anger into her body regardless of her body's tolerance.

"Do not--"

She shook her head desperately, resisting desperately, tears flying messily on her face.However, no matter how she moved, there were bursts of pain.

"Lan Ruoxi, listen to me clearly, since you have come to beg me, you have to trust me, if you can't do it, this is punishment!"

"I believe in you, I have never distrusted you, but why do you still treat Ruohang like this?" She cried.

"You trust me?" He hit her hard, and said fiercely, "Since you trust me, why do you still go to Feng Qingyang?"

"No," she shook her head messily: "Feng Qingyang is just your excuse, you never thought of letting Ruohang go, I hate you, Shen Yumo, I hate you, I hate you..."

"Hate it! I don't care!"

I don't know whether to say these four words to her or to himself. Then, he left her without mercy, put on his clothes and left.

The cold and abrupt closing of the door broke her heart abruptly.

Like a broken rag doll, she slowly slumped to the ground, hugging her clothes, and finally burst into tears.

Shen Yumo, do you hate me so much?

She trusted him wholeheartedly in exchange for his wedding with Murphy.She endured everyone's disgrace and spurn, being called a vixen, being called a bitch, and letting him vent on her, but in the end, did he say such a word to her?
How can he be so cruel?Ruohang is her own younger brother, a fellow brother, as long as he is willing to save Ruohang, she will do whatever it takes. Why does he still do this?


Ruohang, how is Ruohang doing now?

She didn't have any extra time to vent her grievances. She took out her mobile phone from her pocket in a panic, and pressed a series of numbers tremblingly. It was Feng Qingyang's phone number:
"Ayan, where are you?"

"What's wrong?" He heard her tone was very strange, "Ruoxi, are you crying? What happened? What did Yu Mo say? What did he do to you?"

"Don't ask me these things, tell me, where are you now?" She asked in a trembling voice.

"I'm at the airport. Ruohang's lawsuit is over. The Mo family sued him and lost the lawsuit. But don't worry, we still have a chance to appeal. I'm going to have the final negotiation with that witness at the airport now. "

"Okay, wait for me, I'll go there now."

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm fine! You wait for me! Please wait for me!"

She hung up the phone and got dressed.Regardless of how people in the company would look at her, she stumbled out of the Shen's building, took a taxi and headed to the airport.

Feng Qingyang was terrified when he saw her disheveled hair and disheveled clothes. While taking off his coat and putting it on her shoulders, he asked, "Why did you come here like this? Shen Yumo bullied you?"

"It's okay." She didn't tell him that much, turned to the female witness, and grabbed her hand, "Linda, why did you do that? You will kill Ruohang, do you know? I don't believe it, no Believe that he really knew before the operation, he is not that kind of person, why do you say that?"

"Sister Lan, please stop asking." Linda avoided her gaze.

"I know, the Mo family has a big business, and you must have your own reasons. I don't blame you for doing this. But Linda, you know Ruohang, you know what kind of person he is. Although his people are in the mall, But his heart has always been in the hospital, he will have to use a scalpel one day, and now that the news is out, his future will be completely ruined, how can you bear it?"

"Miss Lan..."

"I beg you, can you change your confession?"

"Sister Lan, please don't make things difficult for me."

"Just be Sister Lan, please?" Ruoxi had no choice but to ignore the countless curious eyes coming and going at the airport, and knelt down in front of her with a plop, "Linda, you have been in the hospital for two years Yes, no one has ever treated you badly, right? Grandpa knows that your family is not well off, and he always takes care of you. He never delays a day in paying your salary every month, and even pays you a bonus every month. He treats you so Okay. And Ruohang, you know how he behaves, don’t you? He’s not heinous enough to be punished like this, is he? Please save him, Sister Lan, please save him, can you?”

Feng Qingyang watched from the side, wanting to help her up, but seeing her tearful pleading, so sad and helpless, his heart was ruthlessly pulled.

Linda couldn't help but also cried, and supported her, "Sister Lan, get up, I know, everyone treats me very well, everyone is a good person, Brother Ruohang is also right. But Miss Mo used my My family threatened me, and I had to agree. False testimony also requires legal responsibility. I am the only child in my family, and my parents are old. I know that Brother Ruohang is innocent, but I am also a daughter. I can't help it, I can't do anything at all, Sister Lan, can you understand the feeling of being a daughter alone?"

Her words pierced Ruoxi's heart fiercely.

Daughters, everyone is a daughter!

The gentle and sweet voice of the flight attendant was heard on the radio. Linda knew that she could no longer hesitate, so she broke free from her shackles, turned around and left.

Feng Qingyang was about to let someone catch her, Ruoxi shook her head in despair, "Let her go!"


"Let's think of another way."

He lifted her up from the ground.

At this moment, she was exhausted physically and mentally.

After leaving the airport, she refused his offer to take her home, saying she wanted to walk alone.He was worried about her and wanted to accompany her, but she still refused, just wanting to be alone.

He had no choice but to worry about her, so he had to follow her from a distance.

It stands to reason that if the Mo family wanted to file a lawsuit, the witnesses would be bribed. There was no reason why they couldn't win the lawsuit, but they still lost.Shen Yumo's words sounded in his ears again:

"I only promised you to save his life, but I didn't promise you to release him!"

Here's what he said.

So the lost lawsuit was caused by him?He refused to help Ruohang get rid of the charges, and wanted Ruohang to go to jail, but he didn't let the Mo family really spend money to buy a life.

Why on earth did he do this?
She tried to think of an answer, but her mind was so cluttered that she couldn't think of anything.

As she walked, she didn't know how long she had been walking, and finally, she came to his apartment.

Now that he is married, she knows that there is no possibility between them, and she is not ready to talk about what happened three years ago.However, what happened to Ruohang, she knew that even if she told everything about three years ago, what she did would definitely not be accepted by his personality, but she didn't know if he would take it for the sake of that matter Come on, at least let Ruohang go?

she does not know.

All she knew was that even if there was a glimmer of hope, she should give it a try.

Housekeeper Wei opened the door for her, saw her in a state of distress, and asked with concern, "Miss Lan, what's wrong with you?"

She shook her head weakly, and asked weakly, "Is he there?"


Just as he was talking, Shen Yumo came down from upstairs.

Seeing her, he was not surprised at all, as if she would definitely come back.

"I have something to tell you." She walked up to him.

"say what?"


He snorted coldly: "You don't mean to tell me that Xintong is my child?"


"Then you want to tell me that she is not Zheng Wei's child?"

"She is, but..."

"Then there's nothing to say!"

He interrupted her coldly, without even looking at her, he passed by her.When he walked in front of the housekeeper Wei, he said expressionlessly: "Take care of her, don't take a step out of this house without my permission."

Is he going to imprison her?
Her delicate body shook violently, she looked at the back of him striding away in disbelief, and stopped him without thinking: "Yu Mo!"

He didn't look back, but stopped.

"Would you regret it?" Regret all his decisions?
"The one thing I regret the most is falling in love with you!"

After speaking, he strode away.

What I regret the most is falling in love with her!

Now, he can still say this word?

After he closed the door, she fell limply to the ground.

"Miss Lan, are you alright?" Housekeeper Wei came to help her.


"Let's get up, I'll take you back to your room!"

She didn't move, just smiled silly.

Seeing her desolate and helpless smile, the butler Wei felt sore in his heart, but what can a butler himself do to help her?

Shen Yumo really imprisoned her.

However, it did not stop her family from coming to her.

Mother Lan came once and wanted to take her away.

For a moment, she really wanted to throw herself into her mother's arms and cry, but she suppressed that impulse.Today's Lan family has been miserably hurt by Shen Yumo. Everyone is worried about Ruohang's matter, and Shen Yumo wants to imprison her and refuses to let her go. Their family can't beat Shen Yumo no matter what.

She didn't want her mother to fall down for her and Ruohang again, so she knelt down in front of her mother and begged her to leave, saying that she still loved Shen Yumo and wanted to stay by her side.

Mother Lan left angrily.

Since then, Shen Yumo has moved the place of imprisonment, and she has never seen her relatives again.

Later, through the housekeeper Wei, she learned the news that Lanmu sold Yunzhou to Mo's in exchange for a sum of money to reverse the case for Ruohang, but Ruohang pleaded guilty and was sentenced to twelve months in prison.This was the shortest time limit that Feng Qingyang had pushed behind the scenes, bought many relationships, and hired lawyers to work hard.

She knew that Ruohang didn't want everyone to be busy for him anymore.If he pleaded guilty himself, there is nothing anyone can do about it.

She seemed to be a walking dead, losing weight rapidly.

Sang Yu went to the Shen Group several times, but never saw Shen Yumo's people.

Today, she came again, but the front desk lady still sent her away with 'the president doesn't see any customers today'.

"NND bastard, why don't you see my aunt? A despicable and shameless villain, if you have the ability to hide from your aunt for the rest of your life, otherwise I will beat you every time I see you."

(End of this chapter)

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