President, don't be your woman

Chapter 56 She's Pregnant 1

Chapter 56 She's Pregnant 1
"It seems that you are really not afraid that I will take you in the car!" He growled in a low voice when she was annoyed.

She was shocked, and her long eyelashes trembled under his eyelids.

Afraid!How can you not be afraid?
But what can she say?Said she was wrong?That she didn't mean to provoke him?She wasn't sure if he would stop being angry after she said these words?
He used to ask her not to be too kind to him, but he would get angry if she treated him a little bit badly.Now, he made her the most humble person. He tore up her dignity and stepped on her feet. Now, he doesn't allow her to be so humble.

What on earth did he want her to do?

He stared at her face stubbornly, as if he wanted to bite off a piece of meat from her face.For a moment, he really wanted to have her in the car, but in the end, he let her go, stepped on the accelerator, and the car flew out like an arrow.

Outside the car window, it was drizzling rain at an unknown time.

Is God also mourning their love?
How ridiculous!

When was there love between them?

Back where they lived, he pulled her into the room and closed the door.

"Play it here if you want!" He threw her on the stool in front of the piano.

She didn't move.

"Why don't you play?"

"Why?" She asked hoarsely:

"Aren't you happy that I helped my sister solve the crisis? Or when you hate someone, no matter what this person does, you feel very disgusted? You want revenge, your wedding has already hurt me completely, Isn't that enough? I have already admitted that before that, I loved you, isn't that enough? I never betrayed you, at the beginning I was because of..."

"I don't want to know!" He interrupted her explanation coldly.

Do not want to know!

She smiled bitterly, looked at the white piano in front of her, but couldn't stretch out her trembling fingers.The snow-white snow-white color seemed to be mocking her stupidity.She didn't want to cry either, but for some reason, a soreness welled up in her eyes, and drops of tears rolled out of her eyes and dripped on the keys.

He didn't seem to see it, but saw that she was still unwilling to make a move, and his tone became a little colder: "Why didn't you start?"

"Shen, Yu, Mo!"

She called his name with a gnashing of teeth.

It's been a long time since she called his name, and it was full of hatred when she called it like this.He tightly clenched his fists, staring at her thin shoulders that trembled slightly from crying, struggling and struggling in his heart.

She could no longer bear him like this, and suddenly pushed the stool away and ran outside.

Housekeeper Wei was in the living room, saw her stumbling downstairs, and hurriedly supported her, "Miss Lan, what's wrong with you?"

As if she didn't hear it, she pushed her away and ran out of the gate.

"Miss Lan, it's raining outside, you can't just run out like this..."

The housekeeper Wei couldn't stop her at all, and saw Shen Yumo coming down the stairs, "Mr. Shen, it's raining outside, Miss Lan..."

Shen Yumo didn't seem to have heard her, and strode to chase outside.

The heavy rain was pouring down, and Ruoxi's clothes were soaked quickly, and he quickly caught up with her, grabbed her arm and asked loudly, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to die... Are you satisfied that I'm dead?" She struggled, trying to shake off his shackles.

"Lan Ruoxi!"

"Don't you just want to torture me to death? I tell you that I can't take it anymore, I just want to die! Don't you want to listen to my truth? I'll tell you now, if you still have a little Conscience, a little bit of humanity, please let my family go, don't hurt them! The one who offended you is me, I'm dead, can this all be over?!" She yelled louder and louder.

"Lan Ruoxi!"

She broke down, and he yelled out of control.

And there was a traffic light in front of him, and he was terrified. He really thought she would do something stupid, so he grabbed her arm tightly and shouted: "Have you forgotten Lan Ruohang? He's still in prison. Do you care about his life or death?"

"Shen Yumo, you only use my weakness to threaten me. Are you still a man? If you have the ability, don't threaten me. Lock me in. Anyway, I will be in prison by your side. You might as well let me go to prison It's a pleasure to be in jail!" She yelled at him regardless of the three sevens and twenty ones.

He turned blue from her anger, but he didn't dare to let go, for fear that she would really rush into the intersection.

She couldn't break free, and her thin body fell into the rain, and the rain and tears fused on her face.

"Get up!" he ordered.

"Why do I still listen to you? What do you want me to do to satisfy you?" She raised her face, letting the cold rain hit her eyes hard.

"Why, loving someone makes life worse than death? Ruohang, you told me that life is hope, and you told me not to give up, but where is my hope? Where is my light?" Absolutely.

He wanted to stop her from going on, but she seemed to have lost her mind.

He bent down, ready to hug her, she was weak all over, but she still resisted desperately, "I don't want to talk to you, bastard, I don't want to talk to you again."

She struggled to get up by herself, but she staggered a few times, and she suddenly fainted before her eyes, and fell into a coma completely.

He picked her up by the waist and strode home.

"Housekeeper Wei, quickly call the doctor!" He ordered as he came up.

"Now? It's raining..."


"Oh! Good!" She hurried to make a phone call.

He carried Ruoxi into the room to see if she was unconscious, and he was afraid that she might catch a cold, so he took off her wet clothes, wiped her body with hot water, and changed into clean clothes.

The butler Wei came in after calling and saw that he was also dripping wet, "Mr. Shen, you should take a shower and change clothes first."

"I'm fine, is the doctor here?"

"It's raining, the doctor's speed must be slower than usual."

Seeing that he couldn't persuade him, Housekeeper Wei had no choice but to bring him a clean towel, "Mr. Shen, you should wipe it off first!"

He didn't move while holding the towel, staring blankly at the person on the bed.

Housekeeper Wei sat down by the bed, looking at Ruoxi's pale and thin cheeks, lifeless and lifeless, she couldn't help sighing: "I still remember the first time I saw her, such a clean and beautiful girl, with a Without a little bit of Miss's temper and airs, how did she become what she is today."

Shen Yumo remained silent.

She didn't say this to him deliberately, after all, she was just a housekeeper, and she was not qualified to say anything about the master.But, seeing Ruoxi like this, she couldn't help feeling sorry for her, and touched her forehead again, "Because I haven't taken good care of my body, it's already very weak, and now I have a fever..."

"Have you got a fever?" He finally had a reaction, and reached for her forehead.

However, she suddenly turned her face to the side and avoided it.

He stared blankly at her reaction, "Are you awake?"

She ignores him.

When he wiped her body and changed her clothes, she woke up, but she didn't want to face him face to face.

Not long after, the doctor also came, but she refused to show him and resisted silently.

Housekeeper Wei persuaded her patiently, "Miss Lan, you have to see a doctor when you are sick. You have a fever now. Let's let the doctor see you, okay? Look at the heavy rain, and the doctors are running all the way here .”

Ruoxi didn't respond.

The doctor took out a thermometer and gave it to Housekeeper Wei, "Take her temperature first."

However, she huddled under the quilt, silently resisting all outside affairs, not saying a word, crying or making noise, making people helpless.

Seeing that Shen Yumo's face changed again and again, Housekeeper Wei immediately said, "Mr. Shen, she is still shaking. I think she is afraid."

What is she afraid of?
At this moment, he really had the urge to smash things, staring at the person under the quilt, why did all his calmness and rationality go to Hades when he touched her?
He gritted his teeth and said word by word: "Housekeeper Wei, call Sangzi and ask him to come over."

Then, he led the doctor out, took out a few cards of Grandpa Mao from his wallet, and gave them, "I'm really sorry for making you come here for nothing."

"It's okay, Mr. Shen. Patients are always emotional when they are sick. I can't accept the money." The doctor is an elderly man in his fifties, and he is not in good condition, so he is embarrassed to accept the money.

"It's raining for nothing, so take it!" He sent the doctor out.

Soon, Sangzi came.

If it weren't for the fact that the rival in love was extremely jealous when they met, Shen Yumo wouldn't have called him if he hadn't been forced to.

"How is she?" Sangzi asked as soon as she entered the door.

"Fever." Shen Yumo led him upstairs.

Ruoxi seems to have closed herself up now, not only resisting other doctors, but also resisting Sangzi.

In front of Shen Yumo, Sang Zi didn't dare to do such an excessive behavior, fearing that she would anger Shen Yumo and bring some disaster to Ruoxi, so she just touched her forehead, felt her pulse again, then turned her head, face Looking at Shen Yumo expressionlessly, "I don't know what you did to her. She has a fever of at least 39 degrees now. But this is nothing to her. The most serious thing is her heart disease. If Mr. Shen doesn't want her to die It's faster, please leave and let us be alone."

"Are you sure you are sure?" Shen Yumo refused to leave.

"It's better than Mr. Shen standing here, and she refuses to see a doctor." Sang Zi didn't have a good face either.

The housekeeper Wei was really afraid that these two people would quarrel, so he hurriedly said to Shen Yumo, "Mr. Shen, let's go out for a while, you also need to change the fitting clothes."

"You better have a way." Shen Yumo gave him a hard look and went out.

"Doctor Sang, please cure her!" Wei Butler said in a hurry and went out.

Shen Yumo changed his clothes and sat on the sofa in the living room to smoke.

The housekeeper Wei poured him a cup of tea, he hesitated to speak several times, not knowing whether he should speak or not.

"Say whatever you want," he said impatiently.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shen!" Anyway, she apologized first, and then continued:

"Mr. Shen, please forgive me for saying something I shouldn't have said. Miss Lan is sick all over the body and in her heart. I get along with her day and night every day. I see that she talks less and less and eats more and more. Come less and less, smile less and less, I don't know if you will feel distressed, my old butler looks very distressed. As long as you are by her side, she will not get better. If you can't treat her well, can you temporarily Leave her for a while? I'm afraid that her old wounds will not heal, and she will add new wounds!"

"Mr. Shen, please forgive me for saying something I shouldn't have said. Miss Lan is sick all over the body and in her heart. I get along with her day and night every day. I see that she talks less and less and eats more and more. Come less and less, smile less and less, I don't know if you will feel distressed, my old butler looks very distressed. As long as you are by her side, she will not get better. If you can't treat her well, can you temporarily Leave her for a while? I'm afraid that her old wounds will not heal, and she will add new wounds."

(End of this chapter)

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