President, don't be your woman

Chapter 66 This, you sign it! 2

Chapter 66 This, you sign it! 2
When she was pushed out of the emergency room, his brows were still deeply furrowed, and he couldn't forgive her for wanting to end her life again and again.He hated her to the extreme, to the point where his bones were broken, but at the same time, he hated himself deeply.

This anger of hatred burned her and burned him, and he was bruised all over by accompanying her.

But what can he do?
Not long after, Ruoxi woke up.

There was no relative around her, and what she saw at a glance were his eyes full of haze.

Was he the one who saved her?She wasn't sure, so she hugged the wedding photo in her arms tightly. It was something she bought with her life, something she swore to let go, and it was the only thing that could support her.

He didn't know what she was thinking in her heart, what she was holding in her arms, and he always stared at her with red and resentful eyes.

Shen Yumo, what does he want to do again?

To be honest, she was a little scared.

"Lan Ruoxi, are you so impatient to die?" He stared at her stubbornly.

She shook her head, speechless.

He can't even say anything nice, especially when he thinks that she once ran into the street and was hit by a car, and now she set fire to the house again, he has the urge to kill, does life mean nothing to her? ?
For a moment, she wanted to say something, but she couldn't make a sound, and she couldn't explain anything to him.Finally, she gave up, closed her eyes, and turned her head the other way.

Seeing her look of 'seeing death as home', he became even more angry, gritted his teeth and said, "I warn you, Lan Ruoxi, even if you want to die, don't take my sister to be buried with you."

She thought her heart was dead, but when she heard his words, her heart was stabbed severely again.

Then, staring at him with a complicated look.

Shen Yumo, in the end, does he still love Lianxin?
She suddenly laughed, although there was no sound, it was a sarcastic smile.Lan Ruoxi, how stupid you are, you think this man loved you, you always forgive him, even if he got you to this point, you can't hate him, but what about him?He always loves Lianxin, he never loved you, you are just a pastime for him to relieve his loneliness, he never loved you, how stupid you are!
Shen Yumo understood her eyes, but didn't want to explain anything to her, turned around and left her ward again.

She knew that he had gone back to Lian Xin.

Her existence has no value.Lifting the quilt, she took out the wedding photo book from her bosom. It was an inanimate thing that she risked her life to rescue. She regarded it as life, even more important than life. This moment suddenly lost all meaning.

Anyway, I decided to go home tomorrow, why not go back today!Even if she wants to die, she must die by her family's side, and she must never die in a place with him.

Struggling to get up from the bed, she stumbled towards the outside of the ward...

At this time, Lian Xin had already woken up, and was crying and saying to Mr. Shen: "I don't know what's going on, Yu Mo's birthday is coming soon, I just want to learn how to cook and cook for him myself. I I don't know how I could be so stupid, Ruoxi specially reminded me to turn off the gas, but I forgot, and went to sleep in the room with a small fire on, I'm so stupid, so stupid, I can't do anything well , and hurt her..."

"You said, you caused the fire?" Shen Yumo heard her words as soon as she entered the ward.

"Didn't I do it on purpose!" She cried and said, grabbed his arm and asked, "How is Ruoxi? How is she? She carried me desperately and got me out of the house, but She went into the fire again, and I don't know what she did, what happened to her? What was she doing in there? Is there anything more important than her life?"

His face changed instantly!
God!He misunderstood her again!
"Yumo, how is she? Is she okay?"

"Yes, Yumo, is Ruoxi okay?" Old Man Shen also asked.

Without saying a word, Shen Yumo walked out of the ward again.

Ruoxi's appearance that she couldn't even cry appeared in front of her eyes again, as well as her last look at the parting, he knew that she had misunderstood, she must have thought that the person he loved in his heart was Lianxin.

He suddenly felt that the word was ironic!
In the name of love, how many cruel things did he do to her, how many cruel words did he say?

But the housekeeper Wei rushed over at this time, with a panicked expression on his face, "I'm sorry Mr. Shen, my grandson is sick, I'm going home to see him, I don't know why such a serious thing happened, I'm sorry, I, I... "The more she spoke, the more annoyed she became, "I should really stay at home. The eldest lady doesn't know anything about the kitchen. I should be at home. She shouldn't be left alone in the kitchen. I..."

"Stop talking!" He interrupted her with a bad face, and came to Ruoxi's ward.

However, she found that the ward was empty, without Ruoxi, nurses and doctors.

His expression changed drastically, and he immediately walked out of the ward and called the nurse, "What's going on? Where did the patient go? Where did you get her?"

"Miss Lan? Where did she go? Did she disappear?" The nurse was also at a loss.

"Didn't you like her?"


The nurse was speechless.In fact, it was because he didn't know how to care about the patients in this ward, and thought they were not important patients, so he didn't pay much attention.

"Damn you! You can't even look down on a patient!" Shen Yumo knew from their expressions that Ruoxi had left.

However, it's not the time to scold him, he left the hospital without thinking too much, and drove around to search, but he couldn't find Ruoxi.

Where is she going?

What happened, at this moment, she should just want to go back to her relatives!

He immediately drove to the hospital of Grandpa Lan's family. Sure enough, seeing her fainted at the gate of the hospital, some doctors and nurses hurriedly carried her into the hospital.

He chased after her, only in time to pick up the wedding photo she had dropped on the ground.

Lian Xin said that she got into the house again later, and she was holding something tightly in her arms. He didn't pay much attention at that time. She ran back to the burning house desperately to get back the wedding photo ?
Seeing some dust on the cover, he gently wiped it off, feeling intense torment in his heart.

He has treated her like this, and he is determined to take revenge. He has hurt her so badly, why is she still keeping this wedding photo?
Walking into the hospital and seeing Sangzi entering the emergency room, he tightly held the wedding photo in his hand.

Not long after, Lan Mu and Sang Yu also rushed to the hospital after receiving the news. Sang Yu rushed up and punched him when she saw him, shouting, "Shen Yumo, what are you doing here? Are you going to kill my sister?" What kind of harm are you willing to do? Are you still a man? Even if you don’t love my sister, but my sister loves you so much and treats you so well, why do you have the heart to treat her like this? Are you satisfied now? Are you finally satisfied?"

He didn't say a word and let her beat him.

Mother Lan hurriedly stopped her, "Sang Yu, don't make trouble, this is a hospital, please calm down."

"Auntie, this is the person who hurt my sister so badly, I must teach him a lesson!" Sang Yu cried as she spoke.

"Be quiet first, wait for your sister to come out!"

At this time, Mother Lan has already experienced many storms, so she can still maintain a trace of calmness. Moreover, she firmly believes that Ruoxi will be fine.

"It's better that my sister is fine, otherwise I won't let you go if I'm a ghost!" Sang Yu gave him another hard look.

He didn't speak all the time, looking at the wedding photo in his hand, he didn't understand, what kind of power could make her take it back regardless of her life?He always thought that this wedding photo should be destroyed when he and Murphy got married.

Unexpectedly, she kept it.

Now she finally got her wish and returned to her relatives. She will be fine, right?
He heard the trembling voice in his heart.

Sang Yu saw A Zi come out of the emergency room first, and rushed forward with Lan Mu one after the other, "Brother, sister, is she alright?"

"Azi, how is Ruoxi? Are you okay?"

"It's not life threatening, but she's weak right now."

Then, Ruoxi was transferred to the ward.

The members of the Lan family also went in.

Shen Yumo looked in the direction of her ward without moving, a stone in her heart finally fell.

Ruoxi woke up from the concerned calls of her relatives, and saw her mother's worried eyes. She wanted to comfort everyone, saying that she was fine, but she couldn't speak.

Mother Lan saw that something was wrong with her, and asked anxiously: "Ruoxi, what's wrong with you?"

"She has been silent for a long time due to autism, and now she can't speak." Ah Zi explained to everyone.

"How can you be autistic?" Mother Lan's expression changed drastically.

Grandpa just sighed, sighed one after another.

Mother Lan didn't expect to see her daughter, but she saw a daughter who couldn't speak. Tears flowed out, and she held her daughter's hand: "Ruoxi, what's wrong with you? Didn't you promise mother that you will be fine?" , That's why mother let you go to him, how could you make yourself like this?"

Ruoxi looked at her mother guiltily, unable to speak comforting words.

"You have survived so much suffering in the past, why are you still like this? Are you making it difficult for yourself just because of a man?"

"Auntie, she is very weak now, let her rest!" Azi comforted Mother Lan.

"Yes, auntie, my sister is back now. No one can take her away from us. She will definitely get better, and we will definitely make my sister get better again." Sang Yu also said.

Ruoxi really wanted to talk, but she couldn't say anything, Sang Yu thoughtfully brought her a pen and paper, "Sister, just write down what you want to say!"

Ruoxi nodded, and wrote on the paper: I'm fine, everyone don't worry.

"You're already like this, and you still say you're fine?"

"Really mom, there is not a day that I miss you, and there is not a day that I don't want to go back to you. Now that I am finally back, I just want to sleep well." She wrote on the paper again.

"Okay, you rest. Mom won't bother you. Let Sang Yu accompany you." Mother Lan nodded and wiped away her tears.

The most important thing now is to study the problem of Ruoxi's loss of voice. Mother Lan, grandfather and Azi all left the ward and went to the office.

Sang Yu was with her in the ward.

"Sister, are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?" Sang Yu asked.

Ruoxi nodded.

Sang Yu went out to get her something to eat.

Ruoxi found that her wedding photo was missing, she struggled to sit up on the bed, opened her quilt to search everywhere, and looked under the pillow, but couldn't find it anywhere.

Where did she put it?She remembered that she had brought it back here.

How can I not find it?
(End of this chapter)

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