Chapter 92
"Like Ruohang..."

That person's movements, every little movement, are very similar to Ruohang.Don't look at that face, just look at that figure, those movements, she will think that it is Ruohang.

Hearing what she said, Shen Yumo looked over again, and didn't feel it without saying anything. Looking carefully, that person's movements were somewhat similar to Ruoxi's usual movements.

Then, at this moment, the man looked up.


Shen Yumo subconsciously called out his name.

Ruoxi was even more strange, "You know him?"

"It's not acquaintance, but we met once."

"When did you meet him? Where did you meet him?" Ruoxi immediately asked again.

"What's wrong?" Shen Yumo didn't understand why she became so excited.

"Tell me first!" In desperation, she grabbed his hand.

If this Sean is from this city, how could he know Ruohang?They searched all over the city, but they couldn't find any trace of Ruohang, so it could be seen that Ruohang was no longer here.

The appearance of this Sean is very strange and mysterious. Is everything he said that day true?She was anxious to know all this.

Shen Yumo was surprised by her actions, without speaking, he held her hand first.

Only then did she realize what she was doing, and wanted to pull it out, but he held it tightly, and would not let go no matter what.

She was suddenly embarrassed, "You, let go!"

"Don't move, I'll tell you." He didn't let go, his eyes revealed a touch of tenderness, and he stared at her intently, "His English name is Sean, but I don't know his Chinese name. I met him two months ago , Moshi wanted to cooperate with me on a project, but I declined. And the person in charge of the Moshi project at that time was Sean."

"How could this be? He is from the Mo family?" Ruoxi was even more shocked, even more unbelievable, and her mind was even more chaotic, making it difficult to analyze all this.

"What's the matter? According to you, you know him too?"

"I've only met him once, so I don't even know him at all." She tapped her head with her free hand and muttered, "How could this be? How could he be Mo Shi? from the Mo family? How could he be from the Mo family?"

If he is really Ruohang's friend, why would Ruohang be friends with Mo's people?
What the hell is going on?

Shen Yumo saw that her expression was very strange, and asked worriedly: "What's wrong? What happened? Your face doesn't look very good."

She was so confused at the moment, she couldn't figure out what was going on, and he also knew Sean, so she didn't think too much, so she told him everything that happened in the cemetery that day stand up……

When Mo Ran returned home, the atmosphere in the house was not good.

Yes, originally there were three children in the family, talking and laughing together would be so much fun. Although Mo Bei is spoiled by nature, he is a very optimistic person, and he is the pistachio of his family at home.Now they are lying on the bed unconscious. The remaining two, one ran away from home because of a woman, and would not come back if he could not come back;
Now that Mo Ran is back, Mo's mother is still angry at all, so she pretends not to see him.

Dong Ma, the servant at home, thought she really didn't see him, so she said again, "Madam, the young master is back!"

"Dong Ma, you go to work first!"

Mo Ran hurriedly sent her away.He knew that it wasn't that his mother didn't see or hear, but that she was still angry with him in her heart. He was afraid that she would turn her anger on Dong Ma in a fit of anger, so he quickly asked Dong Ma to leave first.

Mo's mother still looked indifferent, and didn't even look at him, but just snorted coldly: "Yo, the tired bird knows it's back to the nest, you Director Mo still remember that this is your old nest? "

"Mom—" Mo Ran yelled helplessly.

"Don't call me, I'm not your mother, I don't have such an unfilial son as you."

"Can you say something less? It's rare for him to come back, do you have to drive him away?" Mo Shijin couldn't hear him, so he finally said something to her, and then turned to his son, "Mo Ran, go and see Mo Fei , Today is her birthday, she didn't go to the company, she stayed in the room all the time. Your mother and I called her several times, but she just refused to come down and didn't eat breakfast or lunch. You go to persuade him, she and Xiaobei are more obedient Your words."


Moran nodded, "I reserved a table at a restaurant, I'll call her now, Dad, Mom, you guys also tidy up, let's go out to eat later."

After speaking, I went upstairs.

In any case, Murphy was his younger sister after all, his sister of the same father and mother, and also the younger sister he watched and grew up with.Because of Ruoxi's matter, he hated this younger sister, but now the Ye family has almost lost a son, he doesn't want his parents to worry about these children in the family, and he doesn't want his parents to lose another after losing a son daughter.

But I haven't found an opportunity to have a deep talk with her. Today's birthday is a good opportunity.He has been thinking about it for several days, and when he comes back here again, he must let go of all prejudices and resentments and have a good talk.

Mo Fei was lying on the bed, not wanting to move, and she didn't even hum when she heard someone knock on the door.

He waited outside for 2 minutes, but he didn't hear her response, so he opened the door and went in.

Walking to her side, sat down on the bed, and patted her on the head, "What's the matter? Today is Missy's birthday, why are you so listless?"

"What are you doing back here?" She snorted.

"This is my home, can't I come back?"

"Do you still remember that this is your home? Isn't it long gone?"

"How can you just say no?" He sighed.

"Look at what you said, if you can don't want it, you really don't want it?"

"How can it be?"

He didn't want to dwell on this topic anymore, and turned to her, "What's the matter with you? Parents said you didn't eat breakfast or lunch, what are you doing?"

"I do not want to eat."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything."

"Yu Mo provoked you?" Looking at her like this, you don't need to think about it. It must be because of Yu Mo. Her emotions are all tied to that man. is air.

She shook her head, "I'm not afraid that he will provoke me, but I'm afraid that he won't provoke me."

She didn't even bother to look at her or talk to her, and this man was the man she loved all her life. Is there anything sadder than this in the world?
Look at her room again, there is not even a wedding photo, is this a married woman's room?
Shen Yumo married her, but did not take wedding photos;

Did not marry Ruoxi, but took wedding photos with Ruoxi one after another;
Two women, who is more unfortunate?
"Murphy, what do you think is love?"

He puts his enthusiasm and life in each play, directing one love after another, but sometimes he can't figure out what is love?

"What is love? What the hell kind of question is this?" Murphy frowned.

"Or should I ask you this, in your eyes, what is love?"

"It's much easier to say this way!" She thought for a while, "That is, every morning when I wake up, I can see his face at first sight. When I look at him, I can't take my eyes off him. I can't wait to see his face. Give him all the good things in the world, and be with him, even if it is crazy, even if it is destroyed, at all costs, just want to be with him."

"Is this how you feel about Yu Mo?"

"Of course!"

"Do you love him?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"Then if you can't see him when you wake up in the morning, then you don't love him?"

"Brother, what exactly are you trying to say?" She glanced at him suspiciously.

"Murphy, you are the eldest lady of the Mo family. You have been strong and competitive since you were a child. Why do you make yourself so humble? Love is not possession, but giving; it is not what you can give him, but what you can love him. True love is to know how to cherish when you can love; it is to know how to let go when you can’t love. Because only when you let go, you have everything, do you understand?”

"I don't understand! This is cowardice and incompetence. Love in the 21st century is not based on waiting, but on striving."

"But putting all your heart and energy on a man who doesn't belong to you, making yourself so miserable, he doesn't even look at it, and doesn't even care about anything, do you really think it's worth it? People don't have to live for love. There are many more important things, such as relatives, such as responsibilities, why must you be obsessed with an impossible love, even abandon yourself, and lose your nature..."

Hearing what he said, Mo Fei sat up on the bed and glared at him, "Mo Ran, if you come back for that woman, you can go, I don't welcome you."

She didn't want to mention Lan Ruoxi's name, let alone hear anything about her.

Mo Ran felt very helpless towards her like this, so what was all this talking about?In order not to make the situation worse, he tried his best to be patient and coaxed her to say, "I didn't come back for anyone, I came back for someone's birthday."

"Do you remember that today is my birthday?" Murphy snorted coldly again.

"How can I not remember my sister's birthday?"

"Am I your sister? Are you my elder brother?" How could she have a brother with an elbow turned outward?
"I'm not your elder brother, what am I going to do when I come back?" Seeing that she was about to lie down again, he pulled her up again, "Go change clothes, I've reserved a table at the restaurant, and we'll go out to eat."

"I'm not going." She said more simply.

"I've been looking for a restaurant for a long time. It's different from the ones you usually go to. It's a themed restaurant with a very nice environment. You will definitely like it." He said, getting up from her closet He took out a few sets of clothes and threw them to her, "Hurry up and change, we are all hungry, and we haven't had lunch yet!"

After all, Murphy was still a daughter. Hearing what he said, she got up reluctantly and muttered, "Go out, I'll change clothes."

Sitting in the living room, Mo's father and Mo's mother saw their son coming out of their children's room. Mo Shijin asked, "What? Will she come out?"

"En!" Mo Ran nodded, "She will be fine soon, changing clothes."

"We persuaded her several times, but she refused to come out to eat, and your mother and I accompanied her to starve!" Mo Shijin said helplessly.

Although this son has always been unwilling to take over his business, he turned a blind eye to all the affairs of the company, expressing the meaning of 'I don't participate in anything' from the beginning.But to be honest, he still admired this son very much. He didn't have any habits of a rich young master, and he was even spotlessly clean. He didn't look like a son of a wealthy family at all.I have always followed my own path with my own efforts, never relying on anything at home.

(End of this chapter)

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