Chapter 124 Surprise!Thirteen Bloody Eyes 【6】

The wind was blowing wildly.

The long hair that was only tied with a ribbon was blown away by the wind at this moment.

Xuanyuan Jin's hair is very long, reaching to the waist.

The hair is like flowing splashed ink, shiny black, soft and smooth like silk.

A pair of slender eyes, the pupils are like a deep pool shimmering with waves, hiding the true emotions extremely deeply.The tear mole in the corner of his eye is even more seductively charming. If he frowned and smiled at this moment, even the sunshine in the sky would be inferior because of it.

Although, he is a beautiful young man from the Moon Dynasty, although he looks sexy and flirtatious, he doesn't have any femininity, but this flirtatious has a faint sharpness, which cannot be underestimated.

"Lu Youcheng, do you really think I'm afraid of your shadow god?" The smile on the corner of his lips seemed to be contemptuous, Xuanyuan Jin's eyes suddenly changed, and a circle of blue light shot out from his eyes immediately !

A wild and evil spirit suddenly emanated from his body, the corners of his lips curled up, his hand slightly pointed towards the air, and three words were gently uttered from the corner of his mouth: "Fire Spirit Mouse."

Suddenly, the surrounding air froze instantly, and even the rolled up dust solidified in the air. Xuanyuan Jin slightly closed his eyes, raised his finger, and whispered to the air: "Now!"

In the depths of the tornado, the man dressed in demon red straightened his body, his pupils flashed a hint of surprise, he never expected to be able to see the long-lost life spirit technique here, presumably thanks to the divine pen of the ancient artifact, right?

In the blink of an eye, an orange-red flame suddenly flashed in the air, the flame roared in a circle, and with a roar of "嗤吧—", a huge fiery red spirit mouse appeared out of thin air!

The spirit mouse roared loudly, its one-meter-long body began to shake, and swept away the illusory dust with a sweep of its long tail. And the end turned out to be a string of ice-blue flames.

A beast that coexists with fire and water!
Su Sakurayue looked at Xuanyuanjin in surprise, she never knew that Xuanyuanjin had this kind of summoning ability, and it was the first time she heard that a soul master never used his own soul beast in battle, but used an artifact Create spirit beasts to fight!
It is impossible for the fire spirit mouse, a spirit beast with mutual generation and mutual restraint, to exist, but Su Sakurayue finally gained insight today.

If such a lesson from the past is applied to her and Prince Zhu Zhanhuang, will it be possible for them to no longer be enemies with each other, but to live in peace?

There was a cold light in Su Sakurayue's eyes, she no longer stopped her, but hid aside and watched them fight quietly.From the day she met Xuanyuan Jin, she never knew his details, she only knew that he was the proud son of heaven, and he was ranked in the top five in the list of genius soul masters in the Moon Dynasty!
She has never even seen his soul beast, and she doesn't know what kind of attribute he is. From this point of view, maybe today can let her see how powerful Xuanyuan Jin is.

"It's nothing more than a spirit beast, Xuanyuan Jin, you are embarrassing in front of this palace!" The irony that could not be hidden from the corners of the lips, the demon red robe spread all over the sky, the terrifying murderous intent and cold air combined with the pair of blood-like eyes Hitomi flashed a chilling gaze for an instant.

Xuanyuan Jin pursed his lips tightly, put his hands behind his back, and responded softly, "Then I'm sorry, this is not as simple as an ordinary spirit beast."

(End of this chapter)

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