Chapter 135 Hatching!Wonderful cute pet【8】

Although she didn't know why the blood-eyed thirteenth master wanted to destroy him in such a way, but she must not let such a thing happen.

"Stop yelling, even if you yell loudly, you won't be able to call him back... It's so strange, when I'm with you, I don't feel his existence at all." Heihua Lu Youcheng squinted at Jue Wushuang , her fair skin was covered by the grass, and only the broken silk satin hung on her body. The little pink cherries were so beautiful against the moonlight. This kind of temptation seemed to be inviting his pick (xié).

Looking at her beautiful ketone body, a trace of expectation and even desire appeared in the eyes of Heihua Lu Youcheng.

He raised his eyebrows, and immediately took a step forward, with a slow voice, as if he was determined to win.

"Bengong just likes a savage woman like you... You should be obedient, stop making trouble, and let me pick it up obediently." There was a trace of excitement in those blood-red eyes, and the corners of his pursed lips showed A little evil.

Jue Wushuang looked at the blood-eyed thirteenth master who was slowly walking towards him, and his scalp felt numb. It is impossible for someone to break in here, and she doesn't have any soul power. Does she have to wait to die? "Lu Youcheng, wake up, don't do things that you regret!"

"Lu Youcheng, do you want your sister to be eaten by you? Lu Youcheng... Lu Youcheng, hurry up and get out of my old lady! Don't let this demon control your heart!"

Biting his lip, Jue Wushuang roared with all his strength, as if such a strong roar could wake Lu Youcheng up.

However, it was useless.

His eyes were still blood red, his red hair was still flying in the air...

And the smile on the corner of his mouth, from evil to sarcasm, which one is not owned by that devil?
Jue Wushuang was disappointed, she raised her hand, moved her body slowly, gently protecting her chest, the incomplete clothes could no longer cover her beautiful jade body, let alone give her a trace of warmth.

The cold wind of Mengyuan Lake was blowing gently, but she felt that there was nothing more chilling than the situation at this time.

In front of him was the Thirteenth Lord possessed by a demon, and she... was his prey.

"Jue Wushuang... don't worry about it anymore, you will be my dinner tonight." A cruel smile rose from the corner of his mouth, and the eyes of Heihua Lu Youcheng were shining with excitement, and he took a big step forward. At the moment when he was about to approach Jue Wushuang by half a foot, suddenly——


There was another loud bang, and another powerful force was set off.

Fortunately, this time he was well prepared, his blood-red eyes fixed on the harmless Jue Wushuang, and the corners of his lips twitched, "Stop pretending, let me see your strength, Jue Wushuang, you But we are the only soul master with thunder attribute in Li Huan Continent."

Jue Wushuang didn't understand what he meant at all, but she also witnessed that strong light just now throwing the blood-eyed thirteenth master a few meters away.

Could it be that her body still has such abilities?

This made her confused, she looked coldly at Thirteen Bloody Eyes, "Devil, hurry up and release Lu Youcheng, otherwise...I want you to look good tonight!"

Knowing that something protected her, she was no longer afraid.

"You—" This sentence obviously angered Heihua Lu Youcheng, he raised his hand, and suddenly turned around, only to see the strong wind, the branches were shaken wantonly, and there was a "squeaky" sound, The dark clouds also rushed closer, blocking the silver moon.

(End of this chapter)

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