Chapter 140 Raid!Encountered beast tide【3】

"Quickly tell me, what exactly are the fragments of the Eight Desolation Maps?" No matter what kind of dangerous aura Lu Youcheng carries, Jue Wushuang just wants to know this secret as soon as possible.

She always felt that this thing was very familiar, even as if she had a memory of it deep in her mind.

"Girl, it's best not to go too far. I won't be responsible for the consequences, my lord..." Lu Youcheng, who half-closed his eyes, looked even more lazy and evil, but at the same time, he had a deadly allure. The breath sprayed from the tip of his nose, almost making Jue Wushuang's heart beat out.





"Lu Youcheng, show some respect. I'm your younger sister..." She is the emperor's niece, and Lu Youcheng is also the child of his concubine. They are also related by blood. How could he do that? Do you disrespect yourself like this?
How dare you tease her?
She thought it was outrageous for the prince to fight against Huang, but she didn't expect that Lu Youcheng was a very difficult guy to provoke!

Looking down, through the silver-white moonlight, I can vaguely see a place under the white red clothes that is undergoing obvious changes...


Jue Wushuang was stunned!
The eyes slowly, slowly widened, almost dumbfounded.

Did she misread and was so nervous that she was hallucinating?

Suddenly feeling a little scared, Jue Wushuang swallowed silently, a hint of fear flashed in his deep eyes. " should be honest and clear."

"Hehe... Are you also afraid of men's normal reactions?" Lu Youcheng has no shame at all!He looked at Jue Wushuang's blushing face with a smile, and suddenly had an evil taste of wanting to tease her.

"And..." He raised his hand and gently hooked her crisp shoulders, raised the corner of his mouth, and a trace of ridicule flashed in his eyes. "I'm not the son of Emperor Zhuyue, so you don't have to worry about me doing something disobedient."

Shock!In addition to shock, still shock!

It's definitely the same as someone telling her you're not human at all, like a joke.

Isn't he the most important heir of Emperor Zhuyue?

It is said that if it wasn't for Zhuzhanhuang's mother and concubine with her good stature and background, otherwise, the prince would have been him, and there would be no Zhuzhanhuang.

But now, he actually told himself so calmly that he was not the son of Emperor Zhuyue at all, so even if they did something, they would not be ridiculed by the world...

Nima, what is this!
"Are you making me happy?" Jue Wushuang narrowed his eyes, raised his eyebrows instantly, and looked at Lu Youcheng dissatisfied.

"Girl, you look pretty when you frown." Lu Youcheng frowned amusedly, and suddenly his expression became serious, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, if it wasn't for you, I still don't know how to come out Woolen cloth."

"Come out? You mean... Bloody Eyes Thirteen... and you..." Jue Wushuang even spoke incoherently, because he was frightened.

"Little Shenlong also told you that he is not some blood-eyed thirteenth master, but actually a kind of forbidden technique called 'puppet'." Lu Youcheng said with a sullen expression on his face, he straightened his robes, his red clothes fluttered, Long hair fluttering in the air, so enchanting. "There is no way to crack it so far, so I have no choice but to let him come out..."

"You are quite pitiful." Jue Wushuang said such words unconsciously, but unexpectedly angered Lu Youcheng, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he snorted softly, "Girl, next time you say something like this, little girl Grandpa, I might do it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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