Chapter 146 Raid!Encountered beast tide【9】

"what happened?"

Jue Wushuang looked down, it was strange that there were no monsters under them, and now they were at the top of a bamboo forest, and the emerald green bamboo leaves completely submerged their figures.

"There seems to be something wrong... Why hasn't Man Yu followed up?" Lu Youcheng looked back, only feeling a gust of cold wind blowing towards them, and there was no sign of Man Yu behind him.

Glancing at him helplessly, Jue Wushuang rolled his eyes, "Who made you fly so fast, do you think you can catch up to your shadow god just by virtue of Manyu?"

"This...that's true." Miraculously, Lu Youcheng didn't talk back to her, but looked down coldly, thinking in his heart, why did the thousand-eyed beast find them but didn't catch up?

Could it be that it just let them go?
The result is - of course no, can, can!


Hearing a strong roar, Jue Wushuang also lowered his head, and saw something wrong in the ground. "Lu Youcheng, look quickly!" She raised her hand and pointed to the ground.

I saw the soil began to loosen, and a huge head slowly appeared, and then "Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

The thousand-eyed beast actually completely pulled out its huge body from the soil. It just covered half of its body in the soil, but this time... it caught up with them and pulled its body out of the soil. Pulled out.

Now, Lu Youcheng and Jue Wushuang were dumbfounded.

Looking at the loose soil, the falling dust, and the wind blowing in the bamboo forest, they stood at the top of the bamboo forest, Lu Youcheng held her hand tightly, and gave her a reassuring smile, " It doesn't matter, girl, if there is any disaster, I will protect you for you."

Hearing these words, Jue Wushuang instantly felt annoyed, "I don't need protection, and I hope you don't call me a girl, I'm not weak, I will become stronger, just wait for me, Lu Youcheng."

She didn't want to have anything to do with this person. Didn't she see clearly what kind of person he was during that night's battle?
A flash of anger flashed in Jue Wushuang's heart, and he didn't care about the absent-mindedness on Lu Youcheng's face.

"That's when you become stronger!" Lu Youcheng couldn't help but hug Jue Wushuang in her arms. She wanted to call out, but the next moment, she was frightened by an enlarged face, "What do you want?" Don't even say, can you go out now?"

"..." Jue Wushuang was speechless.

"Then, listen to me, I will take you away from Mengyuan Lake, and don't say anything else!"

With an order, Jue Wushuang closed his mouth helplessly, and watched him wrap himself in the enchanting red robe with wide eyes. In an instant, a warmth came from his strong chest, and an inexplicable flush up cheeks...

Lu Youcheng didn't pay attention to Jue Wushuang's changes, but lowered his eyes to the ground.

The thousand-eyed beast slowly pulled its body out of the soil, looking at the loose soil, Jue Wushuang fixed her eyes, and the next moment, she couldn't help opening her mouth wide, are you sure you made a mistake?
Is this still true?

She couldn't believe what she saw!
The lower body of this weird monster... actually... actually has six legs!
There were extremely ugly pimples on the thick legs, which shone with green light, and with a gust of wind, there was even a foul smell.

(End of this chapter)

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