Chapter 158 Leader!Mysterious visitor【1】

"Get out of the way, girl, you don't know what danger is?!" The clear eyes gleamed with evil spirits, and Lu Youcheng stood in the wind in the red dress, and the sound of the wind lifted his robe and rolled it up. There was a heat wave.

"Niguang, just say something, I can see that you have no malicious intentions." The person Jue Wushuang trusts very much, based on the first impression, it is as if she met Su Sakurayue again, and she also recognized Su Sakurayue Yuehui and her are lifelong good sisters.

Hmph, can you see that he is not malicious?

Lu Youcheng turned his face away in displeasure, and growled, "Girl, you can't just look at the appearance!"

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

Suddenly, it seemed that the sky and the earth also changed color because of his anger.

Thick clouds covered the light of the moon, it was extremely dull, and the atmosphere began to become weird.

The three faced each other like this, Jue Wushuang looked at Niguang, Lu Youcheng stared at the two of them, holding back the sullenness in his heart.

Only the bonfire on the side is quietly burning...

"Tonight is indeed the day when the spirit pet was born, and I came here for the spirit pet. After all, this thing is the best material for our puppet masters. If we can capture the spirit pet and use it for ourselves, then It will definitely increase the ability.”

After a long time, Ni Guang finally spoke.

"But the spiritual pet is very troublesome, because it recognizes its owner." Lu Youcheng's charming and handsome face had a hint of coldness, and his deep amber eyes looked deeply at Niguang, as if he wanted to see through him.

"Acknowledge the Lord, what does that mean?" Jue Wushuang seemed to have a hundred thousand reasons and didn't understand anything.

She has too little knowledge about this world, and she has to ask others for everything.

It's just that she was brought here before she had time to study. If she had been prepared, she wouldn't have made such a fool of herself.

"That is to say, it is not that you tame the pet, it will sign a contract with you and become your partner, but it will choose a human as its director according to its own preferences." Lu Youcheng explained from the side, and quickly explained Opened the question in Jue Wushuang's heart.

"That is to say, if the spiritual pet doesn't like the person who tamed it, then it is very likely to choose another person as its master, right?" After blinking, Jue Wushuang finally understood.

It's like a pet egg, except that the owner of the pet egg chooses it, and because of the high level of the spiritual pet, it already has its own spiritual consciousness, so it will choose its own owner.

"So, you all came here for your spiritual pet?" Jue Wushuang turned to Niguang, his whole head was hidden in a thick hat, his expression could not be seen, only his eyes were shining.

"And you, Lu Youcheng, you also want to get a spiritual pet, don't you?" Seeing that Ni Guang didn't answer, she turned her head and asked Lu Youcheng.

Lu Youcheng didn't answer her question, those amber eyes blinked, and when they were focused, the long eyelashes covered his eyeballs, making it impossible to see the emotion in his eyes.

Under the tall bridge of the nose, the thin lips are tightly pursed.

That heart-stirring face is full of dangers and challenges.

The silver-white moonlight slowly drew a beautiful circle of light along the outline of his body. He turned his head and raised his hand to face the neon light, with a cold voice, "You are the leader... right?"

"The leader of the Red Lotus Sect!" Jue Wushuang couldn't help but whispered, looking at Niguang strangely.

Such an approachable person turned out to be the leader of the Red Lotus Sect?
Don't they all wear elaborate masks?Why he doesn't have a mask, it turns out, it's because he is the leader.

(End of this chapter)

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