Chapter 170 Spirit pet!Sign a contract【3】

"Lord Lingzun, what you said is a bit ruthless. Anyway, my Red Lotus Sect is also a decent sect. It's not appropriate to forcibly plunder, right?" There was a wicked smile on Yaoxie's face, Jiulan's words are reasonable, but to others, it seems that Lingzun is relying on his own status and not paying attention to people.

Lingzun was out of breath for a while, and snorted coldly, with a hint of dissatisfaction on the tip of his nose. "Don't play word games with me, this deity advises you to let go early, don't know how you will die later!"


The show is coming!

Jue Wushuang squinted his eyes, ignoring the pain in his body, and just looked at Jiulan with lowered eyes.

"I didn't expect that the Spiritual Venerable would guard the pet like this. The attitude of the Spiritual Venerable in the past is different. Those things have nothing to do with them. They just need to guard the spiritual pet until it breaks its shell. Evil is also righteous, these things don't care about him. But this Lingzun is so desperate to protect the pet...Girl, it seems that we have something to do this time." Lu Youcheng excitedly grabbed Jue Wushuang's wrist, and said in a low voice Spit: "Wait for both of them to be exhausted, we will take the opportunity...hehe..."

The following words are self-evident, even if Jue Wushuang is a fool, she still understands the meaning of Lu Youcheng's words, but she has never done such things as taking advantage of others' dangers, and reaping the benefits of being a fisherman... Pick a pick The corner of her lips, she said that this method is wonderful!
Don't do it for nothing, she won't be so stupid as to waste her energy competing with the Spiritual Venerable, her purpose is only one, to get the spiritual favor, become its master, and restore her soul power.

Those who look down on her, those who try to harm her, all of them, get back what they owe her!
"Lingzun is really good at joking, how can I put it, I am also the holy envoy of the Red Lotus Sect, do you really think I am so weak?"

Jiulan stretched out her arm, and with the slight movement of her bright red lips, slowly, that white jade-like arm gradually showed a blooming red lotus.

The red lotus is like blood, as bright as the other side flower growing in hell, the red is as coquettish as blood, and as beautiful as the rising sun!
Slightly bending the corners of her lips, Jiu Lan made a gesture of clasping her palms together, her mouth plausible, but she couldn't hear what she said at all, something like a mantra was spit out from her lips, and the red lotus lines on her arms became more and more It was so obvious that in the end, it was actually glowing red.

The Lingzun seemed to be a little more angry than before, and it scolded angrily, "If you want to die, don't blame the deity for being rude!"

With a roar, I saw the deep grass move suddenly, "Wow——" I saw a large piece of thick fog coming from nowhere, they rushed in quickly, and even Lu Youcheng couldn't see it. After realizing it, he was already shrouded in dense fog. He reached out his hand to grab Jue Wushuang who was beside him, but he raised his hand to fish it, but found it was empty!

Panic in his heart, he pounced forward, there was nothing, it was empty!
What appeared in front of him was the quiet surface of Mengyuan Lake, where there was no grass, let alone Jue Wushuang, even the figures of Jiulan and Lingzun were gone.

At this moment, Lu Youcheng couldn't believe it!
Obviously she is still there, why...

All of a sudden, he seemed to think of something, oh no, he was tricked!

He was so stupid that he forgot to set a barrier for them. Wasn't the roar of Lingzun just now the roar of the eight trigrams formation?
He actually let Jue Wushuang face danger alone, no!The veins stood up on his forehead, Lu Youcheng looked affectionately and nervously at the forest shrouded in thick fog in the distance, his eyebrows could not be loosened.

Lifting his leg, he was about to walk into the gossip formation, but there was an exclamation from behind him!
"Oh, my thirteenth master, you are exhausting me to death!" Man Yu rushed over panting, heaved a long sigh in his heart, fortunately, he finally caught up.

(End of this chapter)

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