Chapter 34 Provocation!Clan vs. 【2】

"If you didn't do it, you didn't do it. Why are you stammering? There must be something wrong in your heart!" Xuanyuan Ningyue's sour voice fell into her ears, and even Xuanyuan Jin who was beside her frowned slightly.

Normally, these two people just don't see eye to eye with each other, and they have to fight each other over trivial matters. Fortunately, this time, Xuanyuan Ningyue got the news from nowhere, so she just got into a fight with Feng Qingcheng.

"How can I stutter, it's obvious that you are making wild guesses and extrapolating wildly!" Although Feng Qingcheng had no confidence in her heart, she still had to have confidence in her face. , Now it's like a wolf that has taken off its sheep's clothing, revealing her original appearance.

Spicy and brutal.

He obviously has no confidence, but he insists on fighting for that breath!

"My lady didn't go to the back mountain, Qingya can testify." Seeing Feng Qingcheng winking, Qingya stood aside and growled softly, "Miss Xuanyuan, you are just hearsay and have no evidence at all, please Don't impose the crime on my young lady!"


No evidence!
This is clearly a blow to Xuanyuan Ningyue!

Yes, since she can say it, there must be evidence. Xiexie raised her lips, Xuanyuan Ningyue raised her eyebrows, and snorted at Feng Qingcheng, "You dog slave, of course you are helping the master to speak. You You want evidence, Feng Qingcheng, I will let you see the evidence today!"

"Cousin, you know." Looking up, Xuanyuan Ningyue's eyes were almost starry, and even a little pitiful.

"The future master of our Jue Yue Villa is Jue Wushuang, but Feng Qingcheng has been fighting duels with the master behind his back all the year round. He said it was a duel, but in fact, he relied on his own red rope technique to suppress her?"

"Feng Qingcheng, don't forget that you are a member of a separate family. This villa has always belonged to the Jue family, and it belongs to our Xuanyuan family!" Feeling excited, Xuanyuan Ningyue uttered provocative words without restraint.

The main family is the main family, and the division is a division, just like a daughter-in-law and a concubine, there is always a distinction between high and low status, and Feng Qingcheng, as an inconspicuous second lady of the division, actually bullied the head of the family!
If the blame goes on...


"Even if Sister Shuang'er's soul power has not improved, how can you desecrate her status?" The rare genius is naturally the most respectable in Jue Yue Villa, but since Jue Wushuang's soul power has never been After making progress, coupled with her sudden accident, it caused her to be foolish and foolish.

Many people in the branch family are dissatisfied with the decision made by the head of the family. It is obviously a waste material, but with such a halo, it is really unbearable!

"Of course I know who I am, but what about don't hate Jue Wushuang just the same. Xuanyuan Ningyue, don't be hypocritical." Paper can't contain fire, so aggressive words really make Feng Qingcheng felt even more uncomfortable, her complexion changed, she stepped back involuntarily, and at the same time raised her right hand forward, a red rope suddenly appeared between her fingers!

"Who is hypocritical, it's better than someone doing things in the dark!" Xuanyuan Ningyue's complexion changed, she glanced at Feng Qingcheng's movements, snorted, and shouted: "Okay, you actually want to use force against me, Cousin, look, it's just the young lady of her branch family who dares to bully our clan!"

(End of this chapter)

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