The demon king grabs the concubine: the waste material soul master will defy the sky

Chapter 384 Family affection?Hidden knife in a smile【1】

Chapter 384 Family affection?Hidden knife in a smile【1】

When the two fragments of the Eight Desolation Maps are joined together, there is actually Yuelian City, the capital of the Puluo Kingdom.

In this way, is it true that the Eight Deserted Islands are within the borders of the Puluo Kingdom?

This secret surprised Jue Wushuang, and even extremely doubted whether this fragment of the Eight Desolation Map was real.

However, she couldn't help but think too much, the facts had already been made clear.

Every step will be more difficult. The Puluo Kingdom is a mysterious country. It was a glorious country, but it was declared dead overnight. There must be a big secret hidden in it.

Perhaps, Lu Youcheng knew, but now she didn't want to talk to this person at all.

When he said he liked her, she began to resist him in her heart.

Like is a pain, a thorn, she will think of the past, she will think of her once innocent self.

Wrong, he was wrong.

The mistake was that he just fell in love with her, a person who didn't belong to this world at all.

After a sleepless night, Jue Wushuang thought and thought in his mind, how to take the next step.

Looking at the crescent moon outside the window, the empty sky full of stars, she couldn't sleep, she took out a book, read it carefully, and took out a copy of "Soul Killing" to study the use of soul power.

She is very sure of her strength now, and she may have broken through the high level of Gintama, approaching Jin Zun.

Perhaps because of getting the spiritual pet, she gradually felt that her body was much better than before, and even the breath she exhaled was much thicker.

Jue Wushuang looked at everything in front of him and slowly closed his eyes.

Reciting the mantra in my heart, I don't know when, I am already in a dark world.

Inside, she was in a daze and couldn't see her five fingers when she stretched out her hand, but deep in the darkness, there seemed to be a voice calling her.

She walked forward step by step, step by step, and even quickened her pace after hearing a little breathing.

"Girl, you are here again."

It's Reso.

Its voice still carried a little sarcasm, even a little lazy.

"Lei Suo?" Jue Wushuang looked forward, but he couldn't see its body, and could only feel its thicker and heavier voice every time.

"So you still remember me?" Lei Suo said with a smile, his voice was obviously much more tired than the last time he appeared.

Jue Wushuang raised his hand, trying to disperse the thick fog that covered his sight, but no matter how he tried, he couldn't get rid of it. The whole world seemed to be covered by thick black, and he couldn't see the direction or the distance.

"What's going on here? Is something wrong, Lei Suo?" She was a little worried. The last time she saw Lei Suo was already trapped in a cage. Now that the situation is like this, is it more dangerous?
"Finally called you back, I just want to tell you, if I haven't come out before you, will die too." Lei Suo's voice was trembling, and it paused, "Also, solution The time to open the seal can only be your birthday, on that day when the seven stars are shining, you will stand on the top of Bahuang Island, attract the thunder of heaven and earth, summon me, unseal the seal, and call the wind and rain."


, There are only two years left, and Jue Wushuang suddenly feels that time is running out.

He squinted his eyes and looked at its direction, "Lei Suo, are you okay now?"

Lei Suo lazily replied, "It's okay."

I wanted to continue to say something, but it was startled suddenly, "Someone is coming!"

Jue Wushuang wanted to speak again and again but only felt a gust of wind blowing towards her. Suddenly, a tornado swept her body away. When she opened her eyes again, she saw the tranquility of the room. The morning light had already fallen into the room. After a while, it turned out to be dawn.Was she just... asleep?

"Princess, someone is looking for you outside." Hua Sang's voice came from outside the house.


"Xuanyuan Zihong."

(End of this chapter)

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