The demon king grabs the concubine: the waste material soul master will defy the sky

Chapter 387 Family affection?Hidden knife in a smile【4】

Chapter 387 Family affection?Hidden knife in a smile【4】

"Jue Wushuang, you evildoer!"

Xuanyuan Zihong was extremely angry, and when he thought about it, the chill all over his body became even worse.

He suddenly raised his head, "If Nian was not stupid and stupid before you, I would have killed you long ago! Now, today's battle may be unavoidable."

"Jue Wushuang, you are not my daughter, but you... are not anyone's child either."

"You are a devil!"

"You only have killing in your eyes! Feng Qingcheng, Feng Yihan...the second just go underground and admit your mistake to them!"

He never expected that the loving father back then would turn into the vicious one he is today.

It was even more unexpected that such a big secret was hidden in Jue Wushuang's life experience.

No wonder, even now that she has been conferred the title of "Princess Liuyue", there is no news from the palace that she will enter the palace for the coronation.

It turned out that there was no one in the world who could tolerate her!

Hatred poured into my heart all of a sudden.

I saw Xuanyuan Zihong leaping suddenly, and the black figure suddenly flew forward!
The direction in which he rushed was Jue Wushuang.

Jue Wushuang looked at the black figure that suddenly flashed in front of him, narrowed his eyes, and there was a hint of danger in his eyes. "It turns out that you are also pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. You have been hiding your strength for so many years. I'm afraid it's hard for you, right?"

"Since you know everything, I am not your biological father, and there is no such thing as a poisonous tiger. Today, let me do justice for the heavens and get rid of you, a monster!"

"If you listen to me, treat Princess Luyue well in front of Princess Luyue, and don't make any plans for the deserted island, or even interfere with any government affairs, then I'll let you go, but you..."

Xuanyuan Zihong had a cold face, and his tone was full of killing intent.

"Having two fragments of the Eight Desolation Maps, do you want to revive your dead father...don't think about it!"

"That bitch Zhu Zhiyun, it's enough for me to wear a cuckold for the rest of my life. Today, if I don't kill you evildoer, I'm sorry madam!"

The wolf is ambitious, and as expected, Xuanyuan Zihong only has the second Mrs. Feng in his heart.

Jue Wushuang narrowed his eyes and mocked coldly.

"What did I do and what didn't I do? I know in my heart that I didn't kill the people of the Feng family. However, today... it is impossible for me to promise you to become a doll and be ordered by others, hmph."

Xuanyuan Zihong raised his head, and suddenly raised his hand towards Jue Wushuang, the hand that went straight was about to grab her neck.

In an instant, Jue Wushuang stepped back quickly, his footsteps froze, and a wicked smile curled up on his lips. "Xuanyuan Zihong, if you want to kill me, it may not be that simple."

"I'll ask you again, are you really unwilling?"

I don't want to be that obedient rabbit, so as not to be displaced all my life.

Jue Wushuang looked at Xuanyuan Zihong, raised his eyebrows, "It seems that you didn't hear me clearly, let me say it again."

With an arc drawn at the corner of his lips, Jue Wushuang sneered, "I never thought of being a good rabbit, if you want to kill me, just come."

"I never wanted to obey you, what can I talk about?"

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan Zihong only felt a burst of momentum rushing straight to the top of his head!
wind, drifting by.

Blowing up the blue hair.

The standing woman was completely cold from head to toe.

There was a cold-blooded smile hanging on the corner of his mouth, a contemptuous smile, a mocking smile!
Xuanyuan Zihong's eyes widened, murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"You monster! I don't get rid of you today, I'm sorry for myself!"

Raising his hands, at this moment, a blue light appeared in the palm of his hand.

Just hearing a bang, the blue light exploded, and after the light dissipated, only a huge monster appeared in front of me.

(End of this chapter)

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