Chapter 39 Space!Ancient legend【1】

Feng Qingcheng called Xuanyuan Zihong sweetly, "Father."

Xuanyuan Zihong stared at that side with fixed eyes, and swayed from Xuanyuan Jin's body, there was a slight anger in his eyes, even a trace of dissatisfaction.

"Father!" Seeing this, Xuanyuan Jin slowly called out to the man in a low voice, a trace of incomprehension flashed in his gentle jade-like eyes, and there were too many things mixed in his eyes.

"Jin'er, I will explain some things to you later. Elder Mengyue and I are going to Jueyue Court to discuss Shuang'er's condition." Xuanyuan Zihong glanced at them, his voice clearly strong.

He knew his son very well, and whenever he got involved with Jue Wushuang, he would ask him for details.

Puckering her mouth, Xuanyuan Jin looked depressed, and could only watch them walking towards the villa without daring to utter another word.

"Cousin, I was really impulsive just now, I'm sorry." Xuanyuan Ningyue looked at Xuanyuan Jin's frustrated look, and didn't know what to say, so she could only complain to Feng Qingcheng, "Hmph, it's all your fault! "

"Why are you blaming me? Xuanyuan Ningyue, you can't speak so arrogantly!" Feng Qingcheng smiled faintly, her eyebrows frowned, and she couldn't help but glared at her, "I know, you have your pride, but I also have my own dignity."

"You obviously provoked this matter, so what does it have to do with me?" Feng Qingcheng sneered, speaking in a louder tone than before.

"You!" Xuanyuan Ningyue couldn't help but let out a low growl, and jumped into a rage.

What did she do wrong?It's just an outburst of anger on behalf of Sister Shuang'er, why is she being deflated everywhere?

"Okay, both of you stop arguing, Cheng'er, take Qingya back." After waving at Feng Qingcheng, Xuanyuan Jin glanced at Xuanyuan Ningyue. "Ningyue, come with me, I have something to ask you." Xuanyuan Jin's handsome face was full of soft light, with a first-class appearance, eyebrows like ink paintings, face like peach petals, and eyes like gentle jade , at the moment flashing a little bit of cold light.

Although he was a little angry, but because of his soft nature, such demeanor could not see his anger.

"Understood, Brother Jin." While speaking, Feng Qingcheng deliberately glanced at Xuanyuan Ningyue, looking at the embarrassed expression on her face, feeling very happy in her heart, hum, I want you to fight with me.

"You damn girl, master has something to do and you fainted! Hmph!" After they had left, Feng Qingcheng put her foot on Qingya's body, Qingya screamed in pain, and opened her eyes wide. Looking at Feng Qingcheng in front of her, she immediately yelled.

"Miss, Qingya knows her mistake, miss, please forgive me." Qingya quickly knelt down on the ground, nodded and bowed towards her.

"Just know you're wrong, hurry back with me, don't embarrass yourself here." Feng Qingcheng took a look at Qingya and snorted.

Black, silent black all around.

Can't touch the edge, can't see everything.

Only one deep and one shallow breath showed that she was still alive.

It was dark and humid here, and the bursts of cold air made her shiver her body uncontrollably, and began to tremble.

"Ahem..." A cold snap hit her, causing her to cough a few times.

Slowly, Jue Wushuang opened his eyes, his eyelids were heavy, he opened them with difficulty, but what he saw was boundless darkness.

"Where is this?" She wondered for a while, she remembered that she was helped to bed by two girls in Jugengyuan, how could she appear here?

(End of this chapter)

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