Chapter 399 Shocked!The ultimate spiritual pet [6]

"Dean Li He, have I passed the test?" Jue Wushuang looked at the white-bearded Elder Li He on the high platform, with a teasing look on his lips.

The calculations in her heart are still very compact, this time she can't let others take advantage of her.

Using Bingluan to block the fact that he has no soul power, he can still get to the "Tianzi Class" smoothly, which is no problem.

Elder Li He narrowed his eyes, thought for a while, and nodded lightly to all the teachers, "Let her go back, the test is valid!"

Although there are no soul beasts, a high-level spiritual pet like Bingluanniao is already much more powerful than many soul beasts. This time, she really stole the limelight.

In the midst of sobs, Jue Wushuang raised his chin lightly, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of his lips. It seemed that entering the "Tianzi Class" would be no problem.

"Bingluan, come back..." With a clear and elegant voice, Jue Wushuang grabbed his wrist and flew down from its head easily, leaning his hand on its forehead with a light touch, and saw a ball of ice blue light, Going inward along the sleeves, disappearing...

"How is it possible?" Liu Piaopiao looked at the huge bird, disappeared immediately, and growled in shock: "How could she have such a powerful spiritual pet?"

Although she was still lucky that Jue Wushuang would definitely not be able to summon her own soul beast, after all her soul beast had been sealed long ago, but she did not expect that she would pretend to be a fool and summon her soul pet, so that everyone stunned.

This made Liu Piaopiao's face turn red and white. The Bingluan Bird is much more powerful than her soul beast. How will she deal with Jue Wushuang in the future?

At this moment, Sun Miaoyin, who was silent, slowly opened her mouth, "I'm talking about you, because you are ignorant. Obviously, we have all been played by Jue Wushuang."

"What did you say?!" Liu Piaopiao was very surprised.

What did Sun Miaoyin mean by this? Could it be that Jue Wushuang had recovered his soul power long ago, were those test results just to deceive others?

"She already had a Bingluan bird, but everyone thought it was impossible for the useless Jue Wushuang to awaken the spiritual pet, so everyone never paid attention to her, but..." Sun Miaoyin glanced at her. Jue Wushuang, who walked out of the magic circle, seemed to be in good spirits. Since seeing her last time on the execution ground, she had a faint feeling that the current Jue Wushuang was a little different.

No matter what happened, she showed an unflattering attitude, as if everything had nothing to do with her, and even produced strong evidence to prove her innocence in the court.

The current Jue Wushuang really cannot be underestimated.

Sun Miaoyin smiled suddenly, "I said, how did she become so powerful now? It seems that she has found a good backer."

"Eh?" Liu Piaopiao expressed doubts, followed her gaze, and saw the Thirteenth Master in red, smiling at Jue Wushuang.

Everyone knows that Thirteen Lord Lu Youcheng is a dangerous person who cannot be approached. Once someone accidentally touched the corner of his clothes, and he said "dirty", he chopped the man into pieces and fed them to the dogs; Someone just accidentally bumped into him while walking, and he said 'it hurts', and the dead body of that person was lying on the ground, and no one would claim it even if he arrived in Huangquan, so he could only be a wandering soul...

The thirteenth master is so terrifying, this is no joke.

He who is usually not good at speaking is indeed frightening, but his noble temperament and the rare and precious wind element in the world have made his whole name spread all over the country.

(End of this chapter)

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