Chapter 404 Poor student?Weird Zhengtai【1】

Although I don't know who made the shot, Su Sakurayue likes such a person who doesn't like to show off very much.

They always deal with such bad guys behind their backs, but they don't reveal their names, they do what good people should do, and they don't show off so that everyone will remember him. Such people are very good.

"You!" Liu Piaopiao covered her face, it was hot there, God knows how hard that person used.

And that person was above her, with such a quick movement, I really don't know who it could be.

With such a ruthless attack, when did she offend this character?
"Okay, sister, please don't say a few words. The princess has taught me a lesson. I will communicate with Princess Pingyang in private. I would like to ask the princess to save me. This time I made you laugh." Or Sun Miaoyin would When she spoke, her tone was harmonious without losing face, and she looked at Su Sakurayue without the slightest bit of humbleness.

It's just the daughter of the general's mansion, who speaks generously and looks decent.

"I'm not a narrow-minded person either. As long as Liu Piaopiao apologizes to Mo Shangxing, that's fine this time." Su Sakurayue looked upright, she didn't take Liu Piaopiao seriously at all, and even wanted to continue to tease her.

Liu Piaopiao muttered, looking at Su Yingyue, and happened to see the smile flashing in Jue Wushuang's eyes.

That smile was clearly complacent, ridiculing, and ironic.

Even with a cold feeling, Liu Piaopiao just felt a chill down his spine, as if he saw something terrible.

This Jue Wushuang, she bit the corner of her lip, she was sure that she must be playing tricks.

She is obviously a waste, how could she summon such a high-level spiritual pet all of a sudden, and her weird smile is really ghostly.

Unconvinced for a while, Sun Miaoyin beside her saw that she hadn't moved yet, so she stretched out her hand and gently pinched her wrist, causing her to grin her teeth in pain.

"I'm sorry...Mo Shangxing, I...shouldn't have teased you like that just now." It was an apology, but Liu Piaopiao's face clearly showed a little displeasure, no, it was very, very displeased!
Jue Wushuang smiled coldly in his heart, only Su Sakurayue had a smile on his face. "That's right, we are all students of the same academy, and we will be classmates in the future, and we should help each other in studies..." Yun Yun's words were really convincing when they came out of her mouth.

After a while, Sun Miaoyin pulled Liu Piaopiao away from the center of the crowd, and kept saying, "Didn't you see that the princess is here, so don't restrain yourself."

Liu Piaopiao naturally didn't buy it, and snorted coldly, "Hmph, what princess, don't you know that Su Sakurayue is a bastard?"

"Hush!" Sun Miaoyin immediately stepped forward and covered her mouth, staring at her with wide eyes, almost furious. "If you don't know something, don't talk nonsense! If you let Bie Ran listen to you, you will be killed."

"I'm telling the truth. She was picked up in Dongying. I don't know which geisha gave birth to her. She is not clean. She dares to call herself a noble princess. Hmph, her identity is not as clean as mine." Liu Fluttering looked at that side, Su Sakurayue with a smile on her face, that noble posture, looked at her with nausea.

"Okay, don't talk about it, you are not much better. Now that Jue Wushuang is in the academy, dealing with her is much more difficult than before." Sun Miaoyin said, looking at Jue Wushuang indifferently.

Moreover, judging from her performance just now, she is really different from before.

(End of this chapter)

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