Chapter 406 Poor student?Weird Zhengtai【3】

"After that, I will ask the little princess to teach you a lot, and we will make progress together." Mo Shangxing raised his hand, and was about to pat Jue Wushuang on the shoulder, but felt that it was inappropriate, and withdrew his hand from mid-air return.

But unexpectedly, only the sound of "cracking" was heard in the air.

Jue Wushuang actually raised his hand and touched his hand.

Mo Shangxing couldn't believe it, and looked at Jue Wushuang in surprise.

"We don't know each other without fighting, let's make progress together." Jue Wushuang smiled kindly, and withdrew his hand.

Affirmed by the goddess! ! !

Mo Shangxing only felt that his body gained strength in an instant, and he almost wanted to beat his chest and jump excitedly. "Okay, princess, I will definitely work hard."

"Then we'll see you in class tomorrow." Jue Wushuang finished speaking and left.

Mo Shangxing looked at her leaving back, almost bewildered.

"It's so's so beautiful, it's like a goddess descended to earth, as beautiful as a fairy..." Mo Shangxing couldn't help but sighed softly, he glanced at Feng Ruixi who was stunned beside him, and patted him on the shoulder, "Hey, Tell me, does the little princess like me?"

The voice was very small, and he didn't dare to speak too loudly, it was because Jue Wushuang hadn't gone too far and was afraid of being heard by her.

However, how could the current Jue Wushuang not hear such a voice?

She could only twitch the corners of her mouth, as if she didn't know anything.

"You're talking, brother." Mo Shangxing shook Feng Ruixi, but couldn't hear his voice, thinking that this person was possessed by evil spirits, Mo Shangxing raised his hand, and was about to throw his fist at him past!

"Stop!" Feng Ruixi immediately turned pale, "Xiaojun mainly likes you, so I immediately ran naked in the street! Don't you know about the scandal between her and Thirteenth Master? Everyone in the academy knows, but you don't?"

Mo Shangxing was stunned for a moment, "What...scandal?"

"It's not yesterday, they embraced in public, their intimate appearance... must be old friends." Feng Ruixi's face was indifferent, but these words came out of his mouth word by word, and fell on Mo Shang Xing's heart, his young and fragile heart, was immediately shattered.

"... woo woo woo, my goddess..." With tears in his eyes, Mo Shangxing ran away in tears, and was speechless immediately, covered his face and left, tears streaming down the audience.

Seeing Mo Shangxing's appearance, Feng Ruixi just shook her head and sighed, "Hey, the one hundred and first."

Glass Palace.

It is very quiet here, the courtyard is huge, but there is no maidservant, not even a guard, it looks like a deserted old house from a distance, if it weren't for the big characters of dragon, phoenix and phoenix dance on the plaque, who would have known it was actually The mansion that the Moon Emperor bestowed on Princess Liuyue?
After walking in, Su Sakurayue became suspicious for a while.

"Hey, why haven't you seen Yun Shu, isn't she usually following you?"

Yun Shu has long been sent to train mercenaries, how could she still be at the house?Jue Wushuang immediately replied with one eye closed, "Oh, she has returned to her mother's house, and she will not come back in half a month."

"My natal family?" Su Sakurayue became even more skeptical, what is this, and Yun Shu is not married, so where did she come from her natal family?

"Hey, look at my mouth, she's gone home, back to the countryside." Jue Wushuang also felt something was wrong, just sighed, and changed the subject by the way.

"It's true, it's a pity that I was assigned to the worst class." Jue Wushuang turned to look at Su Yingyue, thinking that she would see a disappointed expression on her face, but who knew that Su Yingyue Almost jumped up and hugged her.

(End of this chapter)

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