Chapter 411 Poor student?Weird Zhengtai【9】

Obviously, such words have no effect at all on Zhu Yetong.

I saw the little guy Zhui Yetong blinking his eyes and glanced at Jue Wushuang, shaking his little head, with a sly and evil smile on his mouth, "Hmph, I don't believe it."

Jue Wushuang thought he was going to say something, but in the end he spoke in such a tone.

She really has the feeling that God, you come and strike me to death with a thunderbolt.

In this world, you can reason, but the only thing you can't do is - reason with a child, let alone a vexatious little kid like Zhu Yetong.

Jue Wushuang has really learned the lesson of how a bear child grows up. If her child grows up like this in the future, she will take a big knife and cut off his hair as a warning!
Damn it, it's really difficult.

"Then what do you believe? Why do you say that the Thirteenth Lord doesn't want you and runs to me every day? Which eye of yours sees it? Also, I don't care what he thinks in his heart. I don't He was right."

"In this way, where did I snatch your thirteenth brother?" Thinking about it, it's a waste of time to talk to such a child, she still has to rush to the academy, and Su Sakurayue is still in the room It's not good to disturb her.

Thinking of this, Jue Wushuang felt that it was time to clean up Hua Sang, and not guard the yard properly, but let in such a scourge.

"You say so, but you don't necessarily think so in your heart." Zhui Yetong looked at Jue Wushuang with great interest, and suddenly took a step back. His hair fluttered in the wind, and his eyes seemed to be coated Like a layer of golden light, the corners of the mouth slightly raised and twitched.

After a while, he said quietly, "You women like duplicity like this, and you obviously like Brother Thirteen in your heart, hum, duplicity!"

"Not at all! Who would like that scoundrel who only likes to be smug, spends a day playing tricks, and insists that I will protect you? Hmph, I'm not interested in him at all."

Hua Sang, who had just walked to the small courtyard, heard such a voice, and followed the sound, it turned out to be the little prince and Jue Wushuang?
What are they talking about?
Driven by curiosity, Hua Sang cautiously walked towards the small courtyard, and stood not far away, listening quietly without disturbing them.

"It's just duplicity. If you're not interested in him, then why did your mood change so much when I mentioned him?" Zhu Yetong suddenly smiled wickedly as if he had seen through everything, "Could it be because there is something in your body? Two souls?"


Two souls!

This time, Jue Wushuang was really stunned. What did the child see?
"What did you do to the princess? Why does she look so painful?" Zhui Yetong narrowed his eyes, and there were bursts of light circles in his pale golden pupils, invisible to others, but Hua Sang, who was hiding in the distance, saw it.

Hua Sang felt excited, he... so he has a pair of spiritual eyes!
No wonder there is no soul power, this person is born to absorb spiritual energy, there is no need to train soul power at all, just one thought, and all the soul beasts can obey his command.

However, looking at him like this, I'm afraid he doesn't know how powerful he is?

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Jue Wushuang continued to be stupid. Could it be that the previous Jue Wushuang did not die, but her soul suddenly came and occupied this body, and the soul has no place to hide, her thoughts are too big, and in addition A soul still dormant?
"You... who are you?!" Zhui Yetong stepped back again and again as if seeing something terrifying, but unexpectedly bumped into something.

(End of this chapter)

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