Chapter 413 Dispute!College Brawl【1】

Hua Sang replied coldly, "When conveying internal energy, there should be no interruptions."

For such a small reason, Jue Wushuang and Su Yingyue stayed outside the door, staring at each other, not knowing whether Hua Sang was okay or not.

And Ziyan, the big unicorn, also disappeared. Instead, Pipi, the lovely spiritual pet, pulled his long ears and rushed towards Jue Wushuang, "Master, master, that little guy just now seems to know your intentions." identity!"

As her personal pets, Pippi and Bingluaniao naturally know her true identity. Although Jue Wushuang never said it, the two little guys, Pippi and Bingluaniao, knew it well, and neither of them said anything. , after all, the strong in this world are respected, and whoever is strong is the boss.

The former Jue Wushuang was said to have lost his soul source due to an accident, and his soul power was gone.

Even if she didn't show her strength, but in just a few months, she has reached the high level of Gintama, which is still shocking.

It's hard for others to cultivate in ten years, but she managed to do it in just a few months.

Hearing Pippi's words, Jue Wushuang was uncertain, after all, she didn't know anything about Zhuiyetong, but she was afraid that if everyone knew her identity, she would become a street mouse and everyone would beat her up up?
"If you don't talk, no one will think you are dumb." Pippi replied softly, and closed her mouth obediently.

"Shuangshuang, don't pay attention to what Tongtong said just now, he is just too weird, he has said such things to Brother Thirteen before, after he wakes up, he forgets everything, Tongyan Wuji... ..." Su Sakurayue hurriedly explained, but unexpectedly, Jue Wushuang didn't respond at all.

She was stuck in her sentence, "I said this to Brother Thirteen before..."

In the past...could it be said that Lu Youcheng, like her, has a soul from another world?

"Shuangshuang, I'm talking to you, are you listening?" Su Sakurayue reminded again.

At this time, Jue Wushuang came back to his senses, "Well, I see, how could I fight against a child? Besides, Tongtong is so cute."

"By the way, he has a Qilin beast. Why do you still call him a waste material?" Jue Wushuang suddenly thought of the Ziyan he saw just now. Such a monster cannot be owned by a waste material.

"That's his companion beast. It was born to accompany him to protect him. Apart from these, Tongtong knows nothing." Su Sakurayue sighed, she was the royal father's favorite little prince, but why? It is expected that he has no soul power at all, and often talks nonsense, which makes Concubine Liu lose face in front of her father.

"Oh, so that's the case, but the pupils are still small, and there will be opportunities to grow up in the future." Jue Wushuang replied, "It's just the spiritual eyes that Hua Sang just mentioned..."

"I don't know what it is." Su Sakurayue shook her head, expressing that she really didn't know.

But jue wushuang felt inexplicable when she saw something hidden in her eyes.

Spiritual eyes... can see everything that people cannot see clearly with the naked eye...

She must study carefully to see what this is.

Maybe, in the future, Zhuyetong and Zhuyetong can become good friends.

"By the way, it's time for me to go to class. The Xingzi class starts early today, and I will go to the trial meeting in a short time. Everyone is very busy." Su Sakurayue said, and hurriedly wanted to leave, right here At that time, Jue Wushuang took her hand and put a brocade box in her palm.

(End of this chapter)

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