Chapter 415 Dispute!College Brawl【3】

Hua Sang looked at Jue Wushuang cheekily, blinked his eyes, and lowered his head cheekily under Jue Wushuang's eyes, opened his eyes wide, and said with a mournful face: "It's just a joke, why are you so fierce?" ?”

"Are you kidding?" Jue Wushuang's heart immediately burst into flames, seeing this extremely beautiful face became even more annoyed, he kicked him directly, turned his head and walked away, "I'm kidding you too!"

"Shuanger girl!" Hua Sang stretched out her hand behind her and shouted, "I'm really, really bored, so I want to test you... I'm really curious, are you really My twin girl!"

With such a stubborn temper, indeed, she was that little girl back then.

The little girl who would fall out with him because of a bunch of candied haws, back then she still wore two braids, and she screamed Hua Sang Hua Sang, making him feel numb all over.

Jue Wushuang didn't look back, even ignored him, and walked straight into the house.

Seeing Zhu Yetong sitting on the bed affectionately and a little dull, Jue Wushuang's heart suddenly turned cold...

What's going on here?
"Tongtong, are you okay?" Jue Wushuang sat beside him very intimately, and gently pushed his body.

But who knew that Zhui Yetong waved her hand angrily, and pushed her away. "Go away, bad woman, the bad woman who seduced Brother Thirteen."


Jue Wushuang was stunned, and immediately shouted, "Hua Sang!!"

Hearing her call her name, Hua Sang walked into the room as quickly as lightning, but seeing Jue Wushuang furious, "What are you doing? Why is he still scolding me?"

"Hmph, bad woman, bad woman!" Zhui Yetong played hard, not caring where this place was at all.

"I don't know about that. Don't tell me you're acting like you're scolding, Little Princess?" Hua Sang smiled playfully, looking at Jue Wushuang, he also felt a little funny in his heart.

This Zhuyetong actually spoke his mind... This little princess who only knows about eating, drinking and having fun, doesn't know the sufferings of the people at all.

"You..." Jue Wushuang crossed his waist, gave Hua Sang a hard look, and shouted, "Zhuyetong, if you don't leave now, we will be late!"

"Where are you going?" Zhu Yetong was confused, completely forgetting what to do.

"Class!" Jue Wushuang hugged him horizontally without saying a word, and called out the Bingluanniao. The two of them sat firmly on the head of the Bingluanniao and flew to Mengyue Academy.

In the early morning, all the students began to head towards Mengyue Academy one after another.

Yesterday, the news that Princess Liuyue used a spiritual pet to pretend to be a soul beast had spread throughout the students, and almost everyone was mocking the princess.

How could she be so cunning and treacherous at such a young age?

She didn't inherit the virtuousness and virtue of her mother, Princess Yongle at all.

Freshmen pass the test and are admitted.

Mengyue Academy has always been an academy for cultivating elite figures of the Moon Dynasty.Naturally, high-level talents may enter the star class, while the ground class is filled with poor students who are not only poor in qualifications, but also poor in health.

Currently, Mengyue Academy has four main courses: Martial Arts, Soul Art, Alchemy, and Illusion. As a low-level soul master like Jue Wushuang, he must only be able to learn illusion.

"I heard that there is a newcomer in our class!"

(End of this chapter)

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