Chapter 418 Dispute!College Brawl【6】

"Okay, take care, my class is very tight today, and now is the critical moment to advance to Jinzun, and you may not see me often."

"It's okay." Jue Wushuang smiled slightly, waved at her, and led Zhu Yetong to the racecourse.

Today's tight-fitting riding suit and capable ponytail are also specially prepared for riding and archery subjects. Looking at the little guy next to him, Jue Wushuang suddenly became curious, "Didn't you always call me a bad woman before? Why did you suddenly stand by me?" Here?"

Zhuyetong rolled his eyes and looked at Jue Wushuang, "I won't tell you."


Jue Wushuang could only shake his head helplessly, this little guy was also the one who gave her a headache.

In Li Huan Continent, each country has its own academy.

In this martial arts continent, there is no one who does not want to become a soul master.

In the Moon Dynasty, those who are talented are all in Mengyue Academy, and those who are not talented can only learn piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, riding and archery at Mengyue Academy.

Therefore, whether they are talented or not, the subject of riding and archery is liked by many people, and it can be regarded as a popular subject in Mengyue Academy.


From a distance, I saw Yingying Yanyan wearing bright clothes, and all the young masters were also enjoying the spring breeze...

After all, today is the first day of school, and there are many new students.

"Students, this is your new teacher, Man Yu." Dean Lei, who is also the dean in charge of ten classes in the Dizi class, stood in front of all the freshmen and said.

Jue Wushuang looked at the young Man Yu, the corners of his mouth twitched unnaturally.

Isn't he just Lu Youcheng's little follower?He's all here, don't tell me...

"Girl Shuang'er, hehe, I didn't expect you to learn how to ride and shoot?" Sure enough, a bad feeling sounded from behind. His expression was so unhappy.

Peat, why is it haunting!Also, aren't you a genius elite in the Xingzi class? How could you choose the subject of riding and shooting? This is obviously intentional!
Jue Wushuang looked unhappy, looked at Lu Youcheng, clenched the corners of his mouth unconsciously, and ignored him at all.

Seeing Lu Youcheng appearing here, those Yingying and Yanyan showed nympho smiles one after another, and looked at Lu Youcheng shyly, trying to see his face clearly, but they dared not raise their heads.

Everyone knows that Lu Youcheng is a crazy and domineering person, and his temper is even more unknown. If he accidentally provokes him, he will be beheaded without knowing it.

"Master Thirteen is so elegant, why did you come to us to watch us ride and shoot?" Liu Piaopiao's voice came out from the side, but unexpectedly, she changed the subject suddenly, "Why don't you all come and let Master Thirteen see how you feel? ?”

Everyone didn't have much reaction to Liu Piaopiao's thoughts, but they dared not disagree.

Everyone nodded, " about a competition!"

I don't know who made an opinion, which is in line with Liu Piaopiao's thoughts.

She glanced at Man Yu, "Teacher, I was the last riding and archery champion, how about letting me guide the freshmen?"

Man Yu wanted to reject him, why didn't he know what Liu Piaopiao was thinking, and glanced at Thirteenth Master, but the man was fine, with a smile in his eyes, as if he was watching the show.

Feeling helpless...all the students could only nod their heads as they booed again.

Liu Piaopiao immediately glanced at Sun Miaoyin, and the two looked at each other, then stood in front of the Dizi class, bowed to the Thirteenth Master, and then demonstrated a few moves on the stage.

"This is the basic essentials of riding and archery, do you understand?"

The reaction from the audience was mediocre. Liu Piaopiao was wearing a light green top with fluttering cuffs and twisting waist, which was full of beauty.After demonstrating the movements, she glanced down, and her malicious eyes fell on Jue Wushuang, "Then, is anyone willing to come and compete with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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