Chapter 42 Space!Ancient legend【4】

"Mysterious legend? What is that?" Jue Wushuang asked again and again, how could he know that at this time, after the water droplets just turned into gas, they circled in the air again and again, and then turned into a ball of fire. Flew to the dark place!

Three times in a row, the whole space immediately lit up with a bang.

The whole place was on fire, and Jue Wushuang finally saw everything in front of him clearly!
In front of him is a huge cage surrounded by red-flamed iron chains. They are criss-crossed and intertwined to form an incomprehensible symbol. In a cage.

A pair of scarlet eyes were burning with a weak red light, looking straight at her.

Ferocious and arrogant.

Those eyes were like a venerable who looked down on the world, and his eyes were mixed with arrogance, so domineering and unreasonable.

And that beast...

She blinked, unable to bear to look any further.

That creature that looks neither like a god nor a beast.

The purple armor has been scarred by the red training rope on the body, and the black body has obvious scars burned by the fire. There is no hair on the four big feet, but there are huge barbs growing on it. With his mouth wide open, he lay limp in the cage, only looking at him with firm eyes.

The murderous and evil look on his face was almost incompatible with these flames.

"Why are you like this?" Jue Wushuang couldn't believe everything in front of him, the real face of the haughty soul beast just now turned out to be like this.

"The mysterious legend you mentioned just now, what is that?" she continued to ask, the ripples in her eyes had become cold, and Lei Suo let out a low growl at this moment.

"Hehe, you still have the nerve to ask me what's going on? Damn girl!" Jue Wushuang felt the world spinning when the huge body moved. She moved her body only to find that the frost on her body was gone. She walked forward and asked as she walked, "Is it because of me that you became like this?"

"Who are you? Bastard, have you forgotten? If you hadn't been brave, how could I have been trapped here for ten years?" Lei Suo said helplessly, pulling his ears, Didn't bother to talk to her at all.

"Since it's because of me, why did you mention the mysterious legend just now? Are you lying to me?" Jue Wushuang snorted, and walked briskly forward. She felt a little uncomfortable, but she clenched her teeth and walked over step by step.

call out!
A ball of flames floated towards her, and she rolled back to avoid the flames.

"The supreme venerable left a sentence for future generations back then. Thunder is the most powerful force in nature. Be careful of things with thunder attributes. If future generations have creatures with thunder attributes, they must be destroyed."

"What!" Jue Wushuang growled in surprise, his thoughts went blank at that moment.

"So..." Looking at Lei Suo who was bound by countless chains, Jue Wushuang finally understood his situation, it turned out to be so bad.

"That's why they trapped you here, and that's why everyone in the house hates me." She said slowly, and unknowingly, tears overflowed from her eyes. How could such a strong Jue Wushuang cry? She knew very well in her heart that this was the host's tears.

It's not hers, she has no connection with this world at all, how could there be tears.

"But this is just a legend, I'm afraid they are just afraid of my strength!" Jue Wushuang immediately retorted.

(End of this chapter)

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