Chapter 423 Dispute!College Brawl【11】

"Prince, you came in time..." Lu Youcheng squinted his eyes, and his lazy voice came out from his lips, even with a touch of sarcasm.

It's better to come early than to come by coincidence.

Chi Lie was covered in fire, and Zhu Zhanhuang was wearing his usual light golden brocade robe, standing on Chi Lie's body, with a cold light shining from his eyes, the super powerful soul beast made Hong Spider retreat step by step, not daring to move forward at all .

Sun Miaoyin struggled to get up from the ground, looked up at Zhu Zhanhuang, the cold light in those eyes almost killed her! "Prince...His Royal Highness!"

Her voice began to tremble, why did the bursts of cold air from the prince look like a person?

"His Royal Highness, you want to make the decision for Princess Pingyang. Princess Liuyue committed murder in broad daylight. It's unforgivable." Every word brought Jue Wushuang to his death.

Zhu Zhanhuang's face was icy cold, and as soon as he retracted his hand, the flame just now disappeared in his palm instantly. He was stern, dignified and domineering for thousands of years, his pale golden robe fluttered up and down in the wind, and his dark eyes sparkled with stars.

"You just said that the little princess killed someone?"

"En." Sun Miaoyin nodded.

"Which eye saw it?" Zhu Zhanhuang's cold voice was full of danger.

"..." Sun Miaoyin didn't speak, but her body began to tremble unceasingly.

"On the stage, life and death are irrelevant. Don't you know?" Zhu Zhan Huang spoke coldly.

"But she did it on purpose! She planned to kill Princess Pingyang!" Sun Miaoyin yelled almost tearfully.

Jue Wushuang looked at her coldly, turned his head away in disdain, hmph, it's fine if she poisoned herself, why plan?Do you think this is a harem... uses poison for everything?

"She died from poison." At this time, Zhui Yetong glanced coldly at Liu Piaopiao, who was already festered all over. The dagger was in her hand. It was obvious that she wanted to take the opportunity to kill Jue Wushuang. But I didn't expect that I would die first because of the poisonous gas attacking my heart.

"Why do you say that?" Sun Miaoyin trembled all over, Zhu Zhanhuang kept looking at her, she didn't even have the strength to speak.

"Don't you know that although I'm a waste, I'm really a genius in refining medicine?" Zhu Yetong's eyes were full of power.

"You guys..." Sun Miaoyin wanted to continue, but in the next second, she caught sight of Zhu Zhanhuang's eyes. Those eyes were so cold that it seemed that one look could kill her.

"Sun Miaoyin, you don't have to be too sad about life and death in the arena, we will give the Lord Pingyang a lavish burial." Zhuzhan Huang raised his brows and sneered, "Sister Shuang'er, you weren't frightened just now, were you?"

Jue Wushuang sneered in his heart, the prince came at the right time.

"No, thank you Prince for your concern." Jue Wushuang responded.

Zhu Zhan Huang walked towards this side, and raised his hand to pat Jue Wushuang on the shoulder.

But at this time, Zhuyetong suddenly turned around and rushed towards Jue Wushuang, "Sister, let me tell you, the prince is very dangerous, don't get close to him."

The voice was very small, only Jue Wushuang heard it, she didn't understand it, but saw Lu Youcheng standing in front of her, "Prince, let's clean up here first and then talk about it?"

Jue Wushuang nodded silently, feeling even more strange in his heart, why did Zhuyetong suddenly turn 180 degrees in his attitude towards her?

Zhu Zhanhuang's eyes fell on Lu Youcheng's long and narrow peach eyes, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he responded with some dissatisfaction: "Okay."


The computer was taken to the office by the male ticket, so I had no choice but to go to the Internet cafe to update the next chapter, and the next one will continue at night~~ This environment is really not suitable for coding, the smell of smoke makes me cry, poor!
(End of this chapter)

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