Chapter 429 Crisis!Palace feast【6】

Sun Miaoyin's voice came slowly, "Jue Wushuang, today is your death day."

Jue Wushuang raised his chin, and smiled coldly, "I don't know who will win the game... It seems that you are quite sure if you jump to conclusions like this?"

"He will help me." When she said this, Sun Miaoyin's cheeks had a light pink color, and she looked like a shy girl who suddenly thought of her favorite object.

Who is he?
Jue Wushuang guessed in his heart, could it be the mastermind behind it?She didn't know because Sun Miaoyin no longer looked at her.

At this moment, there was a sigh from the side, "I heard that the girl from the Sun family has been in retreat recently, and she must have reached the eighth star of the Gintama, right? Why don't you let her help everyone?"

Sun Miaoyin's ears were sharp, and when she heard it, she blushed and said, "No way, you all praised me."

Already a high-level soul master of Gintama, he is naturally different from those little shrimps.

"Hmph, I think you just don't pay attention to us people? What kind of Gintama stage, a soul master is a fart? If you have the ability to control the elements, that is the real ability!" Someone suddenly yelled In a word, I saw that person's face was ruddy, and his words almost seemed to be biting his tongue, it seemed that he had drunk too much.

However, the effect of these words made the entire banquet quiet down.

"Brother Ximen, I think you've drunk too much, right? Elementalists are legendary." Sun Miaoyin said leisurely.

She knew this person, and she always looked down on the branch family of Jueyue Villa, so naturally she would not let herself down.

Unexpectedly, Ximen Yu would not give Sun Miaoyin face in front of her, and her voice was arrogant, "Then if you have the guts, come out and show off, I want to see how powerful you, a high-level Gintama, can be?"

"I think Brother Ximen can give it a try. Aren't you already a Gintama? Although you are only a low-ranking person, why don't you go and deal with that arrogant Princess Liuyue, who killed Princess Pingyang and made it happen on purpose?" Death from poisoning, this person is very cruel!" Sun Miaoyin raised her eyebrows, and soon there was an uproar.

I saw some people started whispering.

"Didn't it mean that she also killed the branch of the Feng family in Jueyue Villa?"

"But this trash... how could it kill so many people?"

A person raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "Could it be that they all used poison?"

"It really is the most poisonous woman's heart..."


Some words were self-evident, and they all pointed their finger at Jue Wushuang.

But the person involved was not moved by it at all, chatted with Su Sakurayue, and didn't care about these people's gossip at all.

"Such a cruel and ruthless person deserves to stay here?" Ximen Yu was originally a fiery temper. Hearing Sun Miaoyin's provocation, he didn't use his brain to think, "Sun Miaoyin, you dare not go out, is it because you are afraid?"

"Since you're so confident, why don't you try it?" Sun Miaoyin raised her hand and put some food in her mouth. The understatement in her words clearly didn't put Ximen Yu in her eyes.

This Ximen Yu is indeed a master, but he is impulsive and extremely proud, he doesn't take anyone seriously.

"It's not that I haven't seen a cruel woman before. It's the first time I've seen a person like her who doesn't care about anything. Hmph, she doesn't pay attention to me. Hmph, let me clean her up!" After finishing speaking , he immediately stood up aggressively, and saluted in the direction of Emperor Zhuyue.

"Ximen Aiqing, what's the matter?" Zhu Yuehuang had a pleasant face. Although today's dinner was not formal, there were always exciting programs and his mood was always high.


ALL sunflower powder:
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