Chapter 431 Crisis!Palace feast【8】

Logically speaking, even if Emperor Zhuyue felt that Jue Wushuang was definitely not Ximen Yu's opponent, he still had to ask the person concerned about his choice.

One is a well-known trash, and the other is a proud and victorious general.Everyone knows the outcome of this competition.

However, if Ximen Yu accidentally killed Jue Wushuang... this...

The people below even started talking.

"Haha, compared to trash and genius, what good conclusions are there?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, Master Ximen's strength is obvious to all, but you don't know, Princess Liuyue has a high-level spiritual pet Bingluan bird, and that bird is not easy to bully."

"Yes, yes, although the Furious Scorpion is a powerful soul beast, the spiritual pet is not controlled by human spiritual power. If Master Ximen loses confidence, hehe, the strength of the Furious Scorpion needs to be weighed and weighed." gone."

"Tsk tsk tsk, it looks like tonight is really exciting!"


Hearing the discussions around, Zhu Yuehuang frowned slightly, the competition tonight might be unavoidable, and he secretly felt that Ximen Yu was obviously drinking too much to find fault.

She, Jue Wushuang, is a member of the royal family, if she doesn't respond, she will lose face of the royal family, but her strength is really... horrible.

However, if Jue Wushuang said he would not accept it, even if Ximen Yu was upset, there was nothing he could do.

In Li Huan Continent, no matter what kind of competition it is, once one party makes a challenge and the other party refuses to accept it, the provocateur cannot force his hand.

However, if this is the case, I am afraid that you will be laughed at.

"This..." Zhuyuehuang thought about the face of the royal family, but also thought that Jue Wushuang had no soul power at all, and only relied on a high-level spiritual pet to fight. This is really hard to draw conclusions.

He slightly raised his lips, "Ximen Aiqing, you..."

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Jue Wushuang immediately interrupted Emperor Zhuyue, "I accept your challenge!"

"People of the royal family have blood that refuses to admit defeat. Although I am a waste, my bones are very strong! Lord Ximen, please be merciful." She looked thin and weak, with such a thin figure, but standing in the wind Those words made everyone gasp.

What a hard bone!

As expected of being a descendant of Princess Yongle, this aura is quite heroic!

Ximen Yu immediately laughed when he heard her words, "Sure enough, Princess Liuyue is very brave!"

"Acceptance, General Ximen." Jue Wushuang went up to meet her, his laughter spread far and wide, so free and easy, even Princess Yingyue who was sitting beside her was stunned.

Su Yingyue pulled the corner of Jue Wushuang's clothes, "Don't go, this person is very hateful, knocking down others is something he uses to show off, and besides, your strength is so far behind, so don't go."

Jue Wushuang smiled harmlessly, "It's nothing, I still have Bingluanniao and Pippi, he...isn't it just a raging mad scorpion, I have two spiritual pets, what are you afraid of?"

She spoke so confidently that even Su Sakura was a little startled.

At this time, the surrounding voices became discussions about the results of the game.

Even the crown prince Zhuzhanhuang smiled and said to Feng Mengchu: "This Jue Wushuang is really good, why did he fall into the aggressive method?"

Feng Mengchu's hand was tightly clenched, very nervous. "If this Ximen Yu hurts Sister Shuang'er, I must teach him a lesson."

"You have such a temper... Have you been bewitched by your sister Shuang'er? Why do you always turn to her?" Prince Zhu Zhanhuang narrowed his eyes, put one hand directly around Feng Mengchu's waist, and laughed.

He looked at Lu Youcheng who had been staring at the audience with a smirk, "Brother Thirteen, who do you think is better?"

Lu Youcheng came back to his senses, and just smiled faintly when he heard the words. "This, it's hard to say."

"Yo? Is it hard to say that the little princess is such a waste?" Zhu Zhanhuang smiled, and there was obviously some mockery in his words.

(End of this chapter)

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