Chapter 433 Crisis!Palace feast【10】

The menacing Raging Scorpion almost flew to the ground, and it almost raised its chest proudly. When it reached in front of Ximen Yu, Ximen Yu immediately flew onto the back of the Raging Scorpion. Obviously, these thunder lights could not hurt he.

"It's amazing!" Jue Wushuang said in his heart, clenching his fists nervously.

She can't lose face, she must not lose in momentum!

Behind him, a gust of cold air rushed over in an instant. The huge Bingluan bird fell from the sky, its body was condensed with ice and snow, its frosty wings spread, the proud Bingluan bird raised its head, swept its wings, and passed the raging madman at low altitude. Scorpion, that proud soul beast was almost overturned by it!

Seeing Jue Wushuang calling out the Bingluan Bird effortlessly, Emperor Zhuyue looked at her in surprise, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, I think the little princess has suffered a lot before. With such thin arms and legs, she if she was treated badly." Concubine Xue's voice floated from one side, and she Classical beauty, a touch of red lips looks like blood, and the skin is crystal clear and clean like snow.

Zhu Yuehuang heard it in his ears, holding the wine glass with both hands, he began to gain a little strength.

Isn't there a salary for Jue Yue Villa every month?How did he raise his little niece like this?

Being provoked by Concubine Xue in this way, Emperor Zhuyue took a deep look at the seats in Jueyue Villa, but who knew that only Zhuyonghao could be seen, and Xuanyuan Zihong didn't give him face, he didn't come to such a banquet Do you participate?
But Emperor Zhuyue didn't know that Xuanyuan Zihong was injured by Jue Wushuang that day, and now he is still recuperating, how could he come to the palace?
If he accidentally strikes again, his life may be in danger. He, Xuanyuan Zihong, is not that stupid, he will lose his life because of a moment of anger.

At this time, the thunder light behind the furious mad scorpion and the ice and snow of the ice luan bird collided fiercely in the air, the ice and snow grew vigorously, sharp ice thorns pierced out from the thunder light, and the direction of the attack was the furious mad scorpion !
How could the furious scorpion be so easy to deal with?

As soon as the huge body turned, it immediately flew into the sky.

"Good skill, general!" Jue Wushuang stroked Bingluanniao's head lightly to make it stop being so angry, there was still a good show ahead.

Ximen Yu purely regarded this incident as Jue Wushuang's fear of flattery, and his voice turned cold in an instant. "Hmph, don't even think about flattering me, I will spare you."

Jue Wushuang couldn't help snorting in a low voice, "I just want to say, General, don't raise your chin so high. I'm afraid you won't be able to get down later."

"Bold!" How could Ximen Yu be ridiculed like this?

Immediately a thunderbolt flew towards Jue Wushuang!
For a moment, everyone was quiet...

Everyone held their breath, watching this scene, no one even said a word, no one took any action.

The whole space seems to stop.

Jue Wushuang raised his lips coldly. "Pippi, it's time for you to play."

The voice was light and fluttering, seeing that huge ball of lightning was about to fall on Jue Wushuang's body, and the huge Bingluan bird was also engulfed in it!

at this time--

I only heard a loud "boom--"!

The huge thunder light dazzled the entire venue, and everyone subconsciously raised their hands to cover their eyes.

It's just that when everyone opened their eyes again, they all opened their mouths in surprise, and couldn't believe what happened before them.

A gigantic dragon appeared in the air, circling Jue Wushuang. There were heavy flames in the eyes of the dragon, and it seemed as if it was about to swallow the raging scorpion. That kind of anger almost made people feel chills all over. .

"So, don't underestimate me, one spiritual pet can't do anything to you, what if there are two?" Jue Wushuang said flatly, without any turmoil, even coldly, and gave Ximen Yu the heaviest blow .

What she said clearly did not take him seriously!

(End of this chapter)

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