Chapter 448 Mystery of Life Experience [5]

Looking at Lu Youcheng's eyes, his silhouette is reflected in his eyes, he is no longer the heroic man he was back then, he is already old and lost.

"Father, if you don't agree, I will kneel here and not get up!" Lu Youcheng knew what Zhuyuehuang was thinking, and immediately used the wind element beside him, causing all the cold to strike .

"Cheng'er!" Seeing that everyone started to tremble, Concubine Xue was a little angry, and raised her voice, "Cheng'er, don't make trouble!"

"Mother Concubine, I have never had such emotions towards anyone in my life. Only she, only Jue Wushuang, is the one who enters my heart. We are equally lonely, and we are equally strong. The strong are respected, and the strong are the ones." With a strong man, so don't stop me."

Lu Youcheng looked at Concubine Xue, the fine lines at the corners of her eyes had betrayed all her years, he could not let Concubine Mother go on like this, he could only become stronger, to let Concubine Mother live a good life, it is best to leave here, Don't be bound by these.

He is the prince of Pu Luo, the king of destiny!

He wants to go back, back to his own country!

There is a world of freedom.

" are bold!" Concubine Xue was angry, and slapped the table hard, her neck almost turned red, "He is always your father! are so unreasonable, it is ridiculous. "

"I'm ridiculous?" Lu Youcheng smiled, and the red robe on his body suddenly flew up!

His long hair was simply tied up, and it was blown wildly by the wind at this moment, as if he was crazy, he pointed towards the Emperor Moon, "Just him?"

The wind behind him began to swirl, and everyone was swaying, and some couldn't stand it anymore.

In the wind, a thin white smoke began to rise, and in the blink of an eye, everyone fell to the ground.

Except for the prince Zhuzhanhuang, the princess Su Sakurayue, and Hua Sang who had the foresight to close his sense of smell, so he was not dazed by this gust of wind. "

"Master, they are almost asleep."

The voice of Shadow God came from next to his ear, and then Lu Youcheng slowly stood up, holding Jue Wushuang and getting closer to Emperor Zhuyue little by little.

On the stage, Emperor Zhuyue, Concubine Xue, and even the Empress all watched this scene, almost furious.

"Cheng'er, don't mess around!" Seeing that everyone was lying down, Concubine Xue became even more angry.

"I'm not messing around! Zhu Yueqing, when you saved Concubine Liu, I didn't say anything to you. Back then, the Empress had a difficult delivery and gave birth to the Seventh Prince Zhu Aotian who was blind from birth. You used one of your concubine's eyes to refine him. eyes, I didn't say anything!"

"But now, you don't even agree to my small request?"

"Do you really think that our mermaids are easy to bully?!" The voices became louder and angrier each time.

Lu Youcheng was wearing a red dress, looking frantically at Zhuyuehuang's pulled down face, he just giggled, "Why, are you surprised? Why do I know that I am not your son?"

Zhu Yuehuang gritted his teeth and couldn't say a word.

Prince Zhuzhanhuang just watched this scene coldly, without saying anything.

Hua Sang also didn't show much expression. What he thought just now was indeed correct. It is indeed rare for twins to share the same body. However, his system is also special. Only the descendants of mermaids can have such a situation.

"Brother Thirteen, what are you talking about!" Su Sakurayue couldn't understand their conversation at all, Lu Youcheng was not the child of the father, so he was the only one whose surname was not Zhu, but Lu!


ALL sunflower powder:
Boys, ten more OVER!I heard that if you don't bookmark or leave a message, you will get pregnant!The unscrupulous author was able to cover his face and float away~~~
(End of this chapter)

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