Chapter 451 Mystery of Life Experience [9]

Seeing the sullen look on Zhuyuehuang's face, Zhuzhanhuang put his hands behind his back, a faint evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and stopped talking, but looked at Lu Youcheng, with the corners of his eyes curled up cool.

"Thirteen, do you really want to marry her?"

The corners of Zhuyuehuang's eyes were dark. When he looked at Lu Youcheng, he always felt a little unnatural in his heart. Maybe it was because of his life experience and his guilt towards Concubine Xue all these years. Therefore, his love for Lu Youcheng , There are also many, but unfortunately, he is not his own flesh and blood.

This adopted son has also inherited the merman's beauty, and is becoming more and more edgy day by day.

The whole person looks completely different from the little doll at the beginning. He used to act like a baby in his arms, but I don’t know when he has become different from before, and their relationship has also changed. Began to gradually alienate.

He said he wanted Jue Wushuang, and he might have given it to him in the past, because he didn't know Jue Wushuang's strength.

But now...

Zhuyuehuang exhaled deeply, his face was ugly, and he stared at Lu Youcheng's eyes without any slack.

Lu Youcheng didn't speak, but stared at Emperor Zhuyue with confidence from the corner of his eyes, that glance clearly carried a lot of murderous intent and deep thoughts.

He loved this man, so much that he couldn't help himself.

I love her so much that I miss her every night, and I love her so much that as long as the corners of my lips are pursed into a smile, there is a reason to be her.

It is impossible for him to compromise, let alone let her be hurt. This time, he underestimated the enemy. Next time, there will never be a next time.

"Thirteen, do you really marry her?" Zhu Yuehuang asked again.

Lu Youcheng raised his eyes, those icy eyes only warmed up when they met Jue Wushuang.He replied coldly, "If you don't agree, I will let the entire city of Zeyang be buried with you."

Almost threatening, Lu Youcheng's words pierced his ears like thunder, shaking Zhuyuehuang's body slightly, he stepped back a few steps timidly, Concubine Xue hurried forward to support him, but Zhuyuehuang let go of her hand in disgust, the voice He became a little moved, "Look at you, the good boy you taught!"

"Your majesty, I... the concubine did not intend to, and the concubine is incompetent." Concubine Xue bit her lips tightly, why didn't she understand what Lu Youcheng was thinking?
Before Jue Wushuang came to the palace, she knew what would happen.

She originally wanted to let Lu Youcheng put it on hold first, and then meet with Jue Wushuang to make the woman go back on her word, but how did she expect such an unexpected incident to happen?

Concubine Xue knew in her heart that the mermaids were nothing more than a long-term good medicine for this dynasty. Feelings and heartaches were impossible for Zhu Yueqing.

In his heart, only himself!
"Hmph!" Zhuyuehuang snorted coldly, looking at Lu Youcheng's eyes with anger, "Thirteen, don't you even listen to the words of the father? Your junior, of course you can't marry her."

"Since I am a junior, why can't I marry? I am older than her. I should give her a status and let her be by my side. This is more reason for me to protect. Whether you agree or not, Zhu Yueqing, I This time the marriage is going to be settled!" Lu Youcheng pouted the corners of his lips, looked at Emperor Zhuyue with a smile, turned around, his red robe was fluttering, his hair was twirling in the wind!

"Besides, I'm not your son. How can I be so morally corrupt and ethically intolerant?" His words were like bayonets piercing Zhuyuehuang's heart. He only felt that Lu Youcheng was here to find fault this time.

And even threatened him!

Threat him with the people of Zeyang City!

"You!" Zhuyuehuang Yao pointed the way to Youcheng, with anger in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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