Chapter 453 Bone Corrosion Lingering [1]

"You all, stop arguing!"

"Brother Thirteen!" At this moment, a childish voice came from the corner.

In a dark corner, a pair of smart eyes looked at his back.

His little face was covered with tears, Zhu Yetong looked at Lu Youcheng hugging the injured Jue Wushuang, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart, Brother Thirteen spread out his identity, then, in the future, he... Will you stay in the palace in the future?

Can he still play with Brother Thirteen?

"Father... Tongtong begs Father not to punish Brother Thirteen." The small figure quietly walked out from the corner, and Zhuyetong unexpectedly knelt down on the ground with a bang.

"Father, Brother Thirteen is sincere to Sister Shuang'er, please allow me!" Zhu Yetong is only so young, how can he understand the love between men and women?This kid really turned his elbows out, and he actually spoke for outsiders!

A trace of coldness flashed in Zhuyuehuang's eyes, "Tongtong, children, don't interrupt your business."

"I'm not a child!" How could Zhuyetong give in to Zhuyuehuang's anger?He raised his chest and looked straight at Emperor Zhuyue. There were obvious wrinkles on his old face, and he couldn't be the high-spirited one back then.

"Father, you once said that love is free, but why can't Brother Thirteen have his own love? Then, when you were with Sakura Ji, why didn't you think that many things are beyond your control!" Little boy , There are many reasons!

Zhu Yetong's words made everyone gasp.

Even if he relies on himself as the youngest prince, although he has no soul power, he has excellent medical skills and has been favored by Emperor Zhuyue, but this person takes himself too seriously, right?
Want to speak for Lu Youcheng?


Emperor Zhuyue looked at them, looked at those big smart eyes, didn't he do anything wrong in these years?Has he not regretted it?

When he met Sakurahime that year, he was seriously injured. If it wasn't for her, how could he continue to live?
If Sakurahime didn't have any feelings for him back then, and he confided his feelings to her, how could there be Su Sakurayue when they fought like firewood?
Although Sakurahime is an artist|female branch|, her body is innocent.

She came to find herself with such a big belly, gave birth to a child but passed away, and became the unjust soul of the harem.

He Zhuyueqing has been sorry for this woman all his life.

"Tongtong!" Concubine Xue heard the words, only felt that the matter had become a big deal, a big deal.

If it goes on like this, it won't end well at all!

But where did Zhuyetong think of this?He glanced at the pale Jue Wushuang in Lu Youcheng's arms, and said softly: "Brother Thirteen, let's go. Sister Shuang'er needs immediate treatment, there is no delay."

Only then did Lu Youcheng realize how much time he had wasted just now!

"Whether you agree or not, I have the final say on this matter." Then, Lu You Chengtou didn't know it, and left the palace gracefully with Jue Wushuang in his arms.

Zhu Yuehuang gave a sudden meal, and his whole body collapsed on the seat.

A gust of wind blew up, setting off countless leaves.

Gusts of wind, layers of sand.

The officials woke up one by one. No one knew what happened just now. Everyone looked outside the hall. The red robe was still fluttering in the wind, and every step of that tall figure was so firm. .

(End of this chapter)

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