Chapter 457 Bone Corrosion Lingering [5]

"Yes, it's Longquan water."

Zhuyetong answered very sophisticatedly, nodding and bowing, and he looked quite stylish.

He looks like a person who has experienced many things. He looks like an imperial doctor who has been able to use his medical skills flexibly.

"Little prince, are you joking? Longquan water is only recorded in ancient books, and it is extremely difficult to find in this world. You want us to find Longquan water, hehe, it really feels a bit like a fairy tale .” Hua Sang’s gentle peach eyes had become a little cold at some point.

Isn't Zhuyetong playing with them?

How can such a sacred object as Longquan water be possessed by mortals?

"Hmph, you scoundrel, how could I lie? If you don't believe the prescription given by my nine-star pharmacist, then it's up to you... just you, hehe, show me a suitable detoxification method!" Of course, Zhuyetong didn't like others questioning his strength like this, so he immediately glanced at Hua Sang, feeling extremely upset in his heart.

This person relied on being Sister Shuang'er's personal bodyguard all day long, not to mention how proud he was.

There was only one person, who didn't care at all what the two of them were talking about.

It's just that he suddenly narrowed his eyes knowingly, and the whole person left here like a gust of wind.

"See you in Liuli Palace, I'll go for a while."

There were only two people left who stared at the meteor-like red light in the sky and were dumbfounded.

This Lu Youcheng was still depressed just now, why did he suddenly change his tone just now and become like this?
It's really outrageous.

Hua Sang and Zhuyetong looked at each other, neither of them knew what happened.Could it be... Huh?Could it be that there is Longquan water in Luyou City?
No, I have to catch up and have a look.

With a cry, a huge thing glowing with blue light immediately appeared in front of the two of them. The eyes of that big guy were shrewd, glanced at Zhui Yetong, and nodded towards Hua Sang who was dressed in white , "Master, let's go."

Hua Sang glanced at Zhuyetong, he was so small, he didn't seem to have any soul beasts, should he take him with him?He rolled onto Lan Fenghuang's back and glanced at Zhu Yetong. "Little Prince, if you don't mind, let's go together, otherwise I'm afraid we won't be able to reach the Glazed Palace in time."

Who knows how Zhuyetong would appreciate it, he just shook his head and snorted coldly, "If you want to go, go, I have my own way to follow."

Looking around him, he didn't feel any soul power, Hua Sang just thought it was the boy's stubbornness, but with a smile on his lips, "Little prince, don't be so arrogant, come with me, please? "

"Cut, who would care about your mount? I have my own way, so hurry up!" Sure enough, Hua Sang was laughing at him for not having a soul beast. Hmph, everyone thought he was just an ordinary person without soul power, but He has genius-like abilities in refining medicine.

However, the combat power is 5 slag.

It's just that who knows, beside him, there is a super powerful beast-Zi Yan who lives and dies with him!
"Then I won't wait for you, hehe, little prince, how are you going to catch up?" Hua Sang's words slipped out of his mouth, only to feel a powerful aura suddenly surge out from behind.

He was already about to leave, but he only felt a powerful force pouring out from behind him. When he looked back, he saw a purple light flashing past his eyes with a sound of "咻——" at that speed. It's unimaginably fast!

Only Zhuyetong's voice spread wantonly in the air, "Hua Sang, my prince's mount is better!"

That purple light almost burned Hua Sang's eyes!
This... Kirin!
This world is fantastic, dammit, I never thought that such a useless little prince would actually own a god-level monster.It seems that he obviously underestimated people a little too much.

(End of this chapter)

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