Chapter 462 Bone Corrosion Lingering [10]

"Are you okay?" Hua Sang looked over at the first time, squinting her eyes, just in time to see that bright red line on her wrist had disappeared without a trace!
That is to say, the poison of this bloodthirsty cup can be destroyed by itself!

Well, what kind of physique is this Jue Wushuang? He was injured so badly just now, but now he is fine?
Look at her complexion again, the rosiness is still the same, and the small lips have returned to their previous brilliance, no matter how you look at it, she doesn't look like a poisoned person.

"What is it?" Jue Wushuang felt too dazed, she only felt that her whole body was soaked in sweat, it was so hot, and, as if something had been forced out of her body, she felt so tired. And very short of water.

She immediately got out of bed, picked up the teacup by the table, and quickly took a sip, which solved the urgent need.

"You've been poisoned, are you alright?" Zhu Yetong looked at Jue Wushuang who was now intact, feeling even more confused.

"Poisoned? How could I be poisoned?" Jue Wushuang only thought that Zhuyetong was joking with her. Before she fell asleep, she seemed to feel that Lu Youcheng hugged her. Those warm arms were so heart-warming Warm.

"You were poisoned by the bloodthirsty cup." Hua Sang explained from the side, he didn't know why the poison on Jue Wushuang disappeared, and he didn't even understand that she didn't even do anything, as if she just fell asleep. All the toxins in the body disappeared without a trace.

"I said you idiots..."

At this moment, a cute little beast flew out of the space, with a sticky body, and burrowed into Jue Wushuang's arms. Its big, watery eyes were blinking. This one seemed to be She is so cute, with long ears stretched out, her whole body is snow-white, and there is a diamond shining purple on her forehead.

"Master, her body has been tempered by the fire of punishment, and it is invulnerable to all poisons. Just now, she fainted because of too much poison. Now, she is fine."

Pippi licked her lips lightly, looking lazily at Hua Sang and Zhuyetong.

The shock in their eyes was unprecedented, the fire of punishment!

No one has ever survived after being burned by the fire of punishment. Isn't Jue Wushuang's perseverance a bit too heaven-defying?

Just when the two were looking at each other, Jue Wushuang looked at them coldly. "Why, don't you believe it?"

"Give me your hand."

At this moment, Zhuyetong calmed down first, and raised her hand, regardless of whether Jue Wushuang agreed or not, she took her pulse directly and began to check carefully.

Jue Wushuang didn't say anything, just let him act like this.

Even though Zhuyetong is young, but he is already a nine-star alchemist, such a heaven-defying waste, he should have never met before...

Zhuyetong's eyes changed, and he immediately burst into a smile. "The toxin disappeared automatically, and, I found that you seem to have advanced, and now you are a one-star soul master of Gintama?"

Jue Wushuang smiled lightly, but thought in his heart that it was a good thing to hide it just now, and it was almost revealed.

Her body has already broken through the golden statue. After all, Pippi and Bingluanniao have improved, how could she still stay in the previous position?
But now, what she is practicing is not soul power, but elements.

Therefore, controlling the thunder element is the focus of her study!

Suddenly Hua Sang was startled, and roared, "Lu Youcheng has already gone to the pagoda to ask for Longquan water for you, I'm afraid you have already entered the center of the pagoda."

(End of this chapter)

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