Chapter 49 Treasure Hunting!Rivalry【1】

Li Jue's betrayal dealt an unprecedented blow to her, and broke the beliefs she had always held on one by one. She thought that he was so good to her, it was love, but she didn't expect it was to take advantage of him. He used her betrayal to make her understand that love It is based on damage!But now it's really hard for her to fall in love with another person and trust another person.

Only Tongtong is her longing and longing. I don't know, is he okay in that world?

The night sky, the sky is covered with a layer of black veil, the night before dawn is so gorgeous, it seems to be sprinkled with ink, so black that there are no stars!
The moon is dark and the wind is high, killing night!

Jue Wushuang, who fell into a coma, didn't know that when she was comatose, something serious happened in the house!

The night sky is like a huge curtain, without any stars, and the bleak moonlight is covered by layers of dark clouds, giving off a faint brilliance.A gust of wind blew across the small courtyard of Jueyue Court, fluttering in the courtyard, the wind lifted the gauze on the screen window, the people in the room were talking enthusiastically, no one noticed that a touch of red sneaked in here……

Even if the Jueyue Villa is heavily guarded, it can't stop him from traveling around the city!
His figure like a civet cat quickly flashed past Jue Yueting, through the window, he happened to see Elder Mengyue and Xuanyuan Zihong who were talking carefully, the two were talking happily, and did not notice what happened by the window at all. subtle things.

"I said, Mengyue, it's not easy for that old Zhuyueqing to wake up, and I want to recruit both of you back to the palace. Although others think it's a good thing, but I always feel that there is some kind of conspiracy..." Xuanyuan Zihong was dejected , that dignified and upright aura also disappeared, no such aura at all, but as cowardly as a timid little thief.

"How many times have I said, you call my king by name, you are not afraid of losing your life, but I can't afford to lose my old life!" Elder Mengyue stroked his gray beard, and his callused hands had turned pale. Dry, with bulging veins, he has lost the beauty of the past. From a distance, he looks like a fairy descending from the world, with a chivalrous and tender heart, but he looks like a bad old man up close.

"Mengyue, what I'm talking about is the worry in my heart. If I didn't lock Shuangshuang in the bellflower garden today and let Chunhua and Qiuyue take care of her, I don't think that city girl who doesn't live up to expectations will come up with some bad ideas." Xuanyuan Zihong usually wouldn't talk about the daughter of the separated family, but this time Feng Qingcheng went too far.

You even pushed Jue Wushuang down the back mountain, and there is your Mengyuan Lake below. If it weren't for the presence of Su Sakurayue, I'm afraid, his blood would be cut off from now on.

Although Xuanyuan Zihong is very mean to Jue Wushuang on weekdays, and often pretends to be kind on his face, but what he is most reluctant to part with in his heart is this lonely and helpless little girl. She was born without a mother's love, and he can't love her , because of her inborn powerful thunder light, he was too timid to approach her.

In an accident several years ago, Jue Wushuang walked out of Mengyuan Lake soaked in blood and fell into a coma for a full month.

After waking up, her soul power was gone, and she became foolish.

If it wasn't for this, how could these separated children bully her?

"I still don't understand your thoughts? You just want to survive until the day you get married, hmph, if you let the prince know about Jue Wushuang's current situation, I'm afraid you will not receive an invitation, but..." Elder Mengyue chose He raised his eyebrows, showing a fox-like expression.

Xuanyuan Zihong frowned, "What do you mean, my youngest daughter is pretty, and she is Zhuyueqing's niece. Could it be that she is not worthy of the crown prince?"

"The two of them are cousins. Do you want to be the uncle of the country? If the prince knows that Jue Wushuang has no soul power and is stupid and stupid, what do you think will happen to him?"

Elder Mengyue had a deep meaning and sighed, "Hey, I'm afraid you will receive a divorce letter by then!"

(End of this chapter)

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