Chapter 532 Thousands of scorpions [3]

Jue Wushuang sighed in his heart, and couldn't help thinking, wondering if she would still be so calm at the final moment of parting.

Just as everyone was enjoying their meal, a strange sound came from outside.

There were bursts of wild animal sounds outside, one after another, which made people feel frightening, moreover, very scary.

Jue Wushuang listened for a while, then said lightly: "It should be a wolf howling, don't worry about it."

"No, it's not." Lu Youcheng refuted this point of view, looking at the deep night with scorching eyes, even a little bit of shrewdness was faintly jumping in his eyes.

The crisis seems to be slowly approaching this seemingly safe cave step by step——

Sun Miaoyin looked at them, she couldn't get in the conversation as they kept talking to each other.

She felt that the atmosphere was too cold, and there was only one person hiding on the other side of the cave rubbing her hands silently. The cold wind blew in. She could only look at Lingmai carefully, and wanted to get a word of comfort from him, but she couldn't. Thinking of the nightmare, the eyes were not on her at all.

Forget it, bring shame on yourself.

She felt very cold, and she moved closer to the fire, rubbing her hands together vigorously.

Jue Wushuang glanced at her, thinking that he and she had met after all, so he smiled apologetically.Sun Miaoyin returned a shallow smile.

In the light of the fire, her face looked even more delicate and charming, which was heart-pounding.

The flame jumped suddenly, and then continued to burn, exuding a warm breath.

Jue Wushuang felt very tired, she had exhausted too much from the previous vicious fights, and she also felt very tired, so she slowly closed her eyes.

Lu Youcheng saw that her eyelids were already twitching, and gently held her in his arms, "Go to sleep..."

"Hmm..." With a sound, Jue Wushuang miraculously fell into a deep sleep like this.

Looking at the two people in front of him, Lingmai was very dissatisfied, and just shook his head helplessly, lying on the ground and fell asleep, his long eyelashes fluttered from time to time, and his expression looked extremely uncomfortable. stable.

Sun Miaoyin slowly returned to her position, curled up in a corner with her long hair loose, and hugged herself into a ball.

She gently closed her eyes, thinking that even if they didn't want to see her, at least now, they could rely on them.

After Jue Wushuang closed his eyes, Lingmao's eyes fell on her face, staring at her for a long time.Her eyes are so bright, it will make people's heart beat faster unconsciously.And that long black hair, it must be very soft to the touch.

The firewood crackled, and Jue Wushuang, who was in a light sleep, frowned slightly, as if he was a little uneasy.

She looks cold, but actually has a kind heart.

If it wasn't for Lu Youcheng's disapproval, Sun Miaoyin might not be so embarrassed, and the apprentice he chose really had a kind heart.It's just that in this world, it's okay for you to be kind, but you must not be used by others.

Nightmare's eyes gradually softened, and he didn't even notice it.

Unknowingly, he has developed a trust in her that he has never had before and a trace of concern that he cannot explain.

It seems that it has exceeded the scope that should exist between master and apprentice...

Sun Miaoyin kept her beautiful eyes open, silently looking at the three people opposite, thinking carefully in her mind.

In the middle of the night, everyone was sound asleep, only the Nightmare was still guarding. After all, he was a divine beast with better physical fitness than humans, so things like night watch must have fallen on him.

(End of this chapter)

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