The demon king grabs the concubine: the waste material soul master will defy the sky

Chapter 586 Absent from the Trial Competition Preliminary Competition [5]

Chapter 586 Absent from the Trial Competition Preliminary Competition [5]

And people also gave them a name, White Lotus.

If it sounds good, it's a white lotus, but if it sounds bad, it's a green tea bitch.

She pretends to be a beautiful lotus on the outside, but her heart is probably even more sinister than the mud under the lotus!
The shadows of the trees are whirling and the sunshine is charming.

The wind whistled, bringing up a burst of poplar flowers in the garden without a shadow, and above the bright clear sky, a round of red sun dazzled people's eyes.

Trees and vines wrapped around the wall, and bees and butterflies fluttered among the branches. At this moment, Xuanyuan Ningyue looked even more pitiful under the clusters of flowers.

Seeing Xuanyuan Ningyue like that, Yun Shu felt a little at ease.

This person usually has no good intentions, but he didn't expect to take the opportunity to be tricky now.

Xuanyuan Ningyue's teary eyes were tearful, and when she raised her head slightly, her eyes were already swollen from crying, and Yun Shu was even a little dumbfounded.

How long have you been crying? This person really knows how to pretend.

In the past, it was impossible for modern actors to shed tears when they were filming like she did. At any rate, they had to be given time to brew, and some even used eye drops directly.

Yun Shu felt that after traveling here, the people and things she saw here could only be described in one word.

That is God!

Attached to this group of people, crazy.

Really pretending to be a poor white lotus.

Empress Liu couldn't be more distressed when she heard this soft voice?
Seeing Xuanyuan Ningyue kneeling on the ground and refusing to get up, she felt even more distressed and hurriedly buried her body to pull her up, "Ningyue, you girl... get up quickly, if you have anything to say, the queen mother will decide for you .”

"What's the matter with this girl? She was fine at dinner last night?" Zhu Yuehuang looked at Xuanyuan Ningyue and felt very distressed, because he had never had a daughter who could talk like this, and was an excellent person.

Although Princess Yingyue is his own daughter, she has never cared about him.

Therefore, as soon as Xuanyuan Ningyue came to the palace, she kept eating, drinking, and chatting with the empress and the emperor for three days, and even squeezed the heart of Emperor Zhuyue tightly, so now Xuanyuan Ningyue But a piece of meat in his heart.

When people are old, what they lack is a child who can make them feel at ease.

Seeing that all the princes have grown up and started to have their own affairs and development, talking to this old man is also aggressive. It is rare to see a child like Xuanyuan Ningyue, and the parents are short-tempered.

Therefore, Emperor Zhuyue loved Xuanyuan Ningyue very much.

Not only were countless silks and satins and pearly jade articles rewarded, but also countless gifts of silver were sent to her residence.

This kind of generosity made Empress Liu very happy, and she felt that the adopted daughter she had recruited was the best and the most caring.

"Father, I won't get up." Xuanyuan Ningyue cried, her eyes were bloodshot.

"What's the matter, the girl said who bullied you, the father will decide for you." Emperor Zhuyue held her hand, but Xuanyuan Ningyue refused to get up.

"I'm afraid... I dare not say." Xuanyuan Ningyue murmured, but she dared not say who it was.

Empress Liu raised her eyebrows, her voice raised a tone decisively, her eyes swept over everyone, she glanced at Lu Youcheng, and then at an unknown girl who got up just now.

"Why don't you dare to say it? Who is that person? The queen mother must find her out. What's wrong, you dare to bully me. Now who doesn't know that you are my adopted daughter?"

(End of this chapter)

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