The demon king grabs the concubine: the waste material soul master will defy the sky

Chapter 609 Absent from the Trial Competition Preliminary Competition [28]

Chapter 609 Absent from the Trial Competition Preliminary Competition [28]

"Shuang'er, I'm afraid this is not good?" Empress Liu looked at Jue Wushuang as if she really wanted to teach others, but she was thinking about it.

After all, she still likes Xuanyuan Ningyue quite a lot. If she didn't feel that she was woken up by Jue Wushuang just now and felt that this person was a bit pretentious, Empress Liu might still think that Xuanyuan Ningyue is a very good girl.

It's just that Jue Wushuang just waved his hand, "Auntie, you can't do this."

"Some people haven't reached that position yet, and they start to think about getting the moon first, how to curry favor with others, and even more how to punish others. Moreover, she lied."

Jue Wushuang seemed to know that Empress Liu would help Xuanyuan Ningyue to speak, and thought about it fiercely in her heart. This person has a big heart. It seems that Xuanyuan Ningyue is already very deep in Empress Liu's heart. .

If you don't teach her a lesson and let her show her true colors in front of Empress Liu, I'm afraid her tail will be pulled to the sky!
"Lying?" Empress Liu raised her eyes and took a deep look at Xuanyuan Ningyue. She thought that Jue Wushuang had forgotten about this matter, so why did she suddenly switch to this topic again.

Could it be that she lied to herself that she didn't know Yun Shu at all?


Things can be big or small, and if she knows that she is behind her back, I am afraid that Jue Wushuang will turn against her. She can't ruin her reputation because of such a small matter!

Glancing at Xuanyuan Ningyue, Empress Liu pretended not to know anything, walked up to Jue Wushuang kindly, took her hand, and said affectionately: "Shuang'er, I heard that you are sick, let me see , tsk tsk tsk... It seems that you are really emaciated a lot, Shisan, you have to take good care of the little girl."

It seemed that after explaining it earnestly, Empress Liu seriously talked to Jue Wushuang about the family's faults, but Jue Wushuang didn't follow suit, and wanted to use this to change the subject so that she wouldn't pursue it any further?

That is impossible.

Jue Wushuang replied with a smile: "Thank you, aunt, for your concern. I'm fine. I must have been mad at Sister Xuanyuan. I felt a little uncomfortable just now."

"..." Empress Liu said in a dumb voice, why did she go back to Xuanyuan Ningyue's head again, Gan Qingjue Wushuang didn't want to let Xuanyuan Ningyue go at all.

She said again and again, "Shuang'er, tell me quickly, what happened to that girl Xuanyuan Ningyue, she has a very good heart, how could she lie?"

"She's lying when she says she doesn't know Yun Shu." Jue Wushuang replied truthfully, her eyes couldn't help but take a deep look at her, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, as if she wanted to eat Xuanyuan Ningyue drop the same.

Xuanyuan Ningyue started to be startled, startled, almost jumped up, refusing to admit her mistake, and shouted again and again: "I really don't know her, princess, don't be wronged Good man, how could I know her?"

"She said she was your girl, but I have never seen this person in the house, and there are so many girls in the house, how can I remember all of them clearly and have seen each of them?"

" said you didn't know him?" Jue Wushuang felt that Xuanyuan Ningyue was hopeless, and shook his head repeatedly, "Then why don't you know my jade pendant?"

(End of this chapter)

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