The demon king grabs the concubine: the waste material soul master will defy the sky

Chapter 612 The provocative person is quite provocative [1]

Chapter 612 The provocative person is quite provocative [1]


Xuanyuan Ningyue really went all out this time, and immediately raised her hand, looking at Jue Wushuang, "I just don't know her, Yun Shu, a bitch, used to act like a bitch when doing things in my hands, It's cheap now!"

"Under your command?" Yun Shu narrowed her eyes and looked at Xuanyuan Ningyue coldly. Indeed, she didn't want to know her.

Because Yun Shu was her maid, but was later sent to Jiejiaoyuan and became Jue Wushuang's maid, but instead went against her, so even if Xuanyuan Ningyue was killed, she would not say that she knew this person.

But as soon as these words came out, Xuanyuan Ningyue felt that she had said the wrong thing.

Because she saw a deep inquiry in the corner of Lu Youcheng's eyes, that look seemed to be suspicious of her, and the smile on the corner of his mouth seemed to be full of sarcasm.

Only then did Xuanyuan Ningyue feel that she was in trouble, as if a catastrophe was imminent.

However, when a catastrophe was imminent, they flew separately, Empress Liu suddenly said coldly: "Working under your command?"

"Girl Ningyue, didn't you say that you don't know her at all?" Empress Liu looked at Xuanyuan Ningyue in disbelief, with a trace of disbelief in her eyes, in fact, she naturally knew it in her heart.

Xuanyuan Ningyue's jealousy was stronger, probably because Yun Shu accidentally tripped her up, so she wanted to use some methods to deal with her, but she didn't expect to beat the dog to see its master, so she probably fell into it this time.

Of course, it is impossible for Empress Liu to say good things for Xuanyuan Ningyue. Naturally, like a grass on the wall, she favored Jue Wushuang. Instead, she asked Xuanyuan Ningyue as if she was upholding justice: "Girl Ningyue, since you know Yun Shu , Why don't you talk about it properly, do you have to embarrass a servant?"

"This... is your fault."

Xuanyuan Ningyue nodded, then shook her head suddenly, "Because what she did before was too much, so I don't want to say I know her."

Jue Wushuang glanced at Empress Liu, and just snorted coldly, "Xuanyuan Ningyue, Yun Shu is mine, I didn't care what she did to you before, but I have been with her for so many years, she is a good girl , if it wasn't for you to pick and choose, how could you have a bad impression of her?"

Xuanyuan Ningyue was stunned for a moment, then suddenly said: "Hmph, if she hadn't stood in front of you every time, do you think you would have survived to this day?"


Xuanyuan Ningyue's words were astonishing, almost everyone looked at her, but she didn't feel ashamed at all, but looked at her, and immediately shouted: "If it wasn't because of you, how could Feng Qingcheng die? How could Liu Piaopiao die, now my uncle's life and death are unknown, what I got is his white bones."

"If it weren't for you, the disaster star, how could Jue Yue Villa become a dead city?"

The more she spoke, the more sad she became, her eyes were already red from crying, and she looked at Jue Wushuang with an extremely ugly expression. "You disaster star!"

Empress Liu shook her hands and shouted loudly: "Xuanyuan Ningyue, do you know what you are talking about!"

Xuanyuan Ningyue glanced at Jue Wushuang and Empress Liu, and sneered coldly, "Do you think I envy the life in the palace? In fact, what I really want to do is to kill you, the scourge. The ancestor's words are right, Lei Soul masters of the department should not stay in this world!"

After finishing speaking, she didn't even care about the pain in her feet, and rushed towards Jue Wushuang's direction with a brisk step, a talisman paper floated out of her hand immediately, a ray of light flashed, and a huge horse appeared in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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