Chapter 624 The Light Shines in the Rematch 【3】

Before everyone could react, they saw a black shadow falling from the sky.

When it hit the ground, several bones were broken!
The referee was almost dumbfounded, Feng Ruixi lost!
He was thrown out of the field directly. The rules of the game were that if he didn't throw it out of the field, it would be an automatic forfeit, because he had already been thrown out, and he would lose.

Moreover, when the referee walked in front of Feng Ruixi, what he saw was his pale face.

The whole person had already rolled his eyes, and Lei Suo on the stage said coldly: "Win or lose is decided, what, you think he is alive?"

"Dead?" The referee was furious, yelling at "Mo Shangxing" who looked at him in bewilderment.

Lei Suo just smiled, looked at the referee, and smiled coldly. "Just passed out."

"Okay..." The referee wiped the sweat off his face, and glanced at "Mo Shangxing" with some gloom. He shook his head helplessly. He had originally announced that Feng Ruixi had won the game, but he didn't expect that Mo Shangxing would actually win the game. can be reversed.

This simply shames all soul masters!
A low-level soul master actually won.

so amazing.

The referee watched the crowd in the audience coldly and announced the result of the game.

At this moment, Lei Suo used Mo Shangxing's body to obtain the qualification certificate for the next match.

It was at this moment that Jue Wushuang saw Feng Mengchu.

Now she is followed by countless servants every time she goes out, as if she has the airs of a princess.

Feng Mengchu saw Jue Wushuang in the crowd, she just nodded and smiled at her, and then rested on the guest stage.

There was nothing interesting in these few competitions, until a man and a woman came up.

Zhong Li and Lu Heng went into battle together, but they met an opponent they were not familiar with.

The whole body of that person was wrapped in a deep black cloak, and there was a ghostly aura in his whole body, which looked gloomy and frightening.

His walking steps are very steady, and it seems that every step has the aura of overpowering everyone.

Who is this guy?
Jue Wushuang couldn't help worrying about the two of them. Although the two of them worked together very well, this person should not be underestimated.

At the moment when Jue Wushuang was suspicious, Lei Suo also quietly returned to her body, while Mo Shangxing passed out on the ground with the promotion book for the competition and was carried away.

Many people were sweating for him. Fortunately, he won the game. The fainting now may be caused by exhaustion. After all, the explosive power of Mo Shangxing just now may have been premeditated. Catch the turtle in the urn, and then draw the salary from the bottom of the pot.

In short, a surprise, so that everyone is blinded.

Of course, only Jue Wushuang knew that if she hadn't helped Mo Shangxing, then he might not even be able to get up.

"Leso, are you alright?"

"Now you know you care about me?" Lei Suo was still cold.

"Is it enough to care about you? Well done, I won't bother with you in the future." Jue Wushuang smiled contemptuously.

"In short, be careful of anyone who gets close to you, I don't even bother to say more." Lei Suo said suddenly, then turned around and entered the depths of the prison again.

Jue Wushuang sneered suddenly, "Since when did you start caring about my life? Wouldn't it be better if I died?"

After being silent for a while, Lei Suo suddenly said: "Now that I have a five-element soul master, when will you release me?"

(End of this chapter)

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