Chapter 636 The Light Shines in the Rematch 【15】

After the arena was cleared, the entire arena seemed extremely empty, with dust flying around, and even a little bit of falling.

Emperor Zhuyue looked deeply at Zhuzhanhuang under the back seat and the princess Feng Mengchu beside him, his eyelids darkened, he didn't know what was going on in his heart, and his attitude was obviously a little uneasy.

Dean Li He's slender figure walked up quickly, and walked under Zhuyuehuang.

"Your Majesty, it's about time to start."

"Go..." Zhuyuehuang raised his hand, and there was an inexplicable ripple in his eyes, whether it was deep, affirmative, or a kind of worry.

Today is her 17th birthday.

It is also the time of her transformation.

If she becomes a god, then everything is meaningless.

If so, become a demon.

He must stop it!
Awakening to become a demon, or becoming a god, will go through a duel.It is a blessing or a curse, and the awakening can only be completed after going through the most painful smelting.

Dean Li He immediately looked at the several elders, and they stood in the open space on one side, forming a formation, each sitting with a formula in their hands, and the Ming Sanskrit sound came out from their mouths, and Li Heyuan who took the lead The long, old hand stretched out from the wide sleeve, and took out something like a plate.

The spells in his mouth alternated and changed constantly, and his voice vibrated, but he couldn't hear what he said.

I saw a red light flying out from the middle of the plate, and surrounded the other elders impressively.

A strange totem flew out of it along with the plate, starting from the place where the elders were standing, a totem appeared out of thin air, similar to the pattern of a six-pointed star array, glowing and burning.

A strong force flew out of the six-pointed star array, but it didn't move forward, but only slowly accumulated there, ready to go.

What is this weird formation...

"Brother, what are they doing?" Ni Yu, who couldn't understand, opened her curious eyes and asked softly.

The hair suddenly flew up, the long hair was straight, the scarlet eyes were wide open, and there was a taste of bloodthirsty flowing out of them, Ni Guang quickly walked towards Nan Chu Nongyun, with a serious face, looked at him coldly, coldly He shouted coldly: "You lied to me?"

Seeing Niguang coming, Feng Mengchu on the side poured him a cup of scented tea without stopping, and said softly, "Come here, try the cherry blossom tea I brewed these days."

I saw her hands gently sprinkle the cherry blossom petals on the water, gently cover the tea lid, and the clear clothes were gently flirtatious in the wind, and there was a touch of beauty.

When the fingertips touched the water surface lightly, the petals of the cherry blossoms turned bright red, like blood!
"This cherry blossom tea, I call it Cherry Fragrance. Although it tastes bitter, it is sweet in the mouth." He handed the cherry fragrance to Ni Guang naturally.

However, Ni Guang took it and didn't even take a second look. He gently held the teacup with his hand, and it shattered!

There was a crisp crackling sound in the air, and blood slowly flowed down the big snow-white hand...

"Brother, you..." Seeing that his hands were bleeding and still holding her, Niyu couldn't help but exclaimed, "You're hurt, brother."

However, the pair of bloodshot eyes looked at him suddenly, with such terrifying eyes, Niyu dared not speak any more, her voice was stuck in her throat, and she could only look at him.

"Why did you lie to me?" Ni Guang asked again.

Zhu Zhanhuang looked at him with indifferent eyes, and the warmth on his face was obviously not moved by this scene.

(End of this chapter)

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