Chapter 642 Transformation!Who is the sincerity【1】

Li Chenxing was controlled by a demonic barrier just now, and those were not his own choices, so when he woke up, it was difficult for Ni Guang to grasp what would happen to him.

However, Zhuzhan Huang did not speak.

Just drinking the cherry wine without saying a word.

Looking at the stage silently, Ni Guang sighed.

I can only follow his train of thought lightly...

Maybe, maybe Li Chenxing won't do anything that violates ethics.

Hopefully, there won't be a war.

Ni Yu looked at Ni Guang, "Brother, is Brother Chen Xing asleep?"

Ni Guang looked at him and shook his head slightly: "Yu'er, you will understand when you grow up."

"Brother, he was so scary just now, those eyes are so scary!"

Ni Guang smiled slowly, but did not speak.

And over there, Jue Wushuang, who was restricted by vitality, watched Li Chenxing go out.

She hurriedly wanted to catch up, but found that she couldn't move a step at all.

The whole person seemed to be trapped here, and in the distance, there seemed to be a pair of eyes watching her every move, but she didn't know who that person was at all.

Because in this place, you can't see anything happening outside at all.

Danger looms every step of the way.

"Master, master, what's wrong with you?"

Pippi quickly saw something was wrong with Jue Wushuang, she seemed to stop moving.

And where it was standing, a hexagram formation suddenly appeared!
It yelled, "Master, speak up!"

However, Jue Wushuang just lowered his head silently, and the thunder anger in his hand had already turned into a coat of arms and flew back to his arm.

The strong pressure absorbed her whole body, she had no strength to resist, and could only let the pressure absorb all her consciousness.

Pippi stared at Shui Lingling's eyes, she was standing less than a foot away from him, but the strong spiritual pressure made it almost unable to breathe.

Dangerous messages immediately covered its forehead.

"Girl, I'm calling you, sir!"

Jue Wushuang never liked to hear such words, but this time, she still didn't respond.

Looking at the elders on the periphery, it frowned. They were all sitting cross-legged in their positions. In the southeast, northwest, and directions, there was a ray of light shining in all directions.

A series of strong winds blew, and a series of thunderbolts began to split lightning in the lineup.

Bursts of inaudible incantations spewed out from the mouth, and the white hair of several elders was disheveled by the strong wind, but they still couldn't stop their movements.With their bursts of singing, the pressure ahead became even greater.

Oops, Five Elements Formation!

At this time, the Five Elements Formation!
It was only then that Pippi realized why Lu Youcheng didn't dare to come, such a powerful formation, it was just a young beast, and it was overwhelmed by this powerful spiritual pressure.

What's more, Lu Youcheng is just one person, if he is involved, maybe he will be out of his wits.

Even a cultivation base like Lu Youcheng is afraid of this place, what is it, a divine beast that is still in its infancy?
It couldn't stand the toss at all, the powerful spiritual pressure made Pippi breathless, it wanted to contact Jue Wushuang through its own spiritual consciousness, but there was no sound, no response.

It was as if a thrown stone had been thrown into a deep pool of water, without any sound or response...

(End of this chapter)

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