Chapter 644 Transformation!Who is the sincerity【3】

Pippi closed her eyes slowly, the last thought that flashed through her mind was Jue Wushuang, you want to live, even if it costs my life.

The blood flowed to the eyes, and there seemed to be a reaction in the heart, and the Lei Suo emblem on the wrist was shining fiercely!

The purple light became stronger and stronger, and she gradually recovered her sanity.


An urgent cry came from behind,

Jue Wushuang flew out in a hurry, just in time to catch the blood-colored Pipi who was about to fall to the ground and hugged him. After a little inspection, it was okay, but he was seriously injured and passed out.

It's just that the blood spurted out is a bit shocking. What kind of powerful force can have such power?
In front, the formation with flashes of purple light is guarded by five elders, and the surrounding Sanskrit sounds are even louder than before.

The five-element formation turned out to be a five-element formation.

That snow-white body was flying in the air, his eyes flashed, with one red and one black Shura aura!

Moon Emperor, are you so impatient to get Lei Suo's power!
He clenched his hands tightly, hugged Pippi in his arms, squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at the Moon Emperor sitting on the elegant seat. He was wearing a bright yellow imperial robe, his eyes were cold, but the corners of his lips were curled up. A touch of evil.

It was an evil aura no less than his, and it was an aura of a king from birth, and there seemed to be a kind of domineering, a kind of oppression invisibly.

The purple light emanating from the body flashed rapidly in the air.

It turned into countless purple rays of light, flying towards the surroundings one by one inch by inch!

The woman in the middle, wearing a light blue shirt, has a thin body and a pale face without any trace of expression.

There is some voice blocking him, some low roar coming from behind.

A thrill!
Jue Wushuang opened her eyes, and the voice seemed to be behind her, pulling her back from the confusion, and she couldn't believe what happened in front of your eyes with a shock.

It was like having a dream, that dream was so real, even the pain in her body was so real that she gritted her teeth.

Where he was standing, a seven-star formation suddenly appeared!The purple totem rose slowly in the air, as if aware that she had woken up, the purple vitality began to boil, wrapping her tightly, and she was already stepping on the center of the formation!

Inside the formation, she couldn't see or hear anything.

There is a fuzzy purple in front of my eyes, which cuts off everything from the outside world.


I was roaring in my heart, but I only saw the flashing light of the coat of arms, and I didn't see any movement of Lei Nu at all.

Damn, what did these people do to her!
Why didn't Lu Youcheng come to help her, why?
Now I'm afraid I can only pray to myself.


Roaring through the air, he made a formula in his hand!

However, I only saw a little fluctuation in the formation.

But Lei Nu couldn't get out of his body at all, as if he was being handcuffed by something.

The elders of the five square formations in the outside world darkened, but immediately recovered, and quickly made an ancient seal.

All the thoughts just came back to my mind, and my whole body seemed to have fallen into a deep pit. The spiritual energy in my body was gradually disappearing, and finally I didn't even have the strength to lift my legs.

Where is this, what kind of weird formation?

But it's not like the phantom killing formation that I have encountered before, but an ancient formation.

(End of this chapter)

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