Chapter 646 Transformation!Who is the sincerity【5】

"Is the future really important? But my sister has never done anything to hurt us. She is so good, why did you kill her?" Zhu Yetong couldn't figure it out. It turned out that he was also caught in a trap. He always thought they It's for her own good.

However, he pushed her to death step by step!
"Tongtong, you are still young, so you won't understand your father's good intentions."

Zhu Zhanhuang gently wiped the tears dripping from his cheeks, even if his heart felt a little pain, he had to tell himself that he had to endure, he had to be cold, and he had to be cruel!

All of this is the so-called fate, if the reincarnation of Phoenix Beichenxing was not her, then nothing would have happened.

However, there are many things to blame, but you can't help yourself.

Therefore, it is just a small trick to use all means. If Jue Wushuang is a chess piece, if it is done well, the whole world will be safe and peaceful... All the people of the entire Zhuyue Dynasty will lose their lives!
The stakes are too high and too cautious.

However, it is only a gamble.

"I don't understand, what Jiangshan Sheji, don't I understand?"

Zhuyetong grabbed Zhuzhanhuang's hand, held back the tears in his eyes, and sprinkled them on his face one after another, those eyes were already red and swollen from crying.

Born in the emperor's family, why didn't he know that his position was at stake, and why didn't he know that he couldn't help himself.

But, why did Jue Wushuang have to be killed.

Is it because she is Zhu Zhiyun's daughter?
Just because he wanted to get her powerful power, did he commit murder!

The reality is cruel, he is not reconciled.

Biting his lips tightly, Zhu Yetong coaxed his eyes to stare at Zhu Zhan Huang coldly, "I am eight years old, which day did I not live in such an environment? Don't I understand?"

"Sister Su Sakurayue has no news until now. Other princes will also fight in the frontier. How can I not understand this? This is what you call scheming, this is the so-called cruel heart of the emperor?" The scars, the kind of scars that linger, and you will feel the pain in your heart just by looking at them.

"Tongtong..." Zhuzhanhuang didn't know how to persuade him, although Tongtong was the youngest prince, but he thought more and more broadly than anyone else.

But he is the future Emperor of the Moon Dynasty, and his compulsory course is to learn to be cruel.

"Brother Prince, let me go. I'm going to save her. It's still too late. I won't just watch you torture her like this. I don't want the country, I don't want the people to fall into misery! What I want is her to live!" the corner of her mouth It has been bitten by the teeth, a trace of blood hangs on the lips, and there is even a trace of determination in the voice.

There was light in his eyes, and that light was anger and complaint.

"Tongtong, don't be impulsive!" Zhuzhanhuang is not Zhuyetong's opponent, so he can only calm him down with his own words.

But it's already reached this point, if Zhuyetong is one step late, she will die.How to calm him down? "Let go!" Xuehong looked at the sky and was about to roar out Companion Ling Ziyan.

At this moment, Zhu Zhanhuang suddenly hit him hard on the back of the neck, Zhu Yetong didn't expect him to make such a move, he was dumbfounded, and passed out.

"This woman must never be kept. I'm sorry, Tongtong. Brother Prince can't promise you to keep her." His eyes were deep, like a pool of water, and the bottom could not be seen.

Zhu Zhanhuang's eyes turned away, and he raised his eyes to look at the five squares.

The purple light was stronger than before, and that kind of strong power, like an ancient legend, made people feel a faint admiration in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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