Chapter 661 Breaking the Cocoon into a Butterfly [11]

I don't even know how dangerous the situation Jue Wushuang is facing here.

"No..." He chased after Jue Wushuang, however, the dream came to an abrupt end at that moment.

There was a suffocation in his chest, and the suppressed emotions made his whole body feel cold, and he opened his eyes.

He saw Zhuyuehuang waving at him, and he walked towards him slowly in a little confusion, seeing his unfamiliar eyes, the helplessness in his heart was magnified, with a cold face, he shouted at the sky One sound, "Zi Yan!"

Immediately, the purple flame unicorn appeared out of thin air.There was a hint of caution and fear in his eyes, and his sullen eyes looked straight at Emperor Zhuyue.

"Father, why are you so cruel to my sister? I don't want her to die, I don't want her!" Zhu Yetong's eyes instantly turned blood red, and there was a slight blur in front of his eyes.

"Tongtong, she won't die. What I want is Lei Suo, the beast in his body. Then we can rule the world." Moon Emperor's eyes darkened, and his voice did not fluctuate.

Zhu Yetong looked at him coldly, "Being born in the emperor's family, do you have to sacrifice your friends! No, if that's the case, I'd rather not be the prince!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around resolutely, jumped onto Zi Yan's back quickly, and hummed softly, "I would rather not have this world, I only want her to come back alive!"

Just like what she said, only one friend is enough.For this friend, he would rather hurt himself.

"Tomi Tong!"

Emperor Zhuyue immediately had a kind of anger that hated iron but not steel. Seeing Zhuyetong's resolute posture that didn't even look back, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. Did he go wrong for all this?

He won the country, but he couldn't get the love of the emperor. He won the country, but lost the true love, so what is it!
Yun Shu raised her lips and smiled. When she smiled, her eyes were like crescent moons, and her smile like feathers falling was so soft and beautiful that people were tempted. With a wicked smile, even the two willow leaf eyebrows had soft ripples. "Moon Emperor, perhaps, your wishful thinking was wrong."

"Huh?" Zhu Yuehuang didn't understand what she meant, and glanced at her inexplicably, his brows were a little moved.

Twelve raised her exquisite face, facing Emperor Zhuyue, and smiled.He suddenly raised his voice, "Of course, so many people don't want her to die, so she won't die."

"You won't be easily used by you, Moon Emperor, you underestimate our young lady's power too much." Shiliang said quietly, and turned his eyes to look at the formation.

It turns out that he has always been such a powerful existence, Hua Sang, you really underestimated you!
Are you desperate to save her because of your innate bond?

Is this a blessing or a curse...

Squinting his eyes deeply, Zhuyuehuang sighed, his brows raised involuntarily, looked deeply at Zhuyetong and Li Mo who were blocked from the restriction of vitality, shook his head, and raised his hand to touch Chin, thin lips parted slightly, "Could it be that the widow really did something wrong?"

"No, absolutely impossible."

"I am for this country, for a stronger power!"

The sound is like a gentle wind, falling into the air, and can no longer be found.

He followed their gazes, and saw the white light shining brightly in the formation for an instant, and it was impressive that he had entered Huasang just now!
Although, it was just an illusory shadow, but with unparalleled strength and persistence, the white light gradually penetrated into the six-pointed star array, and Jue Wushuang's consciousness had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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