The demon king grabs the concubine: the waste material soul master will defy the sky

Chapter 670 Breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly [20]

Chapter 670 Breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly [20]

Hua Sang shook his head silently, with his sleeves flying wide, and there was even a touch of coldness between his teeth, he replied, "Not good."

"Huh?" Suifeng couldn't believe a big question mark popped up in his head.

" talk too much." Slender hands stretched out from his wide sleeves, and Hua Sang hugged Jue Wushuang, who was already resting, in his arms again.

The actions that seemed to be calm and calm, but in fact, a raging fire had already burned in his heart.

Just when Suifeng's face changed and he wanted to open his mouth to refute, Hua Sang continued to raise his voice coldly, "It's very noisy, noisy, like an old lady who keeps playing dishes, it will make people feel very annoying."


Did she hear wrong?Suifeng couldn't believe it, but after thinking about it, she realized where she was wrong, although she was very dissatisfied in her heart, she still silently closed her mouth.

Seeing that Suifeng didn't speak, Hua Sang nodded slightly.


With just a slight sneer, a smile appeared on Hua Sang's face, and his frowning brows immediately eased.

Some words seem to be relieved when they are spoken.

If you go, I will not see you off; if you come, no matter it is windy or rainy, I will pick you up.

This kind of thought is what Hua Sang thought.Jue Wushuang didn't keep him, he could accompany her with a meaningful gesture.

If she doesn't drive him away, he will stay.If she wants him to leave, he will leave.

Unrestrained, decisive and capable, this is him alone.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Jue Wushuang still hasn't moved. Could it be that she fell asleep?But the constant coldness of his body made Hua Sang pale for a moment.

"Sui Feng, did she fall asleep?" Hua Sang asked her.

There were spots of frost on Jue Wushuang's pale face, and even her eyebrows were covered with a thin layer of white frost, and the extreme coldness faintly spread from her body...

Broken Wind lowered his eyes and knew what was going on.It's just that Jue Wushuang concentrated his strength and entered his own consciousness.

But seeing Hua Sang so nervous, she was just about to answer truthfully, when she suddenly thought of what Hua Sang said just now, she raised her face and replied, "Master thinks I'm talkative, so I won't say much."

"Suifeng, don't make trouble." Hua Sang never expected that Suifeng would act childishly.

He stretched out his hand to touch Jue Wushuang's face, it was as piercing as ice, and he touched it down again. Fortunately, her chest was warm, and her body was still warm, but her face was as cold as ice.

As soon as Suifeng heard it, he knew that what he said just now made him a little angry, but she still wanted to moles|moleste|mockery him.

"Master, I really don't know..." There was a hint of coquettishness in her voice, and Sui Feng raised her eyes to look at his empty eyes, seeing the ray of attachment revealed in the innocence of this young man, she just gently With a smile, he turned his back.

"Broken Wind!" Hua Sang frowned, and a cold look flashed across his resolute face, his voice became tougher several times, and the slightly angry tone in his words was obvious.

"Why are you petty? How old are you? Are you still playing with your temper like a child?"


When Suifeng heard this, a black line appeared on his face immediately.

Damn, so the master also likes to use age to suppress himself?Who made her a divine beast? Thousands of years of skill allowed her to transform into an adult. Why didn't you think her master was so annoying before?

This twisted temper is really annoying, what she dislikes the most is threats, even if he is the master.

Sui Feng pursed her lips, and a hint of cunning flashed in her autumn pupils like water. She raised her lips and replied softly, "How do I know what's going on with her? Master, I really don't know."

(End of this chapter)

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