Chapter 684 Adding wings to a tiger [4]

"It seems that I can only be tough." With just a whisper, the movement carried a force that could not be resisted, and suddenly attacked Hua Sang.

Before Hua Sang had time to resist, he felt that his whole body was imprisoned by a powerful force.

A faint ray of light flickered in front of his eyes, he couldn't see it, but he could feel the warmth brought by that ray of light.Sui Feng approached slowly, and then he could see where the light came from, but his eyes were fixed on the inside of the box, where there was a simple ornament about ten centimeters long, which looked like a key, An exquisite family emblem!

There are exquisite flowers printed on it, a snake tail at the end, and a special pattern engraved on the back, this is... this is the charm badge!
The ancient totem exudes a faint strong aura, a kind of natural strength that both Hua Sang and Suifeng present felt oppressed.

Sui Feng squinted his eyes and looked towards that side evilly, that thing was really the Charm Badge.

If it is really in the hands of Lu Youcheng, no wonder he can easily walk into the Five Elements Formation.

Sui Feng squinted his eyes, and carefully looked at Lu Youcheng. The fiery red robe wrapped him tightly, and at this moment, it was like a tumbling tide, constantly setting off waves, covering one after another.

"Don't go back even if you die."

Hua Sang's face turned pale in an instant, his confidence just now disappeared, and he hugged Jue Wushuang tightly in his arms, panting lowly, dripping with sweat.

The indifferent expression on his face was enough to freeze frost and snow, Hua Sang gave a cold drink, and hugged Jue Wushuang tightly, as if he was guarding some precious thing, making people afraid to get close and people not to look directly at it.

Lu Youcheng looked at his stubborn movements indifferently, he didn't stop him, and he didn't stop him forcefully, the power of the Charm Demon Badge had already temporarily sealed all the energy in him, now it was impossible for him to fight with himself.

The real strong man has no heart.He is not a ruler of light, nor a dictator of darkness, but between good and evil, with only one heart, he subverts the whole world.

And Lu Youcheng is just such a strong man, even his frown and smile are fatal.

"Why don't you go back? You have the blood of the royal family!" Just the faint words slipped out of his mouth, and a treacherous smile appeared on Lu Youcheng's face. It landed on Jue Wushuang, "Is it because of her?"

"Don't touch her!" There is a small mouth under the small bridge of the nose, with thin lips, and the corners of the mouth are raised slightly, with a bit of strong resistance.

Hua Sang does not have the slightest smell of human fireworks, his whole person is like a pure white lotus flower, even his angry appearance is so cute.

"She's mine." Lu Youcheng didn't know why he said such a thing. After he said it, he felt a little regretful. However, before Hua Sang could react, he felt that they were standing with each other. The space began to wobble.

Just when Lu Youcheng was about to resist, something faintly stirred in the Five Elements Formation!
A burst of short and sharp voices began to whistle, and in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen black shadows suddenly jumped in from outside the five-element formation, their figures were sensitive and vigorous, and their speed was extremely fast.

They didn't know what it was that broke in suddenly, they clearly ran in, but they couldn't feel any vitality fluctuations, let alone see their appearance clearly.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, the sound, the restless sound is clearer than before.

Lu Youcheng finally saw what they looked like, it was clearly a bunch of fuzzy things!An illusory shadow, with a ferocious face and a blurred and huge figure, moved towards this side swiftly, darting and jumping, as fast as lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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