Chapter 686 Adding wings to a tiger [6]

Crash at a touch.

It's really a one-touch crash!
The rest of the black shadow rushed up immediately, and after a while, all the floating light you Leisuo immediately started to flee. Gradually smaller, many times smaller than before.


The rest of the black shadow rushed up immediately, and after a while, all the floating light you Leisuo immediately started to flee. Gradually smaller, many times smaller than before.

However, this situation didn't last long. Floating Light You Leisuo's reproductive ability is very strong, killing one can give birth to two pairs.Killing is killing, but there is no end.

Those plain white hands were so beautiful, he raised his hands, holding the Charm badge, his forehead was slightly wrinkled, completely ignoring everything in front of him, he used his vitality, and patted towards Floating Light You Leisuo.

But it was useless, Floating Light You Leisuo didn't seem to be afraid of anything, just rushed forward fiercely like this, galloping like a flash flood, and the target of the attack was Jue Wushuang!

Although the thunder light in Hua Sang's hand was powerful, and some floating lights and You Lei Suo would be afraid, but the rest were not at all. Those dark things came from all directions, which caught him off guard.

That pretty face also became serious because of this, it seems that this time is a big deal.

This Floating Light and You Leisuo was obviously attracted by Jue Wushuang's own aura. The formation of the Five Elements Formation had been destroyed, and the Floating Light and You Leisuo was something that was addicted to aura. Obviously, someone obstructed it and led them to the here.

Who is the one?Moon Emperor, or someone else!

The dharma seal in his hand was constantly changing, and the dazzling light of the family emblem made Fuguangyou Leisuo a little timid, not daring to move forward, and could only move towards this

"Lu Youcheng, I think you should not waste your efforts in vain!" Suifeng's voice came, with a hint of contempt in that way.

"It's not your turn to say what I can do." Lu Youcheng raised his hand, and suddenly slapped the Floating Light You Leisuo rushing in front of him, and soon, the Floating Light You Leisuo became a The cloud of black air was scattered, and a burst of howling sounded in surprise.

The black mass is moving forward again, the dense roar is getting closer and closer, and black shadows appear in front of the eyes, densely packed like a tide, rising and falling one after another.

Hua Sang was also unrelenting. After all, he was holding Jue Wushuang to protect her safety. The thunder whip in his hand was constantly raised, and the long whip with golden rays of light flew out continuously, forcing the original The disadvantaged self suddenly had a turning point.

Broken Wind's speed was also very fast, and he withstood several waves of Floating Light and You Leisuo's attacks.

It's like a protracted battle to see who can fight to the end.

Although everyone knew in their hearts that the situation would be unfavorable to them in the end, they still had to fight with their backs, that was the only way to leave here.

In the hearty battle, Lu Youcheng was not injured, and Hua Sang continued to fight, but everyone was even more irritable. With so many flashes of light, how long will they fight!
Everything here is so tense, but Jue Wushuang closed his eyes in the center of his spiritual formation to rest.

"I said girl, aren't you afraid of their death?" Lei Suo hid in the depths of the abyss, his voice seemed to be floating from afar, the voice was ethereal and somewhat helpless.

How could this girl still have the nerve to hide in her spiritual consciousness? If it was different, he would have rushed out and beaten those enemies to death.

(End of this chapter)

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