Chapter 688 Adding wings to a tiger [8]

And the battle outside seems to be getting more intense...

"Master, be careful!" Floating Light You Leisuo poured into the Five Elements Formation more and more, and finally knocked out a few of them, and the ones behind came one after another. You Leisuo patted it with the floating light.

Hua Sang held Jue Wushuang in one hand while fighting, really struggling.

And Lu Youcheng over there was already standing beside him, whispering to him, "Hua Sang, take a step back and let me deal with them."

"I won't let you underestimate me either!" Hua Sang raised his hand, and dozens of golden rays of light moved forward swiftly, with a trace of determination. Afraid, they backed down one after another.And at this moment, Jue Wushuang slowly opened his eyes...

When the phoenix eyes opened, the whole person raised a confident smile.

Jue Wushuang called out in a low voice, "Hua Sang..."

Just a voice stopped all Hua Sang's movements, and he screamed, "Shuang'er, you're awake!" There was a hint of excitement in the corner of his eyes, and the affection was clearly excitement.

"En." After finishing speaking, Jue Wushuang raised his hand, suddenly set off a burst of golden light, and rushed towards Fuguang You Leisuo.

It's just a demonstration, without arrogance or arrogance.

That action caused Fuguangyou Leisuo to retreat one foot away.

"Sure enough, you're still awake?"

Sui Feng looked at Jue Wushuang with a sullen face, the frost on her face hadn't dissipated yet, but she could clearly feel the anger on this man's face, and even the strong aura on her body made her sigh , this is only a short period of time, and her strength has increased a lot.

"Shut up." Hua Sang really didn't like Suifeng's frankness, and his words were inadvertent, and the words he said obviously sounded very unpleasant to his ears.

Suifeng turned pale, bit the corner of his mouth, and looked up and down, only to find that Fuguangyou Leisuo, who had been fighting desperately just now, suddenly seemed to be imprisoned by something, floating in the air, motionless.

Could it be the effect of her simple action?
Can't believe it!
"Hua Sang, let me go." Jue Wushuang looked at his pale face with a sullen face. She heard their conversation. Shi's son, and Lu Youcheng are old acquaintances.

It's a pity that his heart is already hardened, and he will never go back with him, otherwise, maybe she might go to the Sky Palace with Hua Sang.

"Shuang'er, are you really okay?" Hua Sang said, his voice was obviously a little happier than before.

Jue Wushuang didn't speak, just a simple movement, a jump, and he landed in the air, his body floated gently, bursts of golden light rippling on his body, the frost on his face and eyebrows was also in the golden light , disappearing one by one.

Raising her eyes, with the corners of her mouth raised, Jue Wushuang looked at the young man in blue who was standing silently across the way, with a hint of confusion in the corners of her eyes, she chuckled lightly, but her tone was cold! "Lu Youcheng, I only have one thing to ask you."

Such polite and unfamiliar words made Lu Youcheng very surprised.

He opened his lips slightly, "Shuang'er..."

However, before he finished speaking, Jue Wushuang's voice cut him off immediately, "Did you come to me so quickly because of the fragments of the Eight Desolation Map?"

(End of this chapter)

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